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Brother Nirwair's message from Mount Abu

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by mitra
Dear Divine Sisters and Brothers of the global BK divine family,

Hearty Godly greetings for the wonderful beginning of 2007!

The Trimurti Dadis have been adorning Madhuban and nourishing the family, including the International Children's Retreat and International Youth Forum. All of us witnessed how much beloved Avyakt Bap Dada praised both groups on New Year's Eve, while also greeting each of the other members of the global divine family. Thanks to the boons and blessings of present day communication through television and internet, most of our Sisters and Brothers around the globe were united in celebrating the entrance into the New Year with Avyakt Bap Dada and the Dadis.

I am sure everyone feels the deep value of togetherness experienced in such spiritual gatherings. This positive energy makes us feel so special. This intoxication and inspiration of the first hour of the first day of the New Year must have gifted everyone with the invaluable jewels of Baba's wisdom, love and appreciation.

Even the revised Avyakt Murlis of the early 90s are a great source of motivation in checking and changing our course of effort-making. I hope these Murlis enable each one of you to continually visualise your worship-worthy stage, as emphasized by beloved Bap Dada.

Without the input of our own determination in accomplishing our goals, the waves of world transformation cannot gain momentum. A refined understanding of Baba's teachings is the master key for bringing about the desired transformation. Decades ago the BK family had publicised the slogans: "When we change, the world changes" and "Self Transformation for World Transformation"; beloved Baba reminds us to keep active this enthusiasm and drive in order to inspire our new Sisters and Brothers.

During this special month of tapasya, I am sure everyone is receiving Avyakt Bap Dada's inspirations and help to mould one's sanskars and tune them with those of the Creator. Glorification of the Creator very much depends on the angelic stage as achieved by His first gifted, direct creation. Let us realise our great fortune and fulfill our responsibility of being His worthy examples. It is the experience of all the Seniors that whenever Bap Dada inspires us to live up to His great expectations, He always bestows the required vision, guidance and power. May all Brahmins experience the truth of this now and forever....

With multi-million hearty good wishes and Baba's blessings for a powerful month,

Your Spiritual Brother,
BK Nirwair

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by bansy
Even the revised Avyakt Murlis of the early 90s are a great source of
motivation in checking and changing our course of effort-making.

This is rather concerning point made by a senior whom I think does much especially for the overseas family. Just a general query, could you ask BK Nirwair to clarify this ? Why do AMs need to be revised ? I thought only SMs were.

In some other thread, it was discussed that some folks preferred SMs, whilst others preferred AMs. However it looks like Brahmin children are all getting different versions of AMs and SMs, can we be sure which is preferred ?

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Why does the opening of that message above make me chuckle - I do not know what is coming over me. Trimurti Dadis.

I may have an enormous ego, as big as - well I don't quite know what word to use - but did GOD ever tell me about "Trimurti Dadis"? I know that in the realms of chat rooms typing in capital letters is seen as shouting (you should hear how loud I am screaming in my head) but i do not want to use caps in this forum but please BK-dom we aint never heard God yet tell us about the coming of the Trimurti Dadis! So what is it all about?

Is it just a term of endearment for our Seniors? Am i being grossly body conscious? Are we to know by these titles that our Divine senior Sisters have gone beyond into the realms of those that are to be worshipped by the unwashed and BK's alike?

There is another topic discussing the size of badges and this tendency of elevating a human through lofty titles sucks much of the same thing! is this the Bharatwasi way? Am i missing the cultural context here? We were told that there is only one culture when we come to the divine family and that is the BK culture. Surely this 'titulation' :lol: is dangerous. We may erupt and empty ourselves of all spiritual spunk and find ourselves worshipping at feet of clay. Who is encouraging this trend. It was not around when I first came to the Yagya. Is this progress? Well if this small voice is worthy of being heard at all then i can say that I do not think that it is healthy. But it may all be accurate according to drama. Ah well

God forgive me ...

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
i've often heard the Avyakt Murli's being called the revision course. maybethis is what he means?

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by bansy
Trimurti Dadis
Interesting point made, since there are also many other Dadis in the Yagya but they are not one of the "Trimurti" Dadis.

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by john
I also remember my bemusement and the outrageous faces I pulled when I first heard Trimurti Dadis!

But it may all be accurate according to drama. Ah well

It may be accurate that Dadis are unwittingly styling their own downfall.

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
I agree with all that has been said. What is going on? It detracts from reading the content or is it just me and more poor weak stage? God forgive me.
amaranthine wrote:I've often heard the Avyakt Murli's being called the revision course. maybethis is what he means?

