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Become like Father Brahma

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2006
by sparkal
Follow the Father. Brahma.

If I take this direction to its literal conclusion, I will not get involved in Raja Yoga/Brahma Kumaris until the age of 60 onwards, like Father Brahma. So what was I doing prancing around wearing whites at the age of 21-22? I am now 47 and have 13 years or so to play the field. :roll: I did not reach the dizzy heights of selling diamonds (or whatever :shock: ) to the Indian royalty, but I will survive. I may not be able to say the same for those who sleep on the streets of India while the higher caste swan around in luxury. And there are billions of dollars which have been given to India. Investment? We will see. Of course, they cannot be blamed as most of the rich and powerful are probably new(er) souls. Ignorance is bliss. It can also lead you into problems.

The poor? Their karma, of course. I must learn to be more of a bastard to my fellow souls, its the only way forward, even if they are older souls, (eh?) they still deserve it. (If they are older souls, why are BKs looking for Brahmin's (older souls) in the middle and upper classes? Don't get your hands dirty will you. Target the middle and upper classes for a safer easier passage. (Aye, right ... ) Oh, I see, the lower number souls who have gone away will deal with them 'we are here to serve IP and VIP souls'. The older souls ARE the VIPs of this world if anyone is. We are equally valid, the question should not arise perhaps. BKs, may I suggest that you get a pair of jeans and T shirt on and get down to your local Bronx and do some real world service instead of this elitist head in the clouds dream like snobbery with so called VIPs.

If it is the more down to earth types who "don't fit in" at the centre who are best suited to this kind of service, then you had better start showing more respect to the lower number scum who you chase away. You are not serving the world. You are serving yourselves, which is commendable and necessary, but there comes a time when things must become real and we pull our heads out of the Walt Disney world of BKdom. OK, so we are all playing different roles and none are much easier than the others, even if it seems that way. Did Brahma Baba have some advanced climbing gear or something? Some of these overhangs, and I don't mean my gut. It is fair enough, if someone has found a route up the mountain, it may be worth following in their footsteps. But let us understand the mountain in question. We must first of all make sure that it is the same mountain that the Father climbed and that we are not following in the footsteps of someone else, up a sand dune for instance.

Rather than follow the Father, I will find an easier path which circles the mountain base. The Murli is talking to others after all. The BK foothills become non religious/Bhakti sheep paths when we reach higher up where one has to be sure footed. Also, Brahma Baba was Capricorn, the sign of the Goat. At the mountain summit, we may find ourselves in an angelic environment, without ritual or protocol, and there are definitely no meetings to discuss when we are going to have a meeting. There is no religion, and I include the BK religion in particular, which is not a religion of course. So the Father is asking us to become something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from the BK which I may have started out as. The BK which I must be or I am punished by BKs for leaving the path. Looking down on me from below.

The Father is not as conservative as BKs are, the Father is demanding change. Big change.

The aim and object, the bigger picture, is to become complete from being Brahmin. This is not possible if there is clinging religious fear. On the other hand, there is no point trying to fly from the nest until our wings are of sufficient development. There is a case for the young swan who is chased from the nest at a certain point in its development. There may come a time when we have outgrown the BKs but fear the next step, when we leave high school and go out into the big world, the big university. It feels right but all the BK scaremongering can take its toll and we may feel guilty about leaving the nest. The parents are asking me to leave the nest and my fellow Brother/Sister chicks are saying no, you cannot do that, it is not safe, you must stay in the nest. Follow in the fathers footsteps?

I don't doubt this direction, Don't get me wrong, I have given BB a good mouthful on the odd occasion, but it changes nothing. This is a **** world and it needs to be changed. If you disagree, I am glad that your life serves you so well and long may it continue. However, I really don't ever see me following in the fathers footsteps, it is too late for that. My only chance is that this statement is to be interpreted on a purely spiritual level. Father Brahma is there, it would be silly for me not to accept that help from someone who has trodden the path. It seems to be the nature of the game. Brahma may help us now, it may be we who help that soul when it takes re-birth.

