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Human Greatness

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2007
by tinydot
Has anybody come across this website?

I just thought we are indeed humans. And I love to be human.

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2007
by bro neo
AH!!! It's a BK site! PUKE!!! Oh excuse me, :P must have had some bad toil.

Being human is not easy now a days. For those having a hard time I have found the Sedona Method to be the most excellent technology for wellbeing.

"In so complex a thing as human nature, we must consider it is hard to find rules without exception." - George Eliot (pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans Cross)

PostPosted: 09 May 2007
by tinydot
Mohini Panjabi wrote:America's part in world history reflects the ongoing human struggle of good over evil, order over chaos. Although America's role in world history is very recent, the story of the world is now very old. This ancient story has grown so complex that it has become difficult to discern truth from fiction. It is a story that to some is now wholly out of control and whose basic values have come into question. It is a story that perhaps has had its day.

Funny, Lekhraj Kirpalani created a fiction in his head naming himself as Prajapati Brahma, then somewhere in time, revised his teachings and introduced the concept of Shiva. After his demise, his followers (Dadis and SS) covered up the real story and created their version of the Yagya (another fiction).

It is a fiction over fiction! Three dimensional, four dimensional, you name it.

PostPosted: 26 May 2007
by sparkal
The term "greatness" is an interesting one. The world (or some) present big Arnie Shwartzenburger to be greatness. We, of course, know that greatness is a far more subtle and more powerful thing. Humility. Love. Simple, natural Peace. The little old lady who struggles to the shops who has been abused by these mindless ***** all her life.

Oh yes, we will be finding out what true "greatness" is.