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PostPosted: 20 Mar 2007
by abrahma kumar
Dadi Janki - 14th March 2007 – Madhuban
Are you ready to go home?

Are we returning home, or sitting in the home? Whilst sitting in front of us, giving us drishti, Baba would say, sit in the home and remember the Father. Shiv Baba is the Ocean of Peace, and He uses Brahma’s eyes and mouth to speak and give us drishti. He resides in Paramdham and through His drishti is reminding us and attracting us to the home. We’re able to remember the home very sweetly. It’s been a long time since we left there. We’ve been through the whole cycle of 84 births and now we have to return home. Didi never gave classes, but she always said: now we have to return home. When we sat at Amrit Vela we had the feeling of being in the home. When we come onto the physical plane, we talk, but what do we talk about? When we come from that home, we speak sweetly of that experience. It’s not necessary to talk about other things, just the remembrance of the Father and the home. Then all the past things are finished. It’s such a difference between remembering the home and the mundane things of here. The home is beyond the five elements. We know how we are returning home. In one second we fly. We sit in the remembrance of the home and fly in a second. You wouldn’t be sitting on the physical seat, but the seat of the immortal throne of the centre of the forehead.

Baba gives us such clear knowledge, that nothing else is retained in the intellect. We have that awareness of the soul in the centre of the forehead and the words that in the Gita, that to know me and recognize me you need a divine intellect. We have received this divine eye through which we receive a divine intellect. We know and recognize Baba. Now Baba has made our vision so good, that we are able to know and recognize God. I know myself, my Baba, my home, and what I have to do. It can take years to understand other things, but to know this much takes a second. It’s is said liberation in life in a second, so ask yourself whether you are in that stage. Baba tells us that all we have to do is become pure. Baba makes us pure through our diet, and gives us a pure diet for our thoughts also. With purity there can be Yoga of the intellect. When we churn knowledge and have elevated thoughts the intellect becomes elevated, then it becomes easy to experience and be soul conscious. Whilst moving around check the quality of your thoughts. Let them be very elevated. Think who am I? Who do I belong to?

We are ready to return home. We’re not preparing to go home. To be preparing means you are still lost in the expansion of here. A royal person sends their luggage ahead before they go. It arrives before they do, they don’t have to stand in a queue. It’s not royal to stand in a queue. If you ask questions it means you are in a queue. One who is in a queue knows what their number will be. In first class everything is attained easily. Royalty is when there is reality. Baba tells us that one who is truthful dances in happiness. They aren’t taught to dance but they dance due to their internal honesty. If a person is dancing their face shows joy. Baba has so many jewels that He can fill us with jewels. He says, “Children all you have to do is become swans, don’t do anything else”. We used to call the Yagya, Om Mandali, or Hansa Manali, because Swans are able to recognize jewels. Once our intellects were like stone, but they have now become divine, through Baba’s company. The alchemist’s stone changes iron to something pure and divine. And so there is praise of the Lord of Divinity who does this.

Ask yourself, what is my stage? Am I in the Iron Aged, Copper Aged or the Silver Aged stage? Whatever is the quality of my thoughts that is what I will become. Everything depends on thoughts. Baba works so hard on us to teach us how to think. Sit accurately at Amrit Vela and Baba will wash your intellect. Baba says, I do the work of a laundry man. He doesn’t ask; your clothes are dirty, what am I going to do with you? He won’t beat them till they tear, but He makes them clean. They may be dirty or old, but he is a clever laundry man.

Baba reminds us how we lose money if we try to hold on it. Some people’s wealth will be buried underground, Baba reminds us of this. Some will be taken in tax or by fire. But whoever has used their wealth in God’s task, that wealth is used in a worthwhile way. Don’t wait till your dying day, but use everything in a worthwhile. We have died alive and are returning home. Think; I’m always ready. Nothing is mine, everything is Baba’s. Baba is the business man. How long does it take for the soul to depart? A second. When the soul is ready to depart, it takes a second, so don’t remember anyone or anything else. I don’t think anyone has practiced this to that extent. Now practice this and learn to be a carefree emperor.

Om Shanti

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2007
by john
If you ask questions it means you are in a queue.

Yes BKs don't ask any questions otherwise you will be a lowly queuer rather than travelling first class with DJ as royalty.
Of course not asking questions will make their first class travel around the world so much easier. In fact it will make everything easier for them
Anyway why ask questions, DJ will tell you what you need to know, anything else she has decided you don't need to know.

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by john
Dadi Janki - Shantivan Teacher's Bhatti - The Significance and Responsibility of a Surrendered Life 3/8/07

Why did you surrender? To become Baba's.