I vaguely remember that moment or time period when I said "YES" to Shiva. What happened to that feeling, was I dreaming? Do I have no right to expect more of the same, after all, it was not a lie, that experience, it is what I am and no one can take that from me, no one. So when do I get the chance to be it? If I can be it then, surely I can be it now whether I have help from beyond or not.

I am not in the best of shape as I write, but I sure as hell won't be taking my own life, oh no, I would go out in more spectacular fashion than that. I am not going out. I am staying, and am going to be a pain in the neck to anyone who is making this world non-harmonious, especially those who cause deliberate disharmony. Souls no longer have the right to be violent and abusive to others on a mass or local scale. I don't care about Gyan and this obligatory need for souls to suffer, BULL!. Who says souls must suffer? Karma? Oh I see, they already are, and God is allowing it. Well I am not in the same frame of mind, especially towards some of those beyond, when I get my hands on them ...

So am I to become like Father Brahma and do nothing about this really crap way of living while doing nothing? Passive. Take it easy and watch them suffer, and don't forget to put your life in the hands of someone with real head damage just in case you are not being tested enough. If you do lack tests, then the best option may be your nearest R' Yoga centre where you can follow the Seniors instead of Shiva let alone Brahma and be tested to the hilt. The real key to this form of masochism is that you have what they are looking for yet they dismiss you as being a lower number or something the cat may have dragged in, a non-Brahmin. Well, yes, Angels will probably come across as non-Brahmin. Chuck them out, there is nothing spiritual about being a non-Brahmin.

OK, back to the swan who is chased from the pond ... Shiva has not gone through this process of Brahmin to angel. Angels are not Brahmin's let alone BKs.(?) An angel will come across as being of another religion entirely, or none. Universal spirituality to be precise. Though, it is not about how we come over, that is what stinks about the BKs, the lack of admission that they even perspire. OK, it is their role not to perspire, at least in the eyes of others. The thing is, the majority of souls feel that they don't fit in due to the overworking of the external perfection, and now this corporate image stuff.
Coming across as being perfect is working against the BKs.

Being perfect may also be working against Father Brahma. There is nothing wrong with natural perfection. This mess we are in is also natural perfection. I should add that I don't consider myself to be an Angel. It may however be something which I have had glimpses of. So I cannot deny that I can be it, if I can experience it. Take your highest spiritual experience and embrace it as being you, accept it, believe it even, if you must. Of course, we are all perfect by nature, end of story. Anyone running around calling anyone else, or the self, impure are lying to themselves. If it is just a little play and it is in a mess, then it is time to sort the mess and less of the messing around. There are too many smug bull ******* on this planet. They also like to lead others. It is time for something new, it is rather boring.

It all comes out now, revelations. some have a role to play in bringing this about. Why do we deny that we have a role to play in this? Is there a lack of self respect? Who else can play my role? Are other peoples roles really better than mine? It is not logical to say to God when God comes to me that, you have the wrong person, I am an impure soul. We cannot kid someone who is a pure soul and only ever sees us in our natural pure form. We can however kid our SELF, for so long anyway. What if we were to say, you are not being asked to become like the Father, you are being told that you ARE like the Father. This is not negotiable, it is simply your birth rite. Brahma may not be who and what you think. Allowing the BKs to paint your picture of Brahma is like letting the media decide your vision of the likes of Mr Shrub and Bliar.

I recently read in a book that Jesus is said to have put 100 souls into the bodies of pigs who then drowned themselves. Oh yes, now we are talking. My only question is, why only 100? Pigs are at least as intelligent as dogs and are also very clean animals, who are forced to stand around up to their knees in their own muck all day. With a snout like that, you have got to have enhanced smell. Their organs can be transplanted into humans, so does that make the eating of them cannibalism of a kind? It would please some no doubt if all humans were cannibals. Now, is this OK? Am I willing to accept this? I am not even touching on the human suffering. Am I to be so selfish as to say "I am alright" and allow entropy to humiliate all souls?

