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The time for accumulating is now over

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2006
by sparkal
The time for accumulating is over / self respect

It could be said that we have waited a while for this statement. Not out of desire but it was always said to be coming. But what is the true significance in this. Some may say it is the little boy crying wolf again. In short, to my understanding, it means that the desert we have just crossed is fading and the plant life is beginning to grow again around us.

Just when we think that God has abandoned us, the energy starts to flow again, meditation becomes easier, and a honeymoon like time returns. Don't come to me if that does not happen, but at some point, the instruments around the world who have been prepared will have to be used at some point. They were not prepared for nothing. The desert is a necessary part of the training, it makes us strong. I will refrain from mentioning the one set of footprints, and the queens necklace.

So, the time for accumulating is over, the time when it is tough, but any gains are multi-fold, any points scored are also multi-fold. When we receive help, the fruits are said to be less because we are not doing so under our own steam. It is not about the Instruments now in that case, it is about serving others. It is about simply letting go and being the instrument and allowing the source to flow through to the needy. Squabbling amongst ourselves is a luxury, while others starve or wonder what it is all about in general. When the many are ready to take, the Instruments who have been prepared will have to be used. The Instruments need to be prepared first, while the many enjoy the full array on offer from the drama.

Nature seems to be entering a state of flux, water is showing signs of drying up, and there is no telling what the human family face tomorrow. Souls are on edge anyway, even if they don't want to face the reality of it all. Who does? Who cares? Well, many. It may be beneficial in the coming future to say past is past and start afresh, based on what we have learnt from the past. I fail to see how anyone could not benefit from powerful and elevated states of mind no matter what the source. When Brahma takes birth, will Shiva still be able to use that soul as an instrument, or will Shiva have to use another, or, others?

It is remembered that God had many arms. Are they physical ones which run around in "service", or is it a memorial of when the Supreme Soul used many instruments? At that point, the accumulation of spiritual wealth would end because they were not moving along under their own steam. Or is all that just hot air about spiritual wealth to get souls making effort? When clearing the Subtle Regions of souls is mentioned, does it bother you? It shouldn't, otherwise you are attached to someone or other in an unhealthy way.

When the guru dies, the game is over, and the same with Subtle Region Guru's. Their time is finite. Get over it. Become what the teacher has come to teach, an elevated master almighty authority and not a spiritual wimp or beggar. Control the environment within and around you spiritually, it is what the teacher is asking, it is not some type of fascist arrogance. We can feel betrayed by God when things turn sour. Only we can change this feeling. It only takes a second.

I am about to flow into the subject of self respect. It is such an important subject, it deserves its own thread, yet we are already on the subject. There is always the 5 virtues thread for more. One of the most important aspects of spiritual practise, transformation, and of course living in this world is self respect. Unfortunately, it may be easier to understand self respect if put in its negative way. Self respect is the opposite of EGO. Why would The Supreme Soul want to have anything to do with me? We don't want to take too long to get over this one. Nor do we want to over play the fact as someone has to do it. Do what? Go around thinking that they are greater than everyone else? I think we have all seen enough of this be it in the self or others.

Each and every soul in the world family IS great. We have the right to think this, if we do it in the appropriate consciousness. And we also have the right to get it wrong until we get it right, then we will see no right and wrong. We will respect others, because we respect ourselves. If we could erase all past experiences we would have no lack of self respect what so ever. No memories, no past lives, no baggage. When we make our weaknesses work for us, there is more satisfaction. When we transform them into their natural state, it cultivates self respect, we begin to feel that we can do it, with a little help perhaps. How much do I have love and respect for my SELF? This is what determines the degree of respect for others of course.

Perhaps true respect requires a glimpse at least of the true natural eternal personality. The awareness of what, and who I am. Such a being is indeed entitled to self respect and respect for and from others, without seeking respect. This is a fine way of chasing it off. Being eternal, never created, and never gone, it is worth taking a moment to think about this, because it is a life changing realisation, for anyone. And to think that we think the things we think, and do the things we do, in comparison to this eternal self. Beautiful self.
Worth caring for and nurturing. If we don't care for the self, the eternal self, who will?

If God has come, it is for our benefit. Do I feel worthy of this act of benevolence? Or is it someone else who is more worthy? We had better get the answer right to this one, or it could be said that we are lacking self respect. Who else can play our role? No one. The souls of the world have not been reached. They don't want it. Need it? well, subjective surely. The time may come when it is all hands on deck and all this waiting and watching and mud slinging, not to mention confusion is going on.

I fear self respect in case it turns to aloof ego as it invariably does, or can do. Well, we had better avoid self respect in future in that case, it must be bad for us, as well as the one who has allowed us a glimpse of it in its true form within the self. Fear of failure could be said to be a lack of respect. A big one at that given that victory is said to be our birthright. Which suggests that help could be on the way. When we lose the eternal self awareness we lose self respect. When we lose the awareness of eternal drama we do so also. Then things can appear heavy.

Peace and wisdom to ALL *

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2006
by sparkal
Interpreting the teachings is an art-form in itself. The delivery is so humble that we can easily miss the point being expressed from the subtle intellect at work.

