From a peaceful soul

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Silent and peace for everyone and SOS!

Post04 Oct 2007

Silent and peace for everyone and SOS!
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Post04 Oct 2007

Newcomer? Welcome on board and may you fly high in the light, over the dark nite, like I see in your Avatar. Love and good vibes.



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Re: Silent and peace for everyone and SOS!

Post04 Oct 2007

aishalvova wrote:Silent and peace for everyone and SOS!

Ari Sister what is your problem, do you want silence or peace?
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Post04 Oct 2007

Sister Aishalvova,

Omshanti and welcome to the forum. From your name it appears as if you are from Russia or one of the countries which were once a part of USSR.

Hope to read more about your experiences as a BK.

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From a peaceful soul

Post05 Oct 2007

Om Shanti!

I am new here and I am very impressed by this forum. I am a BK from Russia, Saint Petersburg. I never know before that in some virtual place is community with people who have courage, open minds and lovely hearts.

For us in Russia, many things are hidden and we do not know anything about the real news which happens in the Brahmin world. For this there are many reasons, and may be main: language problem (i have some too) and we have very strict system which was given us from our teachers; no tv, no magazine, no books, no computer. Russia is very specific place and speicially St Petersburg (you know the history of this city).

So if you free from influence of instruments here, it means you are free from Baba's Shrimat. (Here we have not differense when we say "Baba". Baba means Shiva. Our Supreme Father).

I am in knowledge from 1990. And i have big experience of many things from Yoga, Gyan, service, and from Maya's games too. And now for me it is very clear, that now the time when we must be very honest, open and unite in Bramin family. And we must be free from all dependences (place, teacher, desire to serve and conditions). But for this we need to have golden heart, because that is way to become closer to Baba. And then we can cooperate with each other and to show to way for other children of God.

Here, all design depends only from our teacher (Sister Santosht). And our Brothers and Sisters here absolutly agree with this. Those who go to centre regulary. Those who feel that Brahmin life much more interesting and large - the leave this family. I know many of them who use all Maryadas and have strong Yoga with Baba. But cant to go to centre (and what is interesting, we have only one centre for all very big city!), because they don't want to be dependent on directions from Santosht (sorry, here we cant to say "Sister" only "Didi")

I am far from thoughts to disturb here her positions. This is sweet Drama and all that happens is very beneficial. But I want to be honest before myself and i do not like to be subject in this Confluence Age. I just love Baba and all His creation and i want be His hands.

If someone have some thoughts or questions, please share, i will be very glad. I am very happy that i find this Forum and thank you everyone for cooperation.

With good wishes! S. Aisha
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Post05 Oct 2007

Welcome Aishalvova.

You seem an intelligent, open minded BK, which is always welcome on the forum.
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Post05 Oct 2007

Yes, welcome Aisha. Thank you for your courage and congratulations for taking such a big step forward.

What would be interesting for us is to have a brief history of service/the Yagya in Russia. Perhaps you can contribute it to the BK Russia topic?

Its seems that a similar pattern has happened to Russia, that has happened elsewhere; that someone local, perhaps a Russia or European, has started service and then the BKWSU has parachuted in one of their dependent India Sisters to babysit the operation.

I do not think that too many here will agree on call your center-in-charge "Didi" ... I think we interpret The Knowledge literally and see everyone as equals! The "bigger" the BK, all too often, the "bigger" the mistakes ... and, yes, we are concerned that there is not an honest, open and free flow of information between the leadership and the followers that sustain them. The Bhakti we must free ourselves of is the Bhakti in Gyan.

I must wonder also HOW ON EARTH the Murlis are translated into Russia and for Russians, with little connection to Hinduism, to understand! Are they converted first into English or German and then into Russian? I hope you have looked at some of the historical information we have here. Where there is just one or two individuals in a position of power, translating for the Seniors, and you have no connection with what else is going on ... there is a great danger. May be the Maya with Gyan still operates an Iron Curtain around Russia!

As you know, some elements within the BKWSU are trying to shut this site down. Whatever happens, I am sure it will continue in some manner either here or elsewhere on the internet.


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Post05 Oct 2007

Hi Aisha

I have met some Russian BKs in Madhuban few times, each time they are always in a group and each time they are always well presentable and cheerful.

So warm welcome to the forum.
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Post05 Oct 2007

bansy wrote:I have met some Russian BKs in Madhuban few times, each time they are always in a group and each time they are always well presentable and cheerful.