Some revision. It is the second time today i used that word in the forum. I wonder what the very old BK's are making of all this 'glorification'? Or do I miss the point. Imagine you are a new student and this is your introduction to the Yagya? What must one think? Or does one just slip into the prevailing circumstances and say: WOW. How special all these BK's are and I too belong!
John wrote:It may be accurate that Dadis are unwittingly styling their own downfall.

And you know what is scary John. I feel that I am entering into the realms of those seeking objectivity. And in a strange sort of way I feel that this is destroying my own dumb acceptance of all that we are told. I know that this is dangerous according to all we hear in BK-dom but there seems to be a path that I have to travel.

Apologies if I lower the tone in the gathering but I think that this whole lark is an invention of some clever person. What the aim is I don't quite know but I do not believe it the way that I used to.

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by arjun
Just a general query, could you ask BK Nirwair to clarify this ? Why do AMs need to be revised ? I thought only SMs were.

Sister Bansy,
Omshanti. Just as the 5 years record of Sakar Murlis of the Brahma Baba era are being revised every five years by the BKs since 1969, in the same way the Avyakt Vanis which have already been narrated since 1969 are recirculated among BKs (one every week) and read in the BK centers every Monday, if I remember correctly. But I am not aware of the criteria that they might be adopting for choosing the date of the old Avyakt Vanis which are revised.

I guess they choose such Avyakt Vanis which have more dharana points, or Avyakt Vanis on a particular topic, like purity, satisfaction, truth, etc. which may appear appealing to the BK students. I am also not aware whether any editing (cutting/changing) is done in such revised Avyakt Vanis or not.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
Avyakt Murlis are read on a sunday at my centre and currently we are reading the Murlis from the early 90s, so in that sense they are being revised, ie re visioned or re-read if you will.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
All the ladies like Nirwair :lol:

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
A lot of the Brothers like him too.

I like his laid back style.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by bansy
Avyakt Murlis are read on a sunday at my centre and currently we are reading the Murlis from the early 90s, so in that sense they are being revised, ie re visioned or re-read if you will.

Brother amaranthine,
English is not my native language, but I think I understand the difference between "revised Avaykt Murlis" compared to "revise the Avaykt Murlis", is the former seems to me to indicate that the document has been changed, whilst the latter seems to mean to re-read the document. Simple past tense and simple future tense of verb.

Brother Nirwair quoted the former.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
it would seem then that you have a better command of English than nirwair does
and me for that matter :D
as these Murlis have not been edited

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by bansy
Yes, English is confusing. I guess you also have a better command of English than both Brother Nirwair and I for eventually working out the forementioned Murlis have not been edited but are revised.

As it is interesting the 90s are referenced, but not the 80s or 70s. We'll just to speculate on "revisions" of pre-90s Murlis then, eh ? Sorry, I won't use "we", replace that with "I".

OK, I am just picky on wordings, we all make boobies now and again, since for many BKs also English is not their native tongue.

But I guess that if none of the Murlis, Sakar or avaykt otherwise, ever got edited or revised or altered or changed or amended or updated or whatever it is the right term to say it is not the full original, then there wouldn't be the mess up in the whatever versions of Murlis there are out there now. Because a Murli would just be called a Murli, and you also wouldn't need a Murli editing team. God wouldn't say anything wrong, but if humans are prone to error in language, then maybe it is best to leave Murlis untouched as possible, otherwise an important passage may be revised inadvertently. Though some others deem to believe they have been removed deliberately :roll:

So, BK Brothers and Sisters, when you go to class tomorrow morning, remember that what you will hear may have missing things that others came before you were lucky to hear, but you are somehow not as lucky to get the full version.

It's not too late to redeem the situation for the benefit of all of us, just as long as it's not one day before destruction, simply cannot cram it all in within a day. Although it only takes a second to study. :P

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
Actually English is my first tongue. I must add though that i often find that non-native speakers of English actually speak better English than i do.

The 90s Murlis are revised as in re-read (not edited). I have Murli books from the 1980s too which i think were printed in the late 80s and early 90s. We have just recently revised (as in re-read) these Murlis in sunday morning class and they were the same, so if they were edited the editing was done before that print run i.e. about 20 years ago.

As for the Sakar Murlis i thought it was common knowledge that they had been cut down. i think the standard 3 page Murli is quite enough thank you - a bit like the one and a half hour film or the 45 minute lecture. So when i go to class tomorrow i will actually consider myself lucky that the Murli is 3 pages instead of say, i don't know, 7 pages.