For instance, 'the time for accumulating being over'. Could this be a message saying that the time whereby Sisters are "in charge" is over. If you have not developed your male aspect by now, perhaps you are not going to anyway. The aim was always equality and not revenge on the ugly hairy male species. The Murli states that Western Sisters are like Western Brothers, read between the lines here. Cultural differences.

It could also mean that it is time to stop accepting money as news filters through that one can earn a fortune by this that and the other. This may be difficult for souls who are used to thinking 'expansion' and 'accumulate' and build facility's. The teacher requires a different type of contribution now, donation of spiritual wealth. How much spiritual wealth a person has will be the degree to which they can gather interest. Material wealth? well, "money cant buy me love".

The spiritual fat-cats will have learnt many hard lessons, lessons which the material fat-cats may be about to face. That is not to wish sorrow upon others, but one and one must always make two, and the conductor insists that the score moves forward, even if the coming passage is a turbulent one as the timpani dude roles his sleeves up and the string section gets more moody and suspense like. Accumulating, taking in, absorbing. It may be time to give out instead. Instruments don't need to worry, it is the user of the instrument who does all the thinking and discriminating. The instrument just needs to be a pure vessel without blockages and interference. Some blocks need something very strong to clear.

We can accumulate without running around endlessly. The highest form of world service is through the mind. Recall the butterfly who causes a storm on the other side of the planet. It suggests that we may be doing service by simply thinking about knowledge, awareness, and of course there is the 100th monkey effect. So, the two meat eating cats fight and the vegy monkey nicks the butter. Coconut butter I hope.

It is time to spread that which has been accumulated.

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by mitra
8) Om Shanti,
Definitely, The service through the MIND is the most elevated service. We have to have experience to do this service. For that we have to practice it from now itself. This is the only kind of service which we can do in the last moment of destruction. It is very fast and very effective.

MITRA :lol:

collecting souls

PostPosted: 22 Sep 2006
by sparkal
And, of course, there is the accumulating of souls. Converting.

This business of collecting/accumulating souls is a ropey area in anyone's book. What happens next? Are we all expected to return after all the bad behaviour and distorted justification for what has gone by?

PostPosted: 26 Sep 2006
by mitra
:cry: At the last moment of the drama, every one has to return back to the Soul World, after getting Punishments if it has done any sins. :roll:


PostPosted: 11 Oct 2006
by sparkal
Are we not settling these so called sins now? if not, why not? I know, let's wait until Destruction, then make effort. It means I can do nothing now. Is this hell that I have been going through in this world just the Bombay mix before the main course? It is spicy enough? Or are there misinformed views around as to what is to come? Lights out and we all go home together? Being punished? I think we can probably do a little better than that to understand the future. Sure there will be upheavals, but the Murli has said that there will not be total annihilation. So why are people thinking in this way? Is it too many Sakar Murlis? Is it a reflection of the mass BK consciousness, all feeding each others stunted awareness of the near future? Does fear of what is to come really help anyone? If it does, what does it say about these souls?

I, personally, feel that we can make progress without scaremongering and/or ASSUMING what is being meant in the Murli. Don't get me wrong, it can all go up in a puff of smoke tomorow and I won't lose any sleep. :)

Harry Tuttle - spiritual engineer

PostPosted: 04 Nov 2006
by arjun
Omshanti. I have received a photocopy of the Hindi version of the first Avyakt Vani of the season narrated through Gulzar Dadiji on 31.10.06. The page 3 of the AV says;
"Do you want to just pass or pass with honour? Those who will pass would come later also; you have come before 'too-late'; even if someone has come now newly, but the board of 'too-late' has not been displayed. The board of 'late' has been displayed, the board of 'too-late' has not been displayed. That is why even if someone is new, but if they make fast efforts even now, not just 'efforts' but 'fast efforts', then they can gallop ahead, because the number has not come out (i.e. declared). Only two numbers have come out (i.e. declared) - Father and mother. Now the third number of any Brother or Sister has not come out. Although you may say that you love Dadis very much, Father also loves Dadis, but the number has not come out. ... So any new soul can also make up. It is a golden chance. But the board of 'too-late' is going to be displayed soon. That is why do it before time. ... Many Brothers and Sisters think that we should get a little hint that 10 years are remaining, 20 years are remaining, how much time is remaining, but BapDada has said that it is to take place suddenly. One has to be ever-ready. Now accelerate the pace of making yourself and others capable."

The English translation has been done by a PBK.

With regards,

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2006
by mitra
sparkal wrote:Are we not settling these so called sins now? if not, why not? I know, lets wait until destruction, then make effort, it means I can do nothing now. Is this hell that I have been going through in this world just the Bombay mix before the main course? It is spicy enough.

Of course, we are settling sins. But we are knowingly or unknowingly creating new sins also. So, if one is 100% carefull, one can become karmateet.


