Fitting in with "THE TRUTH"

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Fitting in with "THE TRUTH"

Post19 Aug 2006

There is a recurring topic which keeps emerging. One could be forgiven for thinking that God has come and judges souls on the basis of how much money and worldly status they have. How good they are at operating in a corporate manner with the desired skills.

Try buying books as a Scientologist or other and we would appreciate that the BKs are not overcharging in that way. To some degree, the initial aim and objects may now have been achieved(?). The Empire must almost be complete in terms of the initial agenda. The question now is, where does it go from here.

Meanwhile there have been many souls taking the course and receiving according to their past religious practise, one way of looking at it at least. One area alone is multi-media and the arts and the way both are being used as education tools and mediums. The BKs appear to have been adopting a corporate approach to communicating its message to the world. This may not be the most inviting environment for some, especially those who think in an independent way, or even grow beards, though, it is OK to have pictures of a dead body with facial hair in all centres throughout the world. (I am not anti-Brahma Baba, just anti facial hair :) )

Artist-type souls in particular are unlikely to last too long beyond their sell by date within the BK compound as they think independently and have the ability to create new things or, have visions of things from a different viewpoint. And dare I say it, ask questions. Or give answers for that matter. The new blurb: 'no answers'. A glimpse or ten from other viewpoints is what the world needs, without pressing the truth button. The souls of the world can be given what the BKs have to give through vibrations, the highest form of world service to date.

Is it fine for me to continue my spiritual development outwith the BKs? Is this allowed, within the framework and minefield of guilt and fear? The aim is to bring spirituality into our lives, into the world. Souls who are out in the world and doing so in any way, i.e. thinking about it produces vibrations. They may be doing more than they realise to change things, then again, perhaps none of us ever do anything to change things in a pre-destined drama ... Try stopping change. I am sure you already have done. I know a path of self transformation who can teach you how not to change if you are interested.

The aim was never to belong to the BKs but to Shiva. The teachings make this very clear. If it means feeling left out because we are not towing the 'I am a BK' mantra line, then so be it. The teachings make it very clear that I do not belong to the "BKs". End of story.

There seems to be a mechanism within us which needs to belong to someone. "Everyone needs someone", we say.

Are so many having problems FITTING IN because the BKs themselves are trying so hard to "fit in" with the world instead of being true to its own self and self worth.? On the other hand, one Murli this season is saying 'belong to them'. So the teacher is asking for less of the detached aloof elitist thing. On the other hand, some have not been having trouble fitting in, they have been consciously discarded on the basis of what will happen in future. You are not a "Brahmin", you do not belong here. Is it not for the individual to decide when they have taken enough?

They have already got it wrong in terms of destruction in the 70's. This should perhaps be the lesson.

If souls are discarded for not being "Brahmin", and on the basis of who they are and what they will do in future, the BKs had better be sure that they have their timescale right. Oh, it is so and so, better chase them, after all, they are not "Brahman". Freeze them out of the universal spiritual parents family, you know, our family. (Well, God is not really there anyway, eh?) ... 'they are not Brahman after all, not REAL Brahmin's at least, and they have even discarded all things Indian, they must not belong to the supreme Father any more'.

The true perversion here is that it comes from souls of Western origin much of the time. Getting into another culture is OK, but there is nothing spiritual about it, other than the spiritual being who is indulging. It would be unwise to set about changing the self on a spiritual path without involving such sensitive and important areas of the self such as the emotions and sexual energy. The need to belong to another.

Or should I get all coy and look down while kicking the floor and saying 'aww jings, we don't talk about that sort of thing around her. It just is not important. In fact, we don't have feelings any more. They have been sorted'. Yes, and my uncle is a duck-billed platypus.

The healthiest truth to me is the awareness that there IS no truth and that we exist partly to discover new things constantly, albeit at our own discretion and speed, even in the "Golden Age". "Truth" can deny us this wonder of discovery in life. Perhaps the best "truth" is that there IS no "truth" as such, and that we just constantly move forward through change learning new things, perhaps more intensely at certain times, such as this 100 year period. We sort out this "truth" thing now.

Perhaps the first step is to recognise that the truth mechanism is there and wants fed. Like ego etc. it is not going to be destroyed but needs to be gently transformed or even simply allowed TOO transform on the basis that winter is moving into spiritual springtime and the consciousness of human souls, rises from, well, 2012 onwards?(or is that having time as your guru?) In the same way as, God may come because these changes take place now and not that the changes take place because big bad God has come and will cause destruction. Playing the role of God, Father, creator while being as trapped in the role as any of us in ours. The teachings have spoken about souls who play only one life at this time, but it is a special role to do with the confluence and new world etc, does this not describe Shiva? Is Shiva a one birther?

