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Brahma Kumaris blacklisted in Russia?

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2006
by ex-l
Does anyone know if this is true or what it means?

Brahma Kumaris blacklisted in Russia.

According to the Moscow weekly journal Profile, the blacklisted India-based groups are the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), the Ananda Marg, the organizations associated with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Sahaja Yoga, the sect of Shri Chinmoy, Brahma Kumari, the sect of Satya Sai Baba and Osho Rajneesh's organization. While ISKCON and Brahma Kumari appear to have a relatively strong following in Russia, the other organizations in the list have a marginal presence in this country.

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2006
by amaranthine

maybe the russian church doesn't have as much influence as this article would have us believe. as far as i am aware the russian BK scene is fairly vibrant.

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2006
by uddhava
The Russian Orthodox Church, the dominant religious institution in multi-religious Russia, has for the first time publicly released a list of organizations -- based in this country and abroad -- that it considers "harmful sects".

All this article says is that the Russian Orthodox Church disapproves of its competitors and NRM's in particular - hardly surprising. It doesn't mention any specific action taken by the state against the NRM's. I am pretty sure there was legislation passed against NRM's in France a few years ago - I remember a BK saying that French BK's would be affected. It would be interesting to know the detail.

BTW I am familiar with the Murli being in Hindi and in English but it seems strange to think of God speaking in Russian, French, Swahili etc. :shock: I guess I tend to forget that there are BK microcosms going on all around the world.