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Sisters versus Brothers

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by sparkal
In the 25 years that I have been connected to the BKs, no one has ever given an explanation as to why the Sisters are in charge? Would someone from the upper echelons of power care to come on to this forum and explain in detail. Do these Sisters know why they are in charge?

Is it just that they go around with secrets and expect the male populous to practise blind faith? Would it not be more honest to explain in detail during or after the course has been completed?

It is very insulting to expect to control the thoughts, words and actions of others without full explanation of all aspects and reasons why, even if it means admitting that you may not be as big strong and powerful as you would otherwise wish? This is God's business we are dealing with, not some creche where you lie to kids to get them to do what you want. It is insulting, OK? Be honest with souls, and they will return that respect with honesty and not confusion, which leads to anger.

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
In London you will see the worst example of this imho.

Someone asked in another thread if I thought the Sisters like Jayanti are man-haters ... I do think so and they are led by DJ's example.

When Bhog is offered in london, it is 99% Sisters who get asked for this, and they all insist on wearing their hair loose because Dadi does :? Sometimes Dadi will call 2 or 3 more up there so you'll have 5 or 6 of 'em up there ... no men allowed.

Even some of the Sisters without rank object to this and attempts have been made to rectify it by both men and women, but I bet nought has come of it.

Also Maureen let slip once to me that 'Brothers' aren't really encouraged to come and work in the office!!!!!!!!! I was allowed but to get something as worthy as my own email address wasn't easy.

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
i remember about 10 years ago Maureen was visiting our centre and the wise women group came up in the conversation. This is a group for older mothers i think, which is/was well attended. She then went on to say that the Brothers got a bit jealous of this (my words) and decided to create a wise bhais group but it very quickly fizzled out. When she was relating this she did so with a chuckle at the inevitability that this would happened. i honestly thought that she was pleased that this had happened (this is opinion not fact). It is worth remembering that this occurred over 10 years ago and Maureen's attitude may well have changed!

i do think that Sisters are generaly much better at supporting each other than Brothers are. However, there is now something called Men in Spirituality - organised by the BKs - open to the public - where men support each other's spiritual efforts and this may well be more successful than anything the Sisters have organised for the public sisterhood.