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Solutions to problems

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2007
by sparkal
Much has been said with regards to BK weakness and "issues" within and to do with the lifestyle and structuring.

This is a thread for offering positive constructive solutions to the issues raised on this site. The spiritual Father does not come and destroy, there is also the offering of solutions, there is also establishment/construction with the destruction (of our weakness and attitudes in particular). So let us offer some solutions.

How could things be improved? There are many subjects to pick from.

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Creation, dissemination and transparent implementation of coherent grievance procedures for dealing with issues arising at centres could improve BK student life greatly. A coherent in-house discussion clarifying the role that VIP service has to play in the revelation of God would similarly improve BK student life.

A reassessment of the usefulness or otherwise of having children - and adults for that matter - exposed to certain aspects of BKWSU teachings that could result in confusion in young minds and feelings of alienation from the world at large would improve BK student life greatly.

BK student life could be improved with the establishment of an open forum for discussing the BKWSU's relationship with and attitude towards PBK's and other similar organisations who at one time or another may have had a connection with the BKWSU.

Clarification about the purpose behind Murli rewrites or so-called revision would help us all. An open discussion on the cultural traditions and background from which Raja Yoga may have come. There appears to be a lot about it that is Hindu Bhakti based yet still we are told that this is Ancient Raja Yoga.

A stop to encouraging the overt adulation of Seniors through terms such as "Trimurti Dadis" or an explanation of why this new trend is necessary for God's establishment of the Golden Age. An open and logical discussion about how the organisation responds to accusations that it is a cult.

PostPosted: 25 Jan 2007
by arjun
Abrahmakumar wrote:Creation, dissemination and transparent implementation of coherent grievance procedures for dealing with issues arising at centres could improve BK student life greatly.

A coherent in-house discussion clarifying the role that VIP service has to play in the revelation of God would similarly improve BK student life.

BK student life could be improved with the establishment of an open forum for discussing the BKWSU's relationship with and attitude towards PBK's and other similar organisations who at one time or another may have had a connection with the BKWSU.

Clarification about the purpose behind Murli rewrites or so-called revision would help us all.

A stop to encouraging the overt adulation of Seniors through terms such as "Trimurti Dadis" or an explanation of why this new trend is necessary for God's establishment of the Golden Age.

I support the above mentioned proposals out of those mentioned in the post made by Abrahmakumar.

There could be many other suggestions. But at the moment, and from the point of view of this forum, my only request to the BKs is to open a way for dialog with those within the BKs (who may like to raise issues) and outside it. Please come and participate in this forum, at least in the BK section. Please answer the queries, at least those related to The Knowledge. And please make the Murlis public, at least for ShivBaba's sake.

When the clarification Murlis narrated by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) containing much more bolder statements than in the Sakar Murlis or Avyakt Vanis could be released in public both in written and audio-visual form, then why hesitation in releasing the versions of God Shiv to His children who yearn for it? No human being can confine God or His Godly knowledge within the confines of four walls. When the bestower of mukti and jeevanmukti has come to give the inheritance of mukti-jeevanmukti to the entire mankind, then why confine the Murlis within four walls? Let the light of knowledge spread far and wide. Let the Ganges of knowledge flow in all the directions.

Please think over and think soon. Time and tide wait for none.

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2007
by sparkal
Thanks for your honest and sincere replies.

The first change I would make would be to impose a ban on the wearing of big fluffy / furry slippers, especially those with spongy animal heads/ faces. These feet gremlins are infiltrating the BKs with the view to high jacking the Godly agenda. Also, they are not centre / house trained.

Socks which have eyes ears a nose or indeed whiskers would also fall into this sinful category. There should also be a foot (slipper) patrol set up to deal with those who think they can get away with it behind closed doors.

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2007
by arjun

This day is being celebrated the world over by BKs as Shivjayanti (or Trimurti Shivjayanti), i.e. Shiva's birthday. :P

ShivBaba says that my birthday is Mother Gita's birthday and my birthday is the birthday of alokik children. :) :lol: :D :)

I wish everyone a happy Shivjayanti. :D

As I was writing some posts on this forum, the BKs of my area were taking out a peace procession along with a music band and two tableaus, one of them with BKs dressed as Lakshmi-Narayan. :lol:


PostPosted: 16 Feb 2007
by bansy
Happy Shivjayanti.

Shivratri is often a popular time for BKs (home and abroad) to go Madhuban to "hoist the flag".

PostPosted: 17 Feb 2007
by arjun
ShivBaba says that my birthday is Mother Gita's birthday and my birthday is the birthday of alokik children.

