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PostPosted: 19 Mar 2007
by john
I understand how you feel but see no benefit in anything other than pro active solutions in accordance with BapDada's guidance.

And what is BapDada's guidance as regards access to Murli and Avyakt Vani?

How does a student study the Murli 7 or 8 times a day as prescribed in Murli?

What about ex-BKs who have taken the 7 day course, been to Madhuban and meet BapDada; are they allowed or not allowed to have access to Murli, what is BapDadas guidance?

PostPosted: 19 Mar 2007
by ex-l
John wrote:What about ex-BKs who have taken the 7 day course, been to Madhuban and meet BapDada; are they allowed or not allowed to have access to Murli, what is BapDadas guidance?

Yes, and when BapDada used to meet his children one on one.
dilaram wrote: I understand how you feel but see no benefit in anything other than pro active solutions in accordance with BapDada's guidance

Show me the Murli in writing and I will believe it. Can we invite the PBK representative?

To be honest, I don't understand entirely what you are saying here. If Nirwair wants to say something, why cant he join the forum himself. What is it he wants? If you are acting as his official spokesperson, could you settle down even further and speak in very simple, plain English?
    Honesty is not dissent. Contradicting the Murlis must surely be the highest form of dissent against God
Dilaram wrote:As mother teresa said when asked to join an anti war campaign, " I will not join an anti anything" but I will join a pro peace rally ...

Bad example, to be honest. Mother Theresa was rather keen to hang out with and praise with murderous despots like Papa Doc Duvalier and Enver Hoxha ... just as the Dadis hung out with the murderous King of Nepal.

Mother Theresa took millions from the likes of Charles Keating, who stole in excess of $252 million in the Savings & Loan scandal of the 1980s, and the embezzler Robert Maxwell, who stole £450 million from pensioners. And just like the BKs ... her finances were untransparent and she recognised no autority outside her own.

Her "charity" receives donations in excess of $100 million worldwide but refuses to release their financial details ... and just like the Brahmakumari Seniors, she got expensive private healthcare when the poor followers are just given space to lie down and die.

And just like the Brahmakumaris, many criticised that the primary purpose of her charity was converting people.
    Frankly, is it not inline with Shrimat to expect better out of God's University than some Kaliyuga Catholic?

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2007
by dilaram
Again, where are the solutions ... everything has weight, everything has cause & effect. The whole world is the Yagya in one degree or another (no pun intended). As far as Nirwair Bhai ji is concerned i merely quoted, what he said whilst in Australia, regarding Baba sending him to bring family forum, same as is the system in Madhuban.

I am totally for a free and honest interchange face to face with ALL interested parties, but it will not happen by complaining or any negative thoughts, words, deeds or actions ... None but One is in charge. Say, think or do some positive well meant service & Baba will make it happen. Complain & He is out of the frame. I did not give mother Teresa as an example, i gave the paradigm of positivity as an absolutely infallible yukti, especially if it's a positive suggestion Baba can make happen. Whenever negative truth is put forth (in any way) it simply generates same, irrestpective of how true it is! It's negative!

Where the attention goes energy flows ... belive me i know, (i was encouraged to commit suicide for it, as otherwise i would have been put to death for the truth and for forcing it upon others without invitation). When ALL such brilliant souls such as your powerful & very intelligent self (forgive the unsolicited compliment but it is heartfelt), come together with uniterupted, positive, unifying, loveful, pure intentions, the catching power will be phenomenal ... and watch the mercury rise, wah! That's ALL we need we have already arrived ... why throw it away?


Om Shanti.

Anyone for a dance ... say a BK Rave in whites in Centennial Park ... music by Bob Forbes on Theremin, David Jones on percussion, Robin on Flute, Carmen, Lucinda etc etc on vocals & Sam on Keyboards ... ALL the Chai blessings & Toli anyone can consume ... $2 a ticket. Call it Bopping BapDada's Biggest Night out and we will have the bonds and a years rent, for an Darling Harbour, QVB & Circular Quay, ETERNITY INK MEDIA CHAIN OF SHOPS, with every country in the world contributing their divine BK creative offerings.

Easy Raj Yoga ... it is the easiest thing, or the hardest, which is up to us !

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2007
by john
Say, think or do some positive well meant service & Baba will make it happen. Complain & He is out of the frame.

Bringing souls closer to the reality of ShivaBaba is the highest service.

If you hide and say it is just complaining then are you not just burying your head in the sand?
whenever negative truth is put forth (in any way) it simply generates same, irrestpective of how true it is ! It's negative !