Thankyou, dear Brothers and Sisters,

about last opinion - yes, our Russian people together, because they do not know Hindi and English. And all time cheerful, because all of them very love Maduban and family. Also after the difficult life in Russia, Maduban feels like Paradise!
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Post05 Oct 2007

Welcome aishalvova and do keep in touch with the forum as much as your circumstances allow over the next month or so as per ex-l's sharing. Your contributions are welcome over here.
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abuse of power from Sisters in charge

Post05 Oct 2007

Hi, Aisha. Although I don't like any type of totalitarism, including the BKWSO's, I came to appreciate the high level of education and the access granted to even typically men's profession, equally between male and female citizens in Russia and countries influenced by it.

Whether this is my own illusion or true, you can confirm it or not. So, assuming that most Russian BKs are intelligent and literated people, and in spite of that, they always seemed so oppressed and squashed by Indian instruments, how do you explain that? Is it mostly due to the language problems that make them very dependent on sisters-in-charge and does not allow them to communicate easily with BKs from other countries?

Are they accustomed to dictatorships? Did the prolonged banning of religion and spirituality from an officially atheist state generate some extra enthusiasm in this "new oriental doctrine", enabling members to tolerate severe abuses, when in the West we would not accept even a fraction of it?


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Post06 Oct 2007

Om Shanti. I experienced one emotion when I read this topic. It was mmm ... anger :evil:. It is not OK when there is a dictatorship in family. Ye,s there may be authority, but not a dictatorship. Now I want to find out this situation. So what is happening in St. Petersburg Yagja?
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Post06 Oct 2007

Priviet Aishalvova!

welcome to the forum.

Oisheng harasho, that you come into this site and learn more about BKWSU, and most surely will contribute some information.

ex-l mentioned how the translation goes. I have seen a Russian newspaper with BK news in it. Then someone translated it into English from Russian. The resulting English words were so funny. But I guess the essence was still fair to good.
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Post06 Oct 2007

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Om Shanti!

I could imagine how strange all this information looking for you. But for us this is reality, this is our life. For example; from those day when i wrote my message on this forum, i stopped my study in our pet. centre because any way, it will happen when Santosh will know about it. She never allow to make any open discussion.

I don't want to blame here her ruling in S.Petersb. centre. It is very old story and some Brahmins make efforts in 1999-2000 to change situation (even we came to Mount Abu). But all Dadi says that we belong to Delhi centre, where responsible Teachers were bhaisahab Jagdish and did Chakradhari. So all questions and all problems could be decided only through them. After this unsuccessful trip, many, many Brahmins left Gyan and some other start to tell about all wrong things in Brahma Kumaris in mass media. It was war and Didi become absolutely free from all people who had different opinion.

When guests from other country come to S.Petersburg, they were all absolutely happy here. Especially Indian instruments, because here you can see embodiment of dream any rulers. They can see big beautiful house, big garden, many students (the mostly this is people from other Russian cities), all very happy. What else you need?

Didi Santosh very talented manager and she is shiny manipulator with sharp intellect. But who will know about hundreds and hundreds Brahmins who given all there powers, love, enthusiasm and love to God, who gaved everything and then left family. Again i will repeat that i don't want to telling you all this very tragic stories. Past is past.

But anyway, i know many former Brahmins which till now keeping faith and love to Baba. Just they decide be free from this terrible condicionse for soul. Just they waiting when Truth open the door in this Russian Drama.

My own relationships with Santosh was very close. She is first teacher who inspired me on this spiritual study. She gave me many possibilities for service in Russia and many other good things i could remember about her positive specialties. But not everyone here been so lucky. And i had always loved my spiritual family. So it was impossible to become calm seeing (don't even ask me what, because it is long and painful story).

Sorry for my chaotic style. I am trying be in positive, but all time I am again comes to some negative, because it is like this.

I have dream about Time when we all again become together, when we forgive each other and again our hearts will start to sing a song; "Pyar Baba, mithe mithe Baba!" And nobody cant to stop this song ...
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Post06 Oct 2007

Om Shanti.

I would like to share with everyone my thoughts about - Why and What happened in Russia.

Please, see the history of our country. Russian people had big lovely hearts. But they are very old souls. Slavery is in their blood. The bondages which we have here are just our karmic accounts. So for that, people always need some dictator whom they can become slaves to. But one day, something will happen and free souls will start to break their bondages. Revolutions - it is our priority too :). But it is not spiritual way. What of why, please, let all that go in its own way.

In Drama, everything is very correct. I cant to make desicion for all Brahmins in St. Petersburg. But i have this right ... to be honest before myself and Baba.

I have right to share my opinion, to communicate with people and, the main thing, i have the right to read Baba's Murli (of course if i live in pure life and have faith to Baba). But how i can do it without the main coordinator from our centre? It is impossible! So, if someone knows the way - how i (and also many other good former Brahmins who would join to me) can receiving everyday Murli from Maduban? Then we will stay in Common Wordly Brahmin family and could be on Baba's way.

The Time will come when many things becomes clear for everyone.

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