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Love of the Family

PostPosted: 27 Jun 2006
by sparkal
It is said that , if you do not have the love of 'The Family', you will find it difficult to survive on the BK path.

I can only agree with the love aspect of this. It is positive by nature. I am not doubting its content.

But there are many grey areas in this black and white statement. The term LOVE OF THE FAMILY could be applied to any family. It could be a deep subject, one which is relative to our present and future with regards to operating in families of whatever kind.



PostPosted: 27 Jun 2006
by howiemac
You get what you give - to give love to others is to receive it back - this is not a BK thing but a general spiritual rule (part of karma). Whether you see your family as the human family (ie all human souls), or your physical family, or your 'family' of friends, or (in the case of the BKs) non-friends - whatever family it is the same rules apply. Give and you will receive.

sparkal, what are the grey areas you are referring to?

seeing the family

PostPosted: 03 Jul 2006
by sparkal
"The Love of The Family".

First, we would have to ascertain which family. Some may see "The Family" as being those who attend the centre, and the 'extended family' being those in other centres around the world. So, "Love of The Family" is mainly to do with the local, immediate "Family" who attend the centre, with the Dadis at the helm. At worst, you will be loved by The Family on the amount of effort you put into " service " or, practical activity. Action.

The seed of the 'world family' tree is Shiva. God Shiva is the Father of all souls and Brahma Baba is the mother of all Brahmins. BKs of all types are of the Brahmin culture, they took spiritual birth from Shiva' s knowledge through the mouth of Brahma and the experiences which came with it. The experience of being re born, a spiritual re birth. On that basis, it may be possible to be Brahmin, but not a BK. We cannot change the method or nature of our birth.

To the yogi soul, "the family" is rooted in the mother and the Father. Therefore, love of the family begins with the seed of the family tree, and extends throughout the family from the seed, or the Father and mother. This therefore includes the subtle worlds as being part of the family.

When referring to " love of the family " it should include those beyond. That is where the family meets, or, should I be saying, the REAL family meets, then it extends into the material world, the world drama stage, which is of less relevance in spiritual terms, yet it is where we perform action etc.

To those who run centres without the relevant Yoga experiences, it can become more narrow minded, exclusive and spiritually incestuous to only see the corporeal. Expect things not to work, chaos if this is your outlook with regards to family. Leave the Father / teacher Sat guru out of things at your peril.

So, we can end up with a situation where there are actually two family' s within the one, and confusion emerges along with the chaos which confusion brings. Confusion is caused by a lack of understanding. Understanding the parents vision for the unlimited family.

The spiritual children created from such limited awareness will be deformed spiritually, or, limited, though, fortunately, the spiritual teacher is there to give experiences of The Knowledge and override any limitations, hopefully.

Am I like Shiva and have a universal spiritual outlook and see all souls in the world as being part of the family? Or am I like my spiritual mother and see only the domestic aspect, running centres, being a spiritual midwife, and dealing with all the worldly end of the greater family. A balanced individual may have both aspects. The male female spiritual energy in balance.

This is surely partly why the reversal of roles, so that those with the domestic local outlook, can develop a universal spiritual outlook like Shiva, the Father, or, male energy, and those with the hands on domestic running centres etc outlook are more passive and tunnel visioned or focused on a smaller area. Though, if this were the case, Brothers would do the cooking etc. so it only goes so far for specific reasons, unknown to no one. In Madhuban, there are as many Brothers as Sisters in the kitchens. It may even just be a clutchy thing.

Would all those who have been in Gyan for more than ?? years please come to the stage. What a put down for last go fast souls. Souls who may be second birth Brahmins with who knows how many years under their belt from their previous life. I cannot quote, but I am sure that BapDada has said in the past that a soul will become karmateet within four months. Will they have to sit quiet in their karmateet form while others who may have barely experienced take to the stage? Perhaps those getting up on the stage need it more and the karmateet one would understand.

Much is based on the worldly things and the subtle aspects may be being ignored all to often and demoted to second priority. Depending on where we are, and who we are with in terms of " the centre ". Yogi types can be pushed out if the priority is on the material world and " the family ". Abused by lack of understanding, lack of experiencing and true ignorance. Without Yoga power, no centre will have balance.

Yoga is the highest form of world service a soul can do. These souls should be given respect, without worshipping them. The yogi soul should not look for respect, or expect those who are not experiencing as much as they do to go as deep as they do. We cannot drag souls to deeper understanding, though we can plant seeds, then leave them to germinate. Souls have been hand picked by the parents, and not the centre co coordinator.