I've read a lot of negatives in Murli.

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2007
by dilaram
Bringing souls closer to the reality of ShivaBaba is the highest service. Yes, it is what makes us whom we are ... If you hide and say it is just complaining then are you not just burying your head in the sand? Who's hiding?

PM me and i will tell you anything, give you my phone numbers, total open honesty to the ultimate degree is where i exist, even to my demise as i said.
john wrote:I've read a lot of negatives in Murli.

If you read negatives in the Murli why do you think that is ?

PostPosted: 20 Mar 2007
by john
dilaram wrote:If you read negatives in the Murli why do you think that is ?

Well, going on from what you mentioned about negative truths having no good effect, in the Murli there are a lot of negative truths.

Whether one sees these as bad is a different matter. I don't and I think negative truths can have a good effect if understood properly.
Who's hiding ?

By hiding I meant from the truth. If you say someone shouldn't complain even if it is the truth, then how can the truth be revealed?

Even in the Murli it is said you should complain to Baba if something is not right. The example was, if teachers are displaying bad behaviour, then a complaint should be made, but it would only be listened to if many were making the same complaint, not from just one person.

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007
by andrey
Dear Brother dilaram,

You say Baba talks to you, but if you say he does through inspiration we don’t believe. If you refer to the catching power of the intellect, then, when you catch the vibration or thought, then you are in corporeal body, then how would the one who emits the vibration or thought be like. Will he be in corporeal body as well or will he be an incorporeal soul in Paramham. In Paramdham souls are like nonliving, there are no thoughts or vibrations. The Supreme Soul neither comes in the Brahma from the Subtle Region /as said in the Murli/. He comes in an ordinary, corporeal, human body. If we don’t know where the thoughts that we catch come from, we may catch various kinds of thoughts from various sources. We know that we can only become pure with the practical company of one ever pure Supreme Soul and not with the company of many impure human beings. So ever pure and everipmure it is visible in the corporeal world. Everpure means he is not affected by the color of the company although he is in corporeal body. The system of inspiration is not created by Baba. He says that I teach from the mouth. This system is created by human beings who prove the Supreme Soul to be omnipresent. He can give inspiration to everyone and enter anyone. We understand he is present in one only.

The example is that if the child is out from home and the mother does not know where is it, where will she remember it. She does not know. If she knows it is in London she will remember him in London. Where is soulworld? It is said that you children will bring the soulworld down to this world. You’ll create such an athmosphere of peace and silence here in this world itself. We need knowledge of the Supreme Soul with his name, form, time acts so that we can remember and tune to him. It is said that he love for the Supreme Soul issapearde ue to not knowing these.We have two fathers, one is the Father of the soul and the other is the Father of humanity. Both are present in one corporeal form and we receive inheritance from both.

Baba says that there is purity in truth and truth in purity. Have you heard of Rudra? What is the difference from Shiva to Rudra? Shiva means benefactor and Rudra means the one who assumes fierce full form. He would not stop to anything in proving the truth. If there is truth and also untruthfulness there is clash. It is said that there is no greater happiness than to lead a righteous war. So there is the power to face and also the power to tolerate. Those with the power to face need not tolerate. However BapDada has said that there will be blessings due to tolerating one another in the family, that’s why unity in the BK family is visible, that is a proof for purity. And we know we receive marks for balance, so both powers to face and to tolerate are needed.

Baba asks us to ask the call yourself a Brahma Kumar, where is your Brahma? They say in the Subtle Region. Then what are you doing here. We understand that Subtle Region is not a separate world, but is a stage of thinking and churning points of knowledge when the soul does not produce any worldly thoughts like it is detached from the corporeal world. So Brahma Baba also has to assume a body so that he can be in such a stage. The stage of Paramdham is also a point like stage of complete faith like full stop.

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007
by dilaram
We get catching power from Bap & Dada in a variety of ways ... how do we verify this? The fruit. Hope you experiment and see how easy it is

Much Love in His Yaad.

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007
by andrey
Then Bap an Dada both should be in Sakar.

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007
by dilaram
john wrote:Whether one sees these as bad is a different matter. I don't and I think negative truths can have a good effect if understood properly.

Totally, negativity is really useful so long as it is seen but not seen, and positivity with a loveful attitude creates the best atmosphere. When it is seen, encouraged, enjoyed, celebrated, adopted, marveled at, shared, sought out, revealed, revered, remembered, rewarded, imbibed, inculcated ... anon.
Andrey wrote:Then Bap an Dada both should be in Sakar.