So the drama may be the more absolute and God plays a role within"according to the drama". A role it perhaps should be said which is no more or less important than yours or mine within this DRAMA. "See me as I really am" God says. We could read anything into that, otherwise, those of us brought up in a society which saw/ sees God as a personality may have to modify their understanding of that personality, maybe bring the whole thing down to a more Innocent and sweet blissful being from the big worship able judge. And those brought up in a society which says that God is in everything and is without personality as such, which sounds more like "drama" to me, the omnipresent God being Drama, they may have to consider Gods form first before thinking about the personality within that form. Hence we do not hear the early Murli's as they were breaking down that stuff in certain minds first, maybe yours even, in a previous life.

Many souls have not been able to find a role within these BK activity's and so feel left out or discarded, rejected by the spiritual parent and their fellow "spiritual Brothers". Elbowed out of the way in life, again, simply because they could not compete in the way that the world out there does, within a spiritual organisation. Should we expect any less? Does the elevated experience create all sorts of high expectations which none or very few can actually adhere to without feeling inadequate. Do we expect to much from the souls who play these roles within the BKs? Do they expect to much from themselves?and we ourselves? God came and confirmed my worst nightmares, that competition was an accepted and justified part of self and world transformation.

My working class status has not gone now that God is here, God's incarnation has merely confirmed that this is indeed hell and that I should not expect any more or better. Even from God's children, or at least those who claim to be so, and proclaim others not to be. I wonder how many people out there feel that their face does not fit, that they don't fit in to Gods family, be it with the BKs or society in general. Part of the human condition? And to what degree is there outside influence causing friction between BKs to cause divide and chaos. It is not out of the question that many or even most of the internal problems among BKs could be caused by outside influence (read between the lines). On the other hand, it is not hard to accept that there is a need for feedback with regards to the BKs who are on-board, from those who HAVE been and are now over-bored.

The future could be a reversal of this. The "BKs" could find themselves on the outside. Is this not the likely outcome, if they are there to put others forward, yet put themselves forward instead. Those who put others forward , or have been doing so, will be put forward. Is it really something you want? To be put forward? Don't you want many devotees? If not why not? At least your face might fit, if your politics are in line with the established conservative BK line. (Personal/ spiritual politics). The picture of the Golden Age is one of pure/ true anarchy. That is fine by me. Anarchy is non-violent and is not chaos. Chaos comes from order.

Your followers will put up with a multitude of sins, or so it appears. I am observing this 'thing' in life where we judge and deal with others weaknesses, while displaying our own weaknesses oblivious. Spiritual beings giving up spirituality? Don't make me laugh. Spiritual beings giving up things which may not be working anyway or have served their purpose to date?.....

The conservative air of the BK approach can cause one to feel guilt at the act or thought of changing on a path of self change and so the individual is trapped by the teachings themselves, causing restriction and fear of change, bringing into question surely the way that the teachings have been interpreted and there is fear of change, the very opposite of what the teacher at least is demanding. The students by nature may not like change, especially their socks.

"When did you last have sex?" is another favourite question put to me when I have returned to the fold, on a number of occasions. This question should not be asked unless the soul is representing the BKs in an official capacity, which is highly unlikely for at least 6 months or a year. Asking someone who has just come back after a year or more whether they have maintained celibacy is highly questionable. Well, I could be after her girls, you never know. I would not be the first pervert to go to a celibate place looking for a pull.

So, BKs who have a history with the centre of any sort are not as welcome as new souls who we stand a chance of converting to MY ways. Yes,... MY! If MY body was 70, or even simply female, I wonder if things would have been different in my relationship with the BKs.

The same could be said for accent. If I spoke in a more posh way, I would be more corporately presentable for the BK template stencil of the perfect squeaky clean robot, not forgetting the squeaky clean socks. And did I mention beards? In the BKs, it is only Sisters who are allowed beards, or do they stick them on before class to look more ugly? Part of the teachers training no doubt. And what about their hairy legs? (I was seeing without seeing, honest). Can they not afford to buy a razor? Yes, the ultimate female sacrifice, the beauty of the body.

I really don't think that the Supreme Soul is at all interested in how souls form and shape their words(or chins) in terms of accent. Or their background in terms of class / caste. If the BKs are trying hard to be like everyone else, where is the example that they the masses are all supposed to be following if IT is cloning itself on THEM. Change? Strange more like. In this exam, the study is an internal one, of the self, and not off the shelf, self change. Academic sorts may not have the edge over intuitive types. It is possible to come across a spiritually aware being who can barely read and write.