Avyakt BapDada speaking on the eve of Shivjayanti at Madhuban, Taleti on 15.02.07:

"Aap sabhi bhi aaj vishesh vichitra birthday manaaney aaye ho na! Yah birthday saarey Kalpa may kisi ka nahee hota. Kabhi bhi nahee sunaa hoga ki baap aur bachhey ka ek hee din may birthday ho. Toh aap sabhi baap ka birthday manaaney aaye ho va bachhon ka bhi manaaney aaye ho?"

"All of you have come today to celebrate a special unique birthday, haven't you? Nobody has this birthday in the entire Kalpa. You would have never heard that a Father and a child has birthday on the same day. So, have all of you come to celebrate the Father's birthday or to celebrate children's birthday also?"


Note: The English translation has been done by a PBK

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2007
by arjun

Avyakt BapDada speaking on the eve of Shivjayanti at Madhuban, Taleti on 15.02.07 spoke about the gift that he wanted from his children.

He said that you are celebrating the 70th Anniversary as well as the birthday. So what is the gift that you would give? Would you give a tray? Would you give a bedsheet? What is the gift that you have brought? OK, you might give a silver glass!

Then BapDada said that on this day the devotees keep a night vigil (jaagaran), but you fall asleep in the slumber of carelessness, laziness and excuses comfortably. Further he asked if the children cannot end Anger on the Shrimat of the Father?

So BapDada wants the children to give these three four things (i.e. shortcomings) as gift to BapDada instead of the tray, bedsheet or silver glass!!!

But in spite of BapDada's directions we pile up costly gifts for BapDada (or his children?????) at Madhuban every year, which are then distributed to various VIPs within and outside the Brahmin family.


PostPosted: 22 Aug 2007
by sparkal
The drugs don't work no more. Religion don't work no more. Politics is a waste of time. Marriage Don't work no more. Education teaches nothing. Surely everything cannot be useless can it? Are there things being discarded which may actually be of significant help in the enlightening of humanity?

Perhaps we cannot see the wood from the trees because things have been naturally blurred and distorted, and partly because there are sly manipulators at work who enhance the confusion, if not create it.

SILENCE. This works, I think. I don't think people who have discarded "religion" have such a big problem with the power of silence. It is what we are asked to do in order to experience that silence which causes indifference between people who are at different stages of their own spiritual evolvement.

Let us not chuck the baby out with the bath water, or the bath for that matter as we all, including adults of any age, should try to keep hold of our innocence. A "real man" or a "real woman" may be too embarrassed to do so.

The authorities may not like you retaining or emerging pure spiritual innocence, simply because they may not be able to reach such elevated levels because they are snakes. Their only means to control populations is by degrading the general vibe, energy, awareness, consciousness. We need to take the responsibility as an individual to play our part in what needs to be done now. Not every one needs to do it. The most potentially powerful souls may have been contacted now and are dealing with these issues, or battling more like.

We may only be able to accept silence power as the way forward once we have had it and lost it, checked out other avenues to compare, and then we may well end up naturally discarding the religious ritual and repetition and get on with the silence thing naturally, out of necessity of course.

Are there demons working for God even, who give these potentially powerful souls a very hard time if they start to slack beyond the allocated time of any given tea break? We lazy types may not stand much of a chance then and our only option sooner or later may be to face the music and be what we can be. Not what we were. Those elevated glimpses of the self? Would it be possible were I am not this and even more, at the essence of the being which I am?

Of course, even if a particular path teaches a "non-religious" practise, the individuals are sure to put their traits to work and stir up all the old religious approaches to spiritual practise; possibly derived from previous lives from within themselves as well as the influence from the world. Spiritual practise involves simply being a Spirit, it is what we are, naturally. So why all the religious rigmarole? Is the religious stuff only to bring about the spiritual experience of our natural qualities?

If we have the experience of the words, The Knowledge, then we can use words to talk about the experience. If all we have is words, then all we can talk about is that which may bring about the experiences. I don't know, but the ego may prefer dry knowledge to the actual experience in case it has to TRANSFORM to its natural state of SELF RESPECT.

The definite and fixed hierarchy of spiritual beings who are more important than all others within religious structures? Perhaps it is not people who are important, but what people are doing. Even if we have the potential and know it, we still have to do something to let others know what we have to offer or we will be ignored and shut out rather than helped to play the role which may be in store, or would have been. "what’s for you won't go by you".

And how is it that God does not appear to take this religious approach, (I write with the awareness that there is a "God" or supreme being. Or one we left behind simply to remind us of our own original personality. Created in Gods image) yet we can and do? Are we really that thick and arrogant? Maybe. The first step may be to accept that. It is horses for courses and part of the lesson on humility may be to accept everyone no matter what level they are at spiritually. An arrogant "spiritual type" is no better than an "ignorant shallow type". It is where the ego is placed which matters, or not as the case may be. The ego spectrum.

It can become frustrating being in a world where we have glimpsed something of a higher vibration and the majority of others may appear not to have. It would appear to be something which cannot be forced at will, experience, within the self and others.