Do you not believe/experience ghosts as well?

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007
by andrey
No, no ... Avyakt BapDaa comes like a ghost in Dadi Gulzar. The Supreme Soul comes incognito.

There is instant and constant or fruit for eternity or for the future. We eat both but one we don't see. It is said that it is Maya who fulfills your temporary desires. It is said there is no time for music and poetry now. If we say destruction is staring at us and sing songs, people will suspect. However, we can dance for 1 hour and feel happy for one hour. This is temporary fruit. We lost one hour.

PostPosted: 21 Mar 2007
by ex-l
Andrey wrote:No, no ... Avyakt BapDaa comes like a ghost in Dadi Gulzar.

Actually, in this case, I agree with Andrey and other have commented the same, e.g. proy, on seeing Brahma enter Gulzar. I am pretty sure it is only the spook of Lekhraj Kirpalani that enters Gulzar and, given the new revellation arising from "Om Radhe's" writing, I am pretty well convinced that the entire "descent of Shiva in 1936", as told by the Brahmakumaris ... is a fabrication. Andrey is a PBK now, if you have question about what the PBKs teach, please go and speak to them in their own forum or read up on what has been discussed in the past.

dilarama, for a minute I thought you were serious and the Brahmakumaris were finally responding seriously to the matters that are being raised by the members of this forum.

Now, I think that you are just an "intoxication junkie" who getting nervous because someone is coming along that threatens to take away you and your friends' United Nations affiliated Yoga drug. Like andrey is saying, the temporary BK fruit, or BK Maya. Sorry friend, the first step here - in "Brahma Kumaris Anonymous" - is cold, hard turkey.

If you look at all that has been said on this forum and all you can see are complaints ... forget it. Take a hike. In fact, if I were you, I would start running for the lifeboats because what you see here is only the tip of an iceberg that the BKWSU Titantic is headed straight for. And it is not about me, or any one individual on this forum; it is about Karma, the Karma the Brahmakumaris have been neatly stacking up against themselves.
    "Cant everybody just be happy and get along because Dada Nirwair says so ...!?!"
Sorry mate, NO HUMAN GURUS HERE. John, andrey, arjuna, bansy, proy, di, janisder, primal.logic, sparkal ... the whole lot of them (and apologies for not name each one) you know who they are? They are the plumbers come to fix your beloved organization's blocked sewers. The doctors come to massage its blocked up lymphs and perform a bypass operation.

Yes, you go off and play with the wonderful expensive toys the Dadis have bought for you; in the meanwhile we will get on with digging out the blocked up **** out of the pipes that is poisoning the Yagya and by effect humanity.
ex-l wrote:Just out of interest, do you know about the little Indian girls that are sold into the Yagya for 3 years living expenses or whose dowries are signed over to the Brahmakumaris, just to make sure that they do not run off or go back home to their families? Does that sound right, ethical .. or has it in anyway been confirmed by the Murlis?

I wonder what the United Nations would make of that. It sounds a bit like slavery too me. Human trafficking. Do you know why they do it?

I suggest that you start by;
    a) demanding back access to the OLDEST AND ORIGINAL Murlis and read them again. Note down every bit of Shrimat that they contain, especially the Maryadas.
    b) where the behavior of the current leadership contravenes those Maryadas, ask for a statement from BapDada to confirm that it was according to his intructions and an explaination of why. Not a statement from the leadership.
    c) compare them and the most recent version to check for re-writing.
    d) start documenting the real history of the Yagya starting with the physical birth date of Lekhraj Kirpalani, especially the period around 1935/36 (Hyderabad) and during World War II (Karachi), including the other mediums of Shiva of that time (and I am not taking a PBK line here, a BK line will do). Skip anything post 1976, it really is not important right now. It is just part of the distraction.

    Find out what archives Madhuban still holds ... AND COPY AND TRANSLATE THEM BEFORE SOMEONE DESTROYS THE RECORDS.
Is that fair enough? Is that an ungoldy complaint? Does that seem non-BK?

Trust me, you/we have been conned and been taught to con others in the name of the BKWSU. We are not the anti-party. There are more of the anti-party sitting in positions of power wearing white right now. We just the ones who are refusing to go along with it any more.

Public notice to John, as other will be interested in it ... I have just seriously started to wonder if all those Murlis and papers that were allegedly buried were not buried for their safety but for the safety of the leadership that wanted to hide what they contained. Perhaps they, and the truths they contained, were not physically buried but metaphorically buried as well.