Hold on, Is that not the Golden Age? Ignorance is bliss. It is what the drama runs on, and spiritual / religious knowledge removes that facade / illusion as the Trueman show where props start emerging through gaping holes in the scenery.

But there comes a time when we have to find out what is what, a time when we get a poke in the back and are asked to pull our heads out of the matrix as the meter is going into the red. And we think about going on the fun ride again, and whether we would, or are there others I wonder. Seems rather unnatural for there to be just one drama, perhaps there is only this one, perhaps that is the edge, the absolute as it were, the all encompassing one and only drama ... hold on ... no, there is no reason why there cannot be other fun ride dramas to go on. It just doesn't seem true to form for the universe and energy etc. Perhaps the next best thing is to be given a space where we can create whatever we wish, without it becoming "The Truth".

I wish I could just find out "The Truth" and be done with it. If only I had "The Truth", then ...
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Re: Fitting in with "THE TRUTH"

Post20 Aug 2006

sparkal wrote:especially those who think in an independent way, or even grow beards, though, it is OK to have pictures of a dead body with facial hair in all centres throughout the world. (I am not anti-Brahma Baba, just anti-facial hair :) )

I have a feeling that this thread will run and run. Or rather grow and grow ...

Life Positive, January 1998 wrote:Life spans will increase to 150 years on an average. Males will not have a beard.

What is it with the facial hair?

I think that Freud would have a field day with this issue. Am I wrong or is facial hair is obviously symbolic of, and synonymous with, pubic hair. Male pubic hair. And the Sword of Lust there within.

I remember one Senior Western BK Sister stating that the Deities had no "swords of lusts". Indeed, no excretory organs whatsoever. No bottoms. Her rationale was that because they were perfect, nature perfect and their diet perfect, they ate just enough to sustain their bodies and so there was no waste to excrete at all. Now, you can laught at this, I hope you do, but there might be a deeper mystic point of view to it and so do not dismiss it out of contempt.

But why have the Senior Sisters got such a thing about long hair and beards? BK Jesus is going to have a really hard time when he comes into Gyan. May be that is why he left early without finishing the course ...
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Re: Fitting in with "THE TRUTH"

Post20 Aug 2006

ex-l wrote:What is it with the facial hair?

I think that Freud would have a field day with this issue. Am I wrong or is facial hair is obviously symbolic of, and synonymous with, pubic hair. Male pubic hair. And the Sword of Lust there within.

I am a "beardy weirdy", is this why I had such trouble with Dadi Janki? I guess she objects to the fact that I don't have to spend time every morning looking in a mirror attending to personal vanity? Maybe only she is allowed the privilege of facial hair?
I remember one Senior Western BK Sister stating that the Deities had no "swords of lusts". Indeed, no excretory organs whatsoever. No bottoms. Her rationale was that because they were perfect, nature perfect and their diet perfect, they ate just enough to sustain their bodies and so there was no waste to excrete at all.

I, for one, believe this. Laugh if you like! Will there be WCs in paradise? Sewers? Or will we just bury it in the garden, like cats? I don't think so - as I see it, in the Golden and Silver Ages our bodies are subtle, more like holograms than the "skin and bone" bodies we now have. This is why we can easily have magical vehicles and fabulous palaces - it is all formed out of matter which is much lighter than what we are now accustomed to, and much more easily manipulated by the pure mind. I suspect our bodies will not actually need any sustenance from food or drink - just as ghosts now do not. Eating and drinking will be for pleasure only, and what we eat and drink will be as (relatively) immaterial as our bodies are. So, no waste and no excrement in the magical paradise!

Think of angelic Brahma in the Subtle Regions, and his gang of helpers - do they have an Avyakt bathroom which they have to visit every day - do they need to take subtle showers? I don't think so. I say that Golden Aged bodies will be more like the Avyakt bodies of the Subtle Region than like our gross dense physical bodies of the end-of-Iron Age.
But why have the Senior Sisters got such a thing about long hair and beards? BK Jesus is going to have a really hard time when he comes into Gyan. May be that is why he left early without finishing the course ...

He may have stuck it out for a few months - after all they like to keep their prejudices hidden at first, until they reckon you are properly hooked, then they wade in with the body-conscious dictates, one blow at a time. I lasted 5 years with a beard, though I did not have long hair at that time - that might have finished me off quicker - I am growing my hair long now to ensure I have their full distaste.

If Brahma Baba hadn't been the founder, he would have got nowhere in the organisation until he did away with that moustache.

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