You have surrendered with your heart and not with force. It's after you surrender to Baba that Maya comes. So, the question is how to always remain surrendered with your heart.

When you surrender, you're surrendering from the enemy' side – Maya. You seek asylum with God, the protector. When you surrender, you receive understanding, knowledge, good company and support.

The Do's and Don't of a surrendered life:
    * Don't remember anyone – Baba provides everything. If you accept something from someone, you will remember them and not Baba
    * Renounce everything, nothing is mine. Whatever I offer to others, is that which I have received from up above. My hands are open, bestowing like Lakshmi
    * Never ask for anything
    * Don't give anything to anyone secretly. Otherwise you're creating an account by giving extra attention or hospitality - more than what's needed. Why do you get in the middle, let God give to them directly.
    * Don't take someone's support or companionship
    * Don't do anything secretly and don't hide anything. No privacy. If someone speaks or writes to me secretly – something wrong. No one can talk/write to me like that. I cannot talk/write to anyone like that. Baba doesn't like it. It's against the principles. If you do one sinful action secretly, it becomes a habit
    * You can never get angry at anyone
    * Don't look at someone with a feeling of dislike or hatred
    * Be completely truthful, honest and trustworthy. There shouldn't be even 1% truth lacking.

    * There's a lot learn from every situation, everyone and also from wherever you have been put to do service. Mama used to say: If Baba gives you service, then He will also give you power to do it. I cannot have the thought, I cannot do it.
    * The centre is not mine. It's Baba's house
    * Create such an atmosphere in the centre, that when someone comes they don't want to go anywhere else.
    * No attachment to anyone. Be detached as you pass every scene. Don't remember the scene or anyone else.
    * No one dare look at me with an impure vision. Don't touch me.
There's no need to smile extra at anyone. Others should feel that I am a deity. Just remember who you are and whom you belong to! Be obedient to the Mother & Father and observe the vow of being faithful to the Husband.

Watch your language – my centre, my student, my thought, my idea. The consciousness of 'mine' makes you trapped in the net, like fishes. Baba too has caught us from the ocean of poison in this net of love and made us belong to Him.

Toli makes you holy and this changes your boli (speech/words). Speak less, speak slowly, speak sweetly, and speak truthfully. You don't need to use force or get agitated when proving truth. The one who speaks the truth will speak slowly and sweetly. Don't speak too sweetly that students become attached to you – they only want you to teach or explain to them.

It's easy to listen to knowledge but when someone is criticizing you, then don't have the power to listen. Baba has said: the one who criticizes/defames you is your friend. If you consider that one to be your enemy, then you are your own enemy. Just remember no one is your enemy; no one is against you. Always be a friend to yourself, keep Baba as your secret friend and have feelings of benefit towards everyone.

How much time do you spend teaching yourself? Baba has said create a timetable for yourself. You won't say, I don't have time to shower or to eat. You also cannot say, I don't have time to keep my inner world clean. The ones who waste time will say, I don't have time to teach myself.

In a second make yourself light from any negative feelings of isheartenment, hatred, dislike, sorrow. Being light has 2 meanings:
    1. be halka – keep your heart light and
    2. roshni – spiritual radiance.
With the power of Yoga make yourself light. Realise that the reason for my heaviness is not anyone but because my old sanskaras get caught in other people's sanskaras. To be light means to be free – in the flying stage.

If you use your breath, time and thoughts in a worthwhile way, then success in service will come dancing at your feet. Be economical – a true server doesn't waste anything. And be eknami – faithful to the One. Service is not about my name and fame. Take power from the One and you won't get tired. It's a habit to get tired.

Dada Vishwa Ratan used to say: no one should have waste thoughts because of me. A true yogi is one who pays attention to this.

Om Shanti

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by ex-l
Trimurti Dadi Janki spoke not wrote:Service is not about my name and fame.

How can she of all people dole out such ****?

Don't remember anyone ... Never ask for anything ... Don't give anything to anyone ... Don't remember anyone ... Don't touch me ... Do not talk/write to anyone ... who is she training up here? Young girls away from home for the first time!?!

PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by arjun
Dadi Janaki spoke not wrote: Don't remember anyone – Baba provides everything. If you accept something from someone, you will remember them and not Baba
* Renounce everything, nothing is mine. Whatever I offer to others, is that which I have received from up above. My hands are open, bestowing like Lakshmi
* Never ask for anything

Is it OK to keep donation boxes in the centers and seek donations from worldly people and even offer them benefits in income tax?
* Don't give anything to anyone secretly. Otherwise you're creating an account by giving extra attention or hospitality - more than what's needed. Why do you get in the middle, let God give to them directly.