Be careful not to hijack God's spiritual family. We are all spiritual Brothers.

"If you don't have the love of the family you will leave", is what is implied. So, if you don't do what you are told, you are chased out the door by bad vibrations and cold behaviour towards you. It could imply this.

If you are getting this behaviour towards you, check the self. Why do I go to the centre? What are my motives? Is it to commune with God, or to be with certain souls at the centre? Am I attached to anyone at the centre?

Remember that BapDada are watching on their big telly and may even put a spoke in your wheels if you are not going to the centre for the right reasons. The family. The mother and Father control the family. Don't be naive in this whether you run or attend a centre.

Behave in accordance to our desires, fears and limitations or we will not have any love for you, even if we have got it wrong, or, partly wrong. You are expected to get it wrong with us, comply to our wrongness or go. Surely not. Not God's children, they are not capable of this. Ho hum, ho hum. OK, I may be enlarging things in general.

So, even if you are aligned with the Father / mother, we can find ourselves in a situation whereby we must align with the centre, or go. Ah well, it is our karma is not it. Align with the limitations of our fellow Sisters / Brothers and not with the unlimited Father. This causes much hurt, for both parties. This will vary from place to place if it exists at all.

This is very damaging, not to mention ignorant, Petty, childish, and destructive to the Father's agenda, which is very much based on the LOVE of the family. When the Father / mothers agenda is replaced by my own limited agenda, " the centre " will self destruct.


Re: seeing the family

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2006
by howiemac
sparkal wrote:God Shiva is the Father of all souls and Brahma Baba is the mother of all Brahmins.

sparkal - i like very much the unlimited context you are portraying of "the family".
Would all those who have been in Gyan for more than ?? years please come to the stage. What a put down for last go fast souls. Souls who may be second birth Brahmins with who knows how many years under their belt from their previous life. I cannot quote, but I am sure that BapDada has said in the past that a soul will become karmateet within four months. Will they have to sit quiet in their karmateet form while others who may have barely experienced take to the stage? Perhaps those getting up on the stage need it more and the karmateet one would understand.

I think you have answered your own point here - the "name and fame" of being asked up on the stage, or being allowed to sit at the front, or being personally praised in the Murli, or whatever, is reserved for those who are weak enough to need it (or who have a role which requires them to be seen to be "important" by the lower echelons). The true yogi is humble (as you point out elsewhere), and has full self respect, and so doesn't need any public favouritism. As you say, they will understand why other are put in front.

Yoga is the highest form of world service a soul can do.
the Avyakt Murlis repeat this point in agreat variety of ways, but i found very little understanding of it in the BKs running the centres that i was involved with... instead they had almost a distaste, and certainly very little respect, for Yoga. It was all service service service, meaning physical service, not subtle service ie Yoga.

Souls have been hand picked by the parents, and not the centre co coordinator.
I suspect they are not picked at all, but just are what they are. Whatever, i take your point - from a BK Gyan viewpoint, any soul is either a BK (ie trunk) soul, or else belong to one of the branches of The Tree. Many BK or Brahmin souls will not be at all comfortable inside a religious cult. So are they BKs? How can anyone else tell? The Murlis say it to judge yourself and not others, and yet my experiences within the BKs were of being continually judged by others, almost invariably on the shallowest of physical criteria: are you wearing white clothes?.. are they clean?.. are they ironed immaculately?.. are you clean shaven?... are you well educated?.. are you middle (or higher) class?... do you have lots of money?
Remember that BapDada are watching on their big telly and may even put a spoke in your wheels if you are not going to the centre for the right reasons. The family. The mother and Father control the family.
There is another way of looking at this - being ushered out the door (however it comes about) can be seen as a blessing from the parents, who realise that you have learned enough, progressed enough, to stand now on your own feet. Truly loving parents will not seek to restrict a maturing child to within the family, but will encourage them to go out in the world and do their own thing.

When the Father / mothers agenda is replaced by my own limited agenda, " the centre " will self destruct.
This can be seen in BK centres, certainly in Scotland, over the past several years. The centres are dysfunctional and very few stay around for long

Fair enough, but i will use my own eyes, in order to play my role - but with full respect for and consideration of the wisdom of the parents.. Mother Brahma for one is far from infallible (Father Shiva may be another story entirely..)