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2007
by dilaram
RE; to be perfectly honest i do not really know what you are saying here, so obviously i have nothing really to bring to the table as it were, However as far as any fruit is concerned, planted & tended, ripe over ripe, rotten, consumed, regurgitated or squashed ... whatever it may be it is simultaneously instantaneous & eternal ... even if Baba has to wash the clothes covered in the juice stain ... sorry if i am being obtuse.

But according to my somewhat limited understanding, surely as soon as you have a thought, word, deed or action, it counts ... one way, One Way or another !

Say for instance if i go and dance under the moonlight when i strike my last dot dot. Dance under the moonlight with a few wanton body-conscious revelers, that would be one thing. However, if i go dance with my beloved One, in SS joy for the purpose of dancing with Karankaravanhar, that would be quite another no?
Andrey wrote:No, no ... Avyakt BapDaa comes like a ghost in Dadi Gulzar. The Supreme Soul comes incognito. There is instant and constant or fruit for eternity or for the future. We eat both but one we don't see. It is said that it is Maya who fulfills your temporary desires. It is said there is no time for music and poetry now. If we say destruction is staring at us and sing songs, people will suspect. However, we can dance for 1 hour and feel happy for one hour. This is temporary fruit. We lost one hour.

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2007
by dilaram
Most of this is beyond me so not much i can say but ALL i have already said stands.

You see i am shown many births by BapDada, and i am shown why i am been shown the same & Janki Dadi recently confirmed at Wilton, (as i understood was the real meaning of Swardarshanchakradari Nirsankalpsamahdi).

I know the wonderful magic i have been shown (and i was arguably the least religious or esoteria inclined soul on the planet). i know when i asked Baba if Baba existed in my Yoga that Baba drenched me in ecstacy. I know when i read Adi Dev, that Brahma Baba said exactly the same phrase, and i could bore you to tears with a litany of constant cofirmation of my understandings of this is where the eternal world drama is shown for what it is, and how to be the best within it's framework of applicability.

In short, I know God personally and if you think that i would get bogged down in my past karmic accounts with you or any of the other amazing 1 to 84 birth souls in this fabulous show ... well, i guess it's time for lot's of pure feelings & good Godly wishes. Please forgive me if you are of the opinion i have wasted your time.
ex-l wrote:dilaram, for a minute I thought you were serious and the Brahmakumaris were finally responding seriously to the matters that are being raised by the members of this forum. Now, I think that you are just an "intoxication junkie" who getting nervous because someone is coming along that threatens to take away you and your friends' United Nations affiliated Yoga drug. Like Audrey is saying, the temporary BK fruit, or BK Maya. Sorry friend, the first step here - in "Brahma Kumaris Anonymous" - is cold, hard turkey.

I am extremely happily serious about happiness, that's what it's ALL for no ? ... I love everyone on this planet & off it, each one more than the next ! just like my mate Baba does, and my girl friend Babette ...

I assure you i am not in the least nervous about anything, i have seen no signs of anything other than a thriving most noble committed wonderful family doing it's best to be transformed by God & Adam. I never liked hot soft turkey let alone cold hard turkey, and besides i thought the name of the forum is end of times ...? Similarly, you do not need to be sorry as i love the chat and i am your Brother not your friend, albeit hopefully a very friendly Brother :D.

I have no desire or need for anonymity, not from you, the illuminati, or anyone else, if anyone want's to know who i am, they are welcome to stay at my house, with myself and my parents, as quite a few BK's have done. Just PM me and i will give any amount of personal detail ...

My life is as Swardarshanchakradari Nirsankalpsamahdi open book. ALL of which i constantly offer in total surrender to Baba. Why? Because it makes perfect selfless / selfish sense.

May you Be well Be Happy Be Wholey whatever you wish yourself :|.

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2007
by john

If you are being serious in saying you don't really know what we are talking about, fair enough. If any BK comes on the forum and gets a bit preachy, overtly or subtley, they will to some degree get questions fired at them.

Your experiences are very nice for yourself and give you confirmation of your faith, but I think quite a few regular posters on here are also looking at the hard evidence, not the Myth, the PR, the spiritual babble talk, etc. By hard evidence I mean things such as,
    the true history of the Yagya?
    why are most Murlis kept away from the regular BK students?
    is BK org activity in line with it's preaching?
    who is in fact now running the show BapDada or the Dadis?
You say you are happy to be open, is it possible for you to tell how long you have been a BK? Apologies if you have already mentioned this.