Is it OK to give golden badges, rings, and other special gifts given to selected Brothers and Sisters and VIPs?
* Don't do anything secretly and don't hide anything. No privacy. If someone speaks or writes to me secretly – something wrong. No one can talk/write to me like that. I cannot talk/write to anyone like that. Baba doesn't like it. It's against the principles. If you do one sinful action secretly, it becomes a habit
* Be completely truthful, honest and trustworthy. There shouldn't be even 1% truth lacking.

Is it OK to hide Murlis from the souls who are thirsty for it? Is it OK to copyright Godly versions if it is nothing but truth?

* You can never get angry at anyone
* Don't look at someone with a feeling of dislike or hatred

Is it OK to use physical violence to prevent unarmed/harmless Brother/mothers from giving Godly message?
* There's a lot learn from every situation, everyone and also from wherever you have been put to do service. Mama used to say: If Baba gives you service, then He will also give you power to do it. I cannot have the thought, I cannot do it.

Is it OK to decline the invitation of hundreds of souls to come to this forum to discuss knowledge?

* The centre is not mine. It's Baba's house.
Watch your language – my centre, my student, my thought, my idea. The consciousness of 'mine' makes you trapped in the net, like fishes. Baba too has caught us from the ocean of poison in this net of love and made us belong to Him.

What about the J.... Foundation? What about the Dadi P.... Day? What about the pictures of bodily beings like us hanging on the walls of most of Baba's homes and at public programmes?


PostPosted: 20 Aug 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:What about the J.... Foundation? What about the Dadi P.... Day? What about the

"Ah ...", say the senior Brahma Kumari, "But that is different. You would not understand, so I will not explain it to you. And why should I? Who are you anyway?"

Obviously its one set of rules for the goose and a different set of rules for the ganders.

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2007
by arjun
Dadi Janaki spoke not wrote:* You can never get angry at anyone
* Don't look at someone with a feeling of dislike or hatred
* The centre is not mine. It's Baba's house. Watch your language – my centre, my student, my thought, my idea. The consciousness of 'mine' makes you trapped in the net, like fishes. Baba too has caught us from the ocean of poison in this net of love and made us belong to Him.

Omshanti. A PBK mother related to me her experience at a BK center today. She and some other BKs had undergone bhatti at Kampil a few months ago; some got revealed and hence were banned by the BKs. But this mother remained incognito and used to visit the BK center now and then to listen to Murli. But the BK teachers of her center were probably aware of her leanings and used to criticize the PBKs in front of her on previous occasions.

Today, both the teachers started criticizing Baba Virendra Dev Dixit in very bad terms saying that he mixes bone powder in the food served to the PBKs to hypnotize them and they abused him in many other ways. When the PBK mother could not bear any more, she protested and replied to all the false allegations. Since the center is probably located in a densely populated area, fearing that the voice of the PBK mother may be heard by the neighbours, the BK teachers ordered the closing of all windows and the door.

Nobody supported the PBK mother out of fear, but the PBK mother somehow managed to come out. But she was informed by some BKs that after she left the center, the remaining BK students took the BK teachers to task for insulting the PBK mother in this manner. After this incident, the concerned BK teachers and their supporters have been warning her and other Brothers of dire consequences.

I sincerely hope the versions of Dadi Janaki reach those BK teachers.


PostPosted: 21 Aug 2007
by Mr Green
The WHOLE of the Yagya is run in secret away from the prying eyes of the 'students'.

PostPosted: 21 Aug 2007
by ex-l
arjun wrote:Today, both the teachers started criticizing Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit in very bad terms saying that he mixes bone powder in the food served to the PBKs to hypnotize them.

Thank you for underlining and exemplifying the level of ignorance, superstition, prejudice and propaganda at the heart of the current Brahma Kumari system.

If anyone cares to inform us how "bonemeal" causes hypnotism, 100,000s of farmers will be grateful for learning how to unhypnotize their crops that have been fertilized in the same way.

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2007
by arjun
ex-l wrote:If anyone cares to inform us how "bonemeal" causes hypnotism, 100,000s of farmers will be grateful for learning how to unhypnotize their crops that have been fertilized in the same way.

Some BKs in power are repeating the same mistake (in a different form) that the Anti-Om Mandli/Arya Samajis committed by saying that the BKs apply soorma on the eyes and hypnotize the public to make them BKs.

As the beginning, so the end.


