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Post06 Oct 2007

aishalvova wrote:Revolutoins - it is our prioritet too :) But it is not spiritual way.

In this birth I got a body with a socio-type named "Robespiere". So revolution for me is not an empty sound. Also there can be spiritual revolution.
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Post06 Oct 2007

Hi, Robespier! Then try to do something. :)

Believe me, i know many very brave people who just was be killed (by psychic and even physical). Another thing; we are not animals, and after meeting with God and understanding His Gyan, we must to understand about all secrets in Drama and also about different role by every soul.

Also we have power to change negative to positive. And to do everything which we want just through the power of thoughts and silence. We only need Yoga and pure heart. To keep our goodness and love to everyone - this is victory for the soul who want to become closer to God.

This is my humble opinion. Om.



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Post06 Oct 2007

bkdimok wrote:Om Shanti. I experienced one emotion when I read this topic. It was mmm ... anger :evil:. It is not OK when there is a dictatorship in family. Yes, there may be authority, but not a dictatorship. Now I want to find out this situation. So what is happening in St. Petersburg Yagja?

Nothing at all. Just one teacher taking the role of Brahma and creating for herself a kingdom. She doesn't want to wait until SatYuga comes. I think it is not a new thing, and not only in Russia.

Someone loves - Baba, someone - Ruling power, kingdom and all that stoff ... But lies cannot to remain hidden for a long time.
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without Murli, are we condemned to die?

Post07 Oct 2007

A rapper said: "If you are a dissident you don't get Murli nourishment".

Talks have been going on on this Forum about the restricted access to Murli, how Murlis should be made more easily available, public etc ...

Most BKs think that Murli is an essential part of their life and that without that sustenance they will die. Because of this reason, and because room-service Murli is not common, they have to go to the center and listen to it on the premises. Even if the feeling at the center is not great or travelling there causes inconveniences. A sort of black mailing.

Given that I still have Murli everyday, I wonder, especially for older BKs and ex-BKs who, having been in Gyan for many years have been exposed to hundreds of Murlis, would it really represent a loss, stopping Murli reading? Would it create a cold-turkey stage or dryness in life, if we did not read Murli everyday? Or, once one has got plenty of Gyan, can one survive without it?

Is it really such a magical ingredient of a survival kit or a hook, a myth, connected with the subtle threat and curse that "if you don't comply with Maryadas, you will die?"?


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Post07 Oct 2007

"I have two sort of cookies for you". This one you can get and the other ones are in the cookie jar. A secret cookie jar. Is it not the most exciting thing in the world to find out how they taste?? OK, this you can see, but i have one special thing in a box ...

Oh boy ... do not even care what is there. Its only to get you interested which is a normal reaction ... but then you get lost ... and they got ya!!!!
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Post07 Oct 2007

aishalvova wrote:I have the right to read Baba's Murli ... but how I can do it without the main coordinator from our centre?

The time will come. And I promise you that free Murli will taste so much better than slave Murli.

I think that should become our name for the BKWSU Murlis;
    Slave Murlis ... cut and edited so as to disempower, witheld by the overseers on behalf of the plantation owners.


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Post07 Oct 2007

You do have the right aishalvova, go and claim it.
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Post07 Oct 2007

Very powerful post ex-l.
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Post07 Oct 2007

We need a better artist than me but I worked up another version as a working idea ...

For those of you that do not recognize this logo, this was one of the most powerful tools of the Slavery Abolition Movement and respect is due ...
The first and most identifiable image of the 18th century abolitionist movement was a kneeling African man.

Members of the Society of Friends, informally known as Quakers, were among the earliest leaders of the abolitionist movement in Britain and the Americas. By the beginning of the American Revolution, Quakers had moved from viewing slavery as a matter of individual conscience, to seeing the abolition of slavery as a Christian duty.

Quakers, who believe in simplicity in all things, tended to view the arts as frivolous; but when the Quaker-led Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade met in London in 1787, three of its members were charged with preparing a design for "a Seal [to] be engraved for the use of this Society."

Later that year, the society approved a design "expressive of an African in Chains in a Supplicating Posture." Surrounding the naked man was engraved a motto whose wording echoed an idea widely accepted during the Enlightenment among Christians and secularists: "Am I Not A Man and A Brother?" The design was approved by the Society, and an engraving was commissioned.

The design was symbolic both artistically and politically. In addition to evoking classical art, the figure's nudity signified a state of nobility and freedom, yet he was bound by chains. Black figures, usually depicted as servants or supplicants, typically knelt in the art of the period, at a time when members of the upper classes did not kneel when praying; this particular image combined the European theme of conversion from heathenism and the idea of emancipation into a posture of gratitude.

Josiah Wedgewood, who was by then a member of the Society, produced the emblem as a jasper-ware cameo at his pottery factory. Although the artist who designed and engraved the seal is unknown, the design for the cameo is attributed to William Hackwood or to Henry Webber, who were both modelers at the Wedgewood factory.

In 1788, a consignment of the cameos was shipped to Benjamin Franklin in Philadelphia, where the medallions became a fashion statement for abolitionists and anti-slavery sympathizers. They were worn as bracelets and as hair ornaments, and even inlaid with gold as ornaments for snuff boxes. Soon the fashion extended to the general public.

That same year, the image also appeared in London on the covers of a pamphlet addressed to Parliament and a book about a voyage to Guinea, presumably with the Society's approval.

Although the intent and the effect of the emblem was to focus public opinion on the evils of the African slave trade, its ultimate effect was to underscore the perception of black inferiority. The supplicant posture of blacks persisted as a standard feature of Western art long after slavery was abolished.

Ironically, although the image became the emblem of the anti-slavery movement, the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was emphatic that its only goal was the abolition of the slave trade, not of slavery itself. That position was vigorously protested by individual members such as Granville Sharp, the most influential abolitionist of his time.
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Post08 Oct 2007

I am reading so many exiting things here ... about history, about present time ... I like the work of PBKs because there is some concrete efforts to attain karmateet stage. Also i know many spiritual and esoteric organisation here in Russia and abroad. And i think that we have some common understanding about Truth.

We are souls. We are the children of God, and we are Brothers and Sisters. We need love in our hearts, positive thoughts and good intellect. We need to have education. We need to broaden our consciousness. We must be open for transformations or for changing in our life.

If we could take inspiration from Murli - great! If we could take it from other resource (which you can find everywhere, if you really want it) - this is super! But we need to remember only one thing - act in love to each other; BK, ex BK, PBK. We are all very close people. We have love for spirituality, for study, for God. This will help us in the future.

This is just my humble thoughts. So pity for me that i cannott to share to all my thoughts because i think in Russian words ...

Love and light for everyone.

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