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Partitioning the whole self

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2006
by sparkal
MIND PARTITIONING : from a Yin-Yang viewpoint - work in progress

Souls who have been abused are thought to create a partition(s) in their self and separate the rest of the self away from the undesirable experiences in question. How abused one would have to be before creating these partitions, I would not like to say. We are far more subtle and sensitive than we think.

We find ourselves in a tricky situation if we are experiencing feelings which come from the sub conscious and cause emotional stuff. We could be dealing with something from a previous life yet not know the nature of the initial cause. Under such circumstances, it may be harsh to judge ourselves and therefore others for things which we know nothing about, consciously at least. If at all this is holding us back, then we may not feel that we are moving forward while there is this purging of past experiences, and in particular, guilt. I am sure that I and others go around feeling guilty for no reason without realising it subtly. So it may be possible to go around feeling guilty about something I know nothing about.

This is a request to all souls that they reclaim any land which they may have partitioned off within the SELF.

Invaders normally would enter your territory via the weakest part of the boundary wall or most remote part of the mental kingdom. And there are some fairly mental kingdoms knocking about. One of the most courageous things we can ever do is turn our thoughts towards and face the self. This is surely one of the few ways to break down any borders between the self and ... um ... the self. The whole self.

If we only use a 5th, or whatever, of our brain; does that mean that we are only using a 5th of the souls capacity to simply be what it is naturally ... if that ... and to utilise the body to allow the soul to express itself fully?

I am not presenting this statement as a serious concept, but all too often "THE TRUTH!" (ahhh, the power from just saying it, and my ego thanks me for the feast) turns out to be the simple obvious which had always been there. I am not suggesting that the soul has capacity like a hard disk or something. We are now being told that humble unsaturated coconut fat was the answer all along to the oil fat question!?! You just rub a little on your forehead and ...

Our previous lives are partitioned off. So the mechanism is there in a natural way to create that curtain between lives. I don't really want to pass my wife or husband from my previous life in the street with their current partner and children, it could get messy. Very messy. We would certainly be forced to be very open minded and detached, and we cannot have that can we?

So there may be experiences within us which we partitioned off in our previous live(s) which lie like pockets of toxic bodily fat, going rancid and just waiting to cause illness which are partitioned off by the curtain between lives anyway. It will not be burned off easily if it is hived away in storage. The situation becomes bloated and spiritually obese as we continue to put fat on top of fat on top of oil. So, perhaps we just don't know what causes us to be less than blissful, other than too much spiritual dairy produce.

We came to party and trashed the place, and have done it pretty well, so let us not grumble too much about the hangovers. In a retentive yet reckless world, there may surely be much partitioned off failed expressions and desires which may never have gotten off the planning board, for whatever restrictive blocks, from simply being; let alone those which have and of which the results known. Or the simple fear of expressing ourselves in case of what may emerge and influence from this abyss of experiences. If we reclaim the whole kingdom of our self, our being, then we surely tighten up our defences and bring a more concentrated self, a more potent self; the Yin fragmentation of partitioning, pulled into one point, one kingdom, one landmass, to bring about the balance of Yin and Yang. (Yin = expansive, Yang = contracting energy).

We have a feeling which comes from the sub-conscious, that feeling wells up and becomes conscious thought. We choose how to act on the thought, or not, using the intellect. The feeling comes from deep concentrated Yang (counteractive) and is only ever expanding or, going out the way, eventually out into the world as action and interaction with others. This is Yin, expansive, the law of cause and effect, means that it will return to me as the result. A reflection of what I put out. The returning action is coming to me, inward motion, returning to the point (Yang) from which it came.

The awareness of being an infinitessimal point pulls in the slack, the dissipation. The leaky bucket. It is then more focused, concentrated, powerful, or at least less Yin. It is possible to be too Yin and too Yang at the same time. So, as with a seesaw, the aim may be central balance, or in layman's terms, sitting in the eye of the storm. Another take on this may be that, because we have undesirable past experiences, there may be a tendency to become too rigid and puerile to the point that it is holding us back. A sort of knee-jerk reaction upon realising how messed up we are simply because we can see for once.

Body consciousness is no doubt Yang, heavy, while, having the awareness of being light is a Yin action. So becoming light from heavy material awareness is Yin which allows us to be a concentrated point of Yang which gives off a Yin vibration and touches the Yang point of other souls, who, to us, are out there, and out there must be Yin, yet it all appears to be so Yang, because souls generally think that they are dense lumps of meat which weigh and look like thus; I AM LARD ...

As a result of this quality yanging (counteractive/point), the soul then omits more powerful spiritual vibrations, which are Yin by nature, they radiate out the way, expansive energy. They radiate from the Yang point, they reflect the point of awareness/consciousness. So, we have the balance of Yin and Yang, spiritually; the compact ONE whole point without partition and fragmentation and the power from the Yang creating and radiating powerful and quality Yin; from the WHOLE self. Another way to fragment and partition is to deny our male or female aspect. Once again, to become a whole being, these two will be in balance; without sex changes etc. (optional) :shock:

Yang: male, Yin :female. The sub-conscious could be seen as female and the mind thoughts and into physical action, the male energy. The putting out being male, even if expansive (?), the absorbing and accommodating, and in particular, holding on to, could be seen as female. The female flow of inward inverted becoming the point, has a Yang result, as in, being a point, and the outward going vibration?. The Yin energy is propelled outwards by the potent male energy. It is endless, and far too complex to get a grip on. There is much to be said for just being a simple point of light and taking our chances with it. Beyond the illusion, we can do it, it is our birthrite.

I don't claim to be an expert on energy, I just happen to be it. Who are all these experts everywhere anyway? Are they cloning them or something?

There is no darkness, just the absence of light.

ONE whole self


I am interested in what others think about the act of partitioning the whole self in relation to the practise of Raja Yoga/spirituality, and in life in general. Most things seem to have their positive and/or negative uses depending on how we utilise them.