The souls of the world have been lied to so much that they don't recognize the truth when it bites. Led into eating flesh. It is time to locate the source of this dis- Harmony and lies and transform it. The prime minister of the country in which I live is currently under extreme pressure to go. Mr Bliar. But why not get rid of them all. Lets get rid of politics. Your only vote is to not vote at all. And as a BK I am not supposed to get involved in these things. I have not had any offers from Father Brahma to pay the increasing bills. The lie is that, I sound like a dangerous person. Sorry, but I don't go around doing what THEY do.

Do you at any time meditate for the animal kingdom? and nature in general. Nature will only serve us if we serve IT. Nature enjoys serving us, and we enjoy being in harmony with nature. The initial BK teachings have, not so much abused as, ignored nature in the quest for soul consciousness. The human soul is part of nature. It is energy. Follow the Father? The Father is in harmony with nature. The nature of self is the first nature that we must control, then we may have authority over "nature". Keeping animals in cramped spaces and up to their knees in dirt is a reflection of serious psychological disorder surely. Something must be sorely missing, and others have been duped into the same murky ways. We don't have to accept it. I refuse to accept it. I can see George Grass up to his neck in his own ****, or is that too good. Let's get the gloves off here.

Change yourself and the world will change. How can we judge if we don't try? Humans are very good at adapting and being influenced, gullible, flexible, polite. I will allow others to make an arse of the human race (but don't compete) out of politeness. Hmm. Let us be flexible to the Spiritual Father, after all, we allow much darker forces to have control over us and our lives. In my experience, Brahma Baba is just like us, one of us, one of the lads, let us not be influenced by other sources as to the nature of this soul, including the sickly sweet BK versions. Or influenced by our own feelings of being betrayed by Brahma, Shiva or anyone.

There are those who are up to no good, and they need to understand what it means to take the scenic route home.

The other side to this is, if you're body is not entirely human, then you may be a natural predator to humans and so technically, you are off the hook. The hunter becomes hunted, by the game. Don't be too quick to throw the Father out with the bath water. There may be other forces at play to cause disharmony or, divide and rule. We stick together.

Love ( an embarrassing word in this world)

Re: Become like Father Brahma

PostPosted: 07 Sep 2006
by howiemac
sparkal wrote: if someone has found a route up the mountain, it may be worth following in their footsteps ... Brahma Baba was Capricorn, the sign of the Goat

This explains why the BKs need to be such sheep :D .. to be surefooted enough to follow a goat up a mountain.... no good being goats as they will do their own thing, whereas sheep will naturally follow the leader... any of us who are neither sheep or goats will no doubt fall off some precipice along the tortuous way... so maybe we will be better off if we don't follow the one with the horns and the cloven hoofs?

Brahma may not be who and what you think.
Allowing the BKs to paint your picture of Brahma is like letting the media decide your vision of the likes of Mr Shrub and Bliar

:!: Comparison of BB with these dangerous criminals sure puts things in perspective. Follow the Father!
In my experience, Brahma Baba is just like us, one of us, one of the lads, let us not be influenced by other sources as to the nature of this soul, including the sickly sweet BK versions.

Now you are really talking sparkal - BB is one of us, a fallible human limited in worldy understanding by the extent of his own worldy experiences, although much less limited (if at all) in spiritual matters in his current angelic form. He makes mistakes when dealing with worldly issues, misunderstands things, and gets things wrong, just like the rest of us. Don't believe his own hype of "God speaks" (notice that even the Avyakt Murlis never say this? that was a Sakar Brahma eccentricity). It is BB who speaks. See him as a best friend or big Brother and everything is fine. Deify him and you are losing the plot. He is not a deity yet, and though he has many good things to teach us, it should all be taken with a pinch of salt.

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2006
by sparkal
I don't get it. Goats have beards, yet you cannot reach the summit with a beard. Or is it only in the foothills that this practise goes on. And, can we expect to find goat and sheep remains up on top of the mountain from last Kalpa?