PostPosted: 20 Nov 2006
by arjun
Excerpts from the latest Avyakt Vani dated 16.11.06, page 2 narrated through the medium of Gulzar Dadiji on the subject matter of this thread:

"Toh samay ka bhi mahatwa attention may rakho. Samay pooch kar nahee aana hai. Kayee bachhey abhi bhi kahtey hain, sochtey hain, ki thoda Silver Age andaaz maaloom hona chaahiye. Chalo 20 saal hain, 10 saal hain, thoda maaloom ho. Lekin BapDada kahtey hain samay ka final vinaash ka chodo, aapko apney sharir kay vinaash ka pataa hai? Koi hai jisko pataa hai ki mai falaaney taareekh may sharir chodoonga, hai pataa? Aur aajkal toh Brahmanon kay jaaney ka Bhog bahut lagaatey ho. Koi bharosa nahee. Isliye samay ka mahatwa jaano. Yah chota Silver Age yug hai aayu may chota, lekin badee tay badee praapti ka yug hai kyonki badey tay badaa Baap is chotey say yug may hee aataa hai aur badey yugon may nahee aata. Yahee chota Silver Age yug hai jismay saarey Kalpa kee praapti ka beej daalney ka samay hai. Chaahey vishwa ka rajya praapta karo, chaahey poojya bano, saarey Kalpa kay beej daalney ka samay yah hai aur double fal praapta karney ka samay hai."

"So pay attention towards the importance of time also. Time will not come with prior permission. Many children say, think even now that we should have a little guess/estimate. Well, there are 20 years, there are 10 years, one must know a little. But BapDada says leave the matter about time, about the final destruction; do you know about the destruction of your won body? Is there anyone who knows that I would leave the body on a particular date; does anyone know? And now a days you offer Bhog frequently in connection with the demise of Brahmins. There is no reliance (guarantee). That is why realize the importance of time. This small age (era) is small in duration, but it is the age of biggest achievements because the highest Father comes in this small age only and He does not come in bigger ages. This is the only small age in which it is the time to sow the seed of achievements for the entire Kalpa. Whether you achieve the kingship of the world, whether you become worshipworthy, this is the time to sow the seed for the entire Kalpa and it is the time for achieving double fruits. The fruits of Bhakti are also obtained here and the direct fruits are also obtained here."

Note: This is a draft translation done by a PBK.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2006
by bansy
Excerpts from the latest Avyakt Vani dated 16.11.06, page 2 narrated through the medium of Gulzar Dadiji on the subject matter of this thread:

This is the English translation done by the BKs :

"Pay attention towards the importance of time also. Time is not going to ask before it comes. Even now some children say or think even that they need to have a little clue, that they should know whether they have 20 years or 10 years. However, BapDada says: Let alone the time of the final destruction, do you know about the destruction of your own body? Do any of you know that you will leave your body on such-and-such date. Do you know know? Nowadays, Bhog is offered for so many Brahmins who have departed. There is no guarantee. Therefore, know the importance of time. This small age is short in time, but it is the age for the greatest attainment because the greatest Father of all comes here in this small age; He does not come in the ther longer ages. It is this small age in which you have the time to sow the seeds for the attainment of the whole cycle. Even if you attain the kingdom of the world, or you become worthy of worship, this is the time to sow the seed for the whole cycle, and it is the time to receive double fruit. You receive the fruit of your devotion at this time and you also receive the instant, visible fruit at this time."

Although the PBK version is a draft, almost PBK and BK versions are same, except for the reference of offering Bhog to Brahmins.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy wrote:Although the PBK version is a draft, almost PBK and BK versions are same, except for the reference of offering Bhog to Brahmins.

Original line spoken by BapDada in Hindi and published by BKs in Hindi:
"Aur aajkal toh Brahmanon kay jaaney ka Bhog bahut lagaatey ho."

Translation done by PBKs:
"And now a days you offer Bhog frequently in connection with the demise of Brahmins."

Translation done by BKs:
" Nowadays, Bhog is offered for so many Brahmins who have departed."

In the Hindi version of the above line published by BKs BapDada is directly talking to the children saying that you offer Bhog frequently, while the English translation done by BKs does not give an impression that BapDada is directly talking to the children. Instead it appears as if he is making a general statement.

If anyone knows both the languages, they can make out the difference in translation. Otherwise the meaning has been conveyed in both the translations.

From whatever BK English translations of AVs of previous years that I have read the translation appears to be of a good quality. But the BKs appear to take slightly more liberty in translation than the PBKs who have to be extra careful with the words, lest they lead to some misinterpretations.

PostPosted: 26 Nov 2006
by bansy
Simple translation of words is easy but the essence of the meanings is much harder to give in another language. This example shows that just between Hindi and English, there can be differences. More so when it goes from Hindi to English and possibly into a third language, especially where BKs expand into other countries as the Gyan distributed is only as good as the interpretors in those countries.

I appreciate the fact that PBKs also give the Hindi spoken by Baba. And further appreciate (as do other non Hindi speakers I am sure) for those folks who put efforts into correctly interpreting the essence of words, especially as they are words from Baba.

(Translation and interpretation are different. e.g. a computer can translate but not necessary interpret).

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2006
by sparkal
In my language, Bap Dada is questioning the offering to departed souls (attachment, worship) and may even be questioning offering anything at all.

Perhaps they could offer it to themselves, being elevated beings. Self-respect may be the underlying thread therefore.