PostPosted: 23 Aug 2007
by ex-l
mr green wrote:The WHOLE of the Yagya is run in secret away from the prying eyes of the 'students'.

Please tell us more, mr wise.

Dadi Janki – 19 September 07

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2007
by abrahma kumar
Dadi Janki – 19 September 07 – GCH London
Stay in the ascending stage. Make God omnipresent in your thoughts, dreams, nature and sanskars

Dadiji has put her stamp on rahki. This year – it was a unique rahki, a lovely rahki – one to become multi millionaires for all time. Baba has given us so much love, teachings and Shrimat and we have taken so much from the Mother and Father. It is time to give the return and become as pure and lovely as Dadi was. Let’s make our face like Dadiji’s – filled with truth and humility. Baba says that He has surrendered Himself to us - He has sacrificed Himself to us and so, He cannot be separated from us. Let this show on my face. In our relationships with each other– we have also become so close. In the previous cycle – we were together, we will remain together and we will return home with Baba together. There is no question of following Baba then - but to go with Him. My actions, thoughts and attitude have to be such now – so that I become equal to the Father.

Pay attention on the self. To pay attention means to imbibe and become what Baba wants me to be – to become equal. Dadi ji was such a mirror for us that we could easily tell the difference between our stage and what Baba wants us to be. On the path of devotion they consider Shiva and Shankar to be together (one) but we say Bap and Dada. Bap, the Supreme Soul and Dada the soul of Brahma – the two are almost combined and we, children, are in between them! One minute they are Mother and Father, the next they are Bap and Dada and the other, they are the Father, Teacher and Satguru. We will not find such Parents throughout the whole Kalpa! But by having such a Mother and Father now, we are guaranteed to have good parents not only for our next birth – but for all 84 births.

We are the adopted children of this Mother and Father. Do you have the intoxication of who’s adopted you? When someone adopts a child – they do so with careful consideration. And the child even thinks of who my parents were before and who are my parents now? We received so much love and sustenance from our Parent – we have attained so much. Do you have regard for all this? One who does will not get pulled away by attachments and Maya. They feel that whatever happens is in the drama, that each one has its own part and they know how to put a full stop.

Baba says that it is our ascending stage. This stage is such that it benefits everyone and this age, the Confluence Age is the benevolent age. We need to understand this accurately. Does it mean that if someone is doing something wrong – should I say that it is OK – there is benefit in this? What Baba says is - you just pay attention on yourself - the benefit for the self and others is in your ascending stage. I should not get stuck in what others are doing or the mistakes that they made. I must continue to move forward and not let their actions and vision bring me to a stop. No matter what I must stay in my ascending stage - every minute of the Confluence is valuable. Do not waste even a second in waste thoughts about scenes which come in front of you. Even to just hear of such things is a sin. In today’s Murli Baba said that your status is destroyed by speaking of useless things. Remain in the ascending stage and be such an honest obedient child who only has Baba in his heart.

To those on the path of Bhakti, we say that God is not omnipresent – but yet, we say that He is omnipresent with us - He is in our thoughts, dreams, nature and sanskars. When I said to Baba – Baba, you are my world – but what if you were to come in my sanskars? What did Baba answer? He said – yes – but you are the one who has to create those sanskars. What’s in my sanskars is a question of karma and relationship. So let me remember that I am part of the Godly family – I belong to Baba – and the service that I am doing is Baba’s. Let that become part of my sanskars. Baba said today that He is the one Purifier but that we are the ones who are going to make many others into the purifiers. So, let me only look at Baba and remain in the stage of ascend. On seeing me move forward and seeing God through me, anyone stuck will feel – let me also move forward.

I must not have any attachment to anything, dangle after anything or run after anything. By engaging yourself in any of these things – God can’t do anything. Keep your intellect clean. When I have an honest heart – the Lord is pleased – and the One I love will not be separated from you. This is true love – the love that gives imperishable eternal happiness. The value of that love is such that the question of how to remember Baba. It is natural. But if instead - I waste time in other things - then He does not remember me. In some religions they would say that it is God punishing you but actually, it is each one who fixes their own punishment. Baba tells us everything accurately so that there are no complaints. And then, He becomes free.

He tells us how to claim a royal status and who becomes a subject. He says - be honest and have the desire to serve. Remain light and keep no burden. Baba looks after everyone - It is His duty. Let me only have thanks for Him all day long and if I make a mistake, don’t hide it. Remain on this spiritual pilgrimage and let me experience everyone blessings. Let my head be cool, my mind OK and then my body will also be fine - everything will be good.

Om Shanti.