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PostPosted: 23 Nov 2006
by mitra
John wrote:The problem with having such an 'ever eager to be pleased' attitude is that it can be open to abuse. Anyway I think you are a long time BK so you will know what is thought of the BK 'ruling party' by it's detractors.

Hi John,

"It can be open to abuse" can you please explain this statement?[ :roll: I did not understand it]


PostPosted: 03 Dec 2006
by ex-l
arjun wrote:Who is performing the task as per rules and who is going against it?

Are you saying that by BKs, ex-BKs and PBK coming together and discussing matters openly and honestly that we are following the rules and it is the BKWSU that are not following Shrimat?

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2007
by bansy
Excerpts from the latest Avyakt Vani dated 31.12.06, page 2 narrated through the medium of Gulzar Dadiji :
"BapDada now wants you to bid farewell this year to one world for all time. Should Baba tell you ? Then you will have to bid it farewell. This year, BapDada wants to make you bid farewell to the word 'reasons'. Let there be solutions and finish reasons. Let problems finish and become an embodiment of solutions. Whether the reason is the self, your companions, the gathering or the circumstances, in the Brahmin dictionary, the word 'reasons' and 'problems' should be transformed into 'solutions'. Because this morning you spoke to Baba about these things, that in the New Year, you will do something new. So now BapDada wants you to celebrate the New Year in such a way that these two words finish."

The solution to many of the BKs "reasons" is to solve the reason why the original Sakar Murlis have certain things like dates and places edited out of them which do not appear in the daily morning classes in BK centres across the entire world. Then that reason will finish, as each and every BK across the lands will have equal access to the same Murli during the Confluence Age, because Baba says "Om Shanti" to all the bacchuu children at the same time.

This is BapDada warning all the children, bottom up and top down.

Bholi Dadi

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2007
by arjun
Omshanti. I do not know where to put this, so I am putting it in this thread.
The latest Avyakt Vani dated 15.2.07 says that Bholi Dadi, who was in-charge of the kitchen at Madhuban, Mt. Abu for many decades has left her body.

"Bholi say bhi sabhi ko pyaar tha. Chaahey kaisi bhi tabeeyat rahee lekin bhandara nahee choda, jo Brahma Bap nay bhandaarey may bithaya toh ant tak bhandara nahee choda. Yah bhi karmana kee vishesh devi rahee. Isliye sabhi ka aantarik pyaar achha raha."

"Everyone loved Bholi. Whatever was her health condition, but she did not leave the bhandara (kitchen). Ever since Father Brahma made her sit in the kitchen, she did not leave the kitchen. She was also a special deity of actions. That is why everyone had an inner love for her."


Note: The translation has been done by a PBK.

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2007
by bansy
The latest Avyakt Vani dated 15.2.07 from the BKWSU mentions "the three senior Brothers". This is quite interesting, regarding the usage of the number three, although this phrase does not seem to be spoken by BapDada, but by someone who is writing the Vani itself (is it also in the Hindi version ?).

I can think of Brother Nirwair, Brother BrijMohan. Who is the other "Trimurti" Brother ? (there were a few elderly Brothers going on stage in recent times, but would that 3rd be the London accountant ?)

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2007
by arjun
Sister Bansy wrote:I can think of Brother Nirwair, Brother BrijMohan. Who is the other "Trimurti" Brother ?

I don't think any of the above two Brothers are included in the triad/Trimurti Brothers. I think the Trimurti Brothers originally referred to the three Sindhi Dadas who lived in Madhuban and most probably looked after the accounts work/correspondence. They always maintained a low profile unlike the second generation senior Brothers like Jagdish Bhai, Nirwair Bhai, Karuna Bhai, Brijmohan Bhai, Ramesh Shah Bhai, Mrityunjay Bhai, Suraj Bhai, Aatamprakash Bhai etc. who hog the limelight by delivering classes/lectures to BKs as well as outsiders. I don't know if those three Dadas are still alive or not because it has been more than a decade since I last visited Mount Abu. I think one of them was Aatamprakash Dada.


