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Inheritance is a carrot or not

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2006
by bansy
Is inheritance just a carrot dangling in front, enough to persuade you that your very last vice is not lust or ego, but greed ? Is inheritance just a right, and if so why keep mentioning it ?
If you were told only your next (one, not twenty one) birth was going to be great, would you bother, would it be worth it ?
Why does God need to put inheritance in it at all ?

And what actually IS IT that you will inherit ?

Inheritance is a carrot

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2006
by howiemac
bansy wrote:Is inheritance just a carrot dangling in front, enough to persuade you that your very last vice is not lust or ego, but greed ?

If you were told only your next (one, not twenty one) birth was going to be great, would you bother, would it be worth it?

What about having a good life here and now? Spiritual enlightenment will produce that, never mind the hereafter...
Why does God need to put inheritance in it at all?

The finger points at Brahma Baba, not God.... The easiest way to get a child to behave is bribery - offer a payoff for good behaviour. This does not make the child virtuous, but simply encourages selfishness and greed. It is a pragmatic approach, not a divine one. A truly angelic being would not require a pay-off for being virtuous.
And what actually IS IT that you will inherit ?

The Murlis talk of wealth, prosperity, kingdoms, subjects, devotees... but surely name and fame are not spiritual objectives?


PostPosted: 22 Jul 2006
by sparkal

I cannot put it any more simple.

Any other form of inheritance outwith this is a false one no doubt. Not that I am suggesting that BK souls would start thinking about material things, i.e. palaces and kingdoms. No. This would be desire. Something which is beyond BKs.

Of course, these virtues are not new. They are simply the true natural original qualities within us all and so there are not really an inheritance after all(?). Does this then mean that talk of inheritance IS to do with palaces and kindoms?

Once again, we have to question whether this is a reflection of the teacher or the pupils. Going by the noises coming from the teacher, it may well be a reflection of those who only do something for themSELVES when a carrot is dangled. It may not even take a carrot, a bit of silver paper on a string may be enough. Souls who have authority within the BKs and think this way should start listening to the teacher, the one who they use to justify so much of their bad behaviour.

They should know these things by now. This will not be the last time I refer to removing the old / current regime :cry: . We are not suposed to look for others to change themSELVES, so it is time to simply change things now. If a soul finds themSELF washing dishes instead of lording it over others due to their body type, so be it. There is no place for racism and sexism in the future world. Is the aim equality or is it not?

BKs, this reversal of sexes is not working. It is not supposed to either, one of the very reasons for its existence.

Time is being called by the Lord of Time upon those who have time as their Guru.

The "I am alright Jack" attitude which the BKs fly on will be shot out of the sky as a bad idea. It has gone on long enough. Others are living in poverty while you lot enjoy the facilities. What sort of karma is that BKs? What sort of inheritance do you people actually expect to get by being selfish and clutchy? Fear and attachment. I presume the mention of money :D :lol: :P :roll: :o :D :lol: :P :evil: will pick your ears up.

LET GO if you want to inherit anything because there are those of us who will make damn sure that The Father sees some sense in terms of what is going on, and been going on, and may well contest The Father's will to make sure that things are distributed fairly, somthing which has been absent from BK culture from day one.

BKs = selfishness And it stinks, it stinks real bad. :x


PostPosted: 22 Jul 2006
by howiemac

I have seen Murlis say this, and other Murlis say the inheritance is the spiritual powers, Yoga, Gyan, dharna, blessings, kingdoms, subjects, bhagats.. you name it and one Murli or another says the Brahmins inherit it from "Baba". To inherit is to receive (check your dictionary). How does one receive virtues, spiritual powers etc. which are properties that every soul already has inherently - the original nature of the soul? We cannot be given that which is already ours.

The child inherits from the Father. What has the Father to give?

Knowledge, teachings, blessings - these things can be inherited - these are spiritual wealth.

The material wealth, of kingdoms, subjects, bhagats and the like, can also be inherited..

It may not even take a carrot, a bit of silver paper on a string may be enough.


One might expect that those who require promises of a material inheritance in future lives to motivate them, will have a tendancy to focus on material wealth in this life also...

Accepting all the inheritance

PostPosted: 25 Jul 2006
by sparkal
So the inheritance is all these things, including the abundance of material things. There is nothing wrong with material things, including money. Money is energy. It is our attitude towards material things which matter, as you all know.

Unless we go deeper and look for things which are not there. The inheritance is therefore universal in terms rather than specific.