PostPosted: 24 Feb 2007
by bansy
I wonder if any BK or anyone who is going to a centre tomorrow morning can clarify who the three Brothers are referred to in the Avaykt Vani. It would be very helpful, would not lead to misunderstanding. I would presume any BK who reads the Avaykt Vani is entitled to know.

PostPosted: 24 Feb 2007
by ex-l
bansy wrote:I can think of Brother Nirwair, Brother BrijMohan. Who is the other "Trimurti" Brother ? (there were a few elderly Brothers going on stage in recent times, but would that 3rd be the London accountant ?)

Is that the same London accountant that did the dirty on Mr Green? I did not think he was that senior?

PostPosted: 25 Feb 2007
by Mr Green
No, it wouldn't be him. It used to include Jagdish.

But now I believe it would relate to; Ramesh, Brijmohan and Nirwair.

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2007
by bansy
arjun wrote:I don't think any of the above two Brothers are included in the triad/Trimurti Brothers. I think the Trimurti Brothers originally referred to the three Sindhi Dadas who lived in Madhuban and most probably looked after the accounts work/correspondence.

Yes, it did not occur the thought the three to be Dada Vishwa Ratan, Dada Chandrahas, and Dada Vishwa Kishore. However, dear Dada Vishwa Ratan has just left the body, whilst the Dada Chandrahas has recently (as 2005) been giving classes in Madhuban.

Will see if any future Avyakt Vanis mentions "the three senior Brothers".

PostPosted: 26 Feb 2007
by arjun
Sister Bansy wrote:Yes, it did not occur the thought the three to be Dada Vishwa Ratan, Dada Chandrahas, and Dada Vishwa Kishore. However, dear Dada Vishwa Ratan has just left the body, whilst the Dada Chandrahas has recently (as 2005) been giving classes in Madhuban.

As BKs bid farewell to Dada Vishwa Ratan, the Advance Party welcomes the new recruit to its fold :D. Since most of us here are BKs/ex-BKs, we know that feeling sorry for this turn of events in the drama is not allowed in the Murlis. As ex-l has said, amma marey toh bhi halua khao. We all know that these experienced BK souls are going to do more service through their subtle bodies than they could do through their old bodies. So, let us not shed tears and cause sorrows to them. :cry: :(

Sister Bansy, you and me seem to have together solved this puzzle of Trimurti Brothers to a great extent. :lol:

Since Dada Vishwa Kishore had left his body before/soon after Brahma Baba's demise, he is not one of the Trimurti Brothers. Dada Vishwa Ratan, Dada Chandrahas and Dada Aatamprakash seems to be the nearest to the correct answer. Anyways, the quiz continues :?: until some BK confirms our answer. :idea:


PostPosted: 28 Feb 2007
by arjun
I asked an old time BK and he confirmed that the original Trimurti Brothers referred to the three Sindhi Dadas and I could confirm the name of the third Dada also. The first two Dadas guessed by us are correct, i.e. Dada Vishwaratan (who passed away recently), Dada Chandrahas and the third one is Dada Anandkishore. Dada Anandkishore also passed away long ago. Now only Dada Chandrahas is alive out of the Trimurti Brothers.

But my BK friend said the present generation of 'Trimurti Brothers' may included Nirvair Bhai, Ramesh Shah Bhai and Brijmohan Bhai. But he was not so sure about the second answer.

Essence of new Avyakt Vani

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2007
by mitra
The latest Murli says that we have to give blessings and take blessings. Baba will check the result after 15 days.

We have to make intense effort to bring the time closer.

Spreading Pure vibration through mental service is the best and easiest form of service.


Re: Essence of new Avyakt Vani

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2007
by ex-l
Mitra wrote:The latest Murli says that we have to give blessings and take blessings. Baba will check the result after 15 days.

Could you post a copy of it in full? Preferably in Hindi and English.

PostPosted: 25 Mar 2007
by dilaram
the most senior....

Since Dada Vishwa Kishore had left his body before/soon after Brahma Baba's demise, he is not one of the Trimurti Brothers. Dada Vishwa Ratan, Dada Chandrahas and Dada Aatamprakash seems to be the nearest to the correct answer. Anyways, the quiz continues :?: until some BK confirms our answer. :idea:

Shiv Baba says, "the ones who do the most service are the most senior"

BKmike :D