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PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by john
lucky that the Murli is 3 pages instead of say, I don't know, 7 pages.

Would you be happy with that percentage of inheritance ... less than half? End of Silver Age maybe?

I would imagine Avyakt Vani from 1969 - 1976 to have edits/cuts, if any. Though I don't know for sure.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
You may well be right - but where ever i end up will be the place that i will find the most comfortable.

i view the Murli as being unlimited so 1 page, 3 pages, 7 pages - its all the same too me. Its the message i see as being important i.e. remember you are a soul and remember the Father. I've never been one to worship the Murli as if its some sacred text or to academically analyse it - its the experience it generates in me, which i can then take into the rest of my day that i find useful. And this may well be heretical but i could probably get that from 1 page.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by bansy
Cutting a document into two or three is different from editing a document I think. It's fine to cut an original into as many parts, but leave all the contents intact.

Every tried to build a jigsaw puzzle with parts missing ?
I've never been one to worship the Murli as if its some sacred text or to academically analyse it - its the experience it generates in me

I agree, but I would be more satisfied with a complete puzzle. Who knows what experience you would get when you get the complete puzzle.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by john

Whatever you feel comfortable with is right for you.

For me not one drop from the ocean of knowledge should be held back.

I believe it is only complete knowledge plus remembrance which can bring about purity, peace, happiness, bliss. What was the point of Shiva saying it if it is only going to be hidden?

Bansy is right, complete Jigsaw, complete experience. Souls are being forced to settle for less.

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2007
by bansy
Brother amaranthine,
Again I stress this discussion is not a direct "attack" on you. If you're happy with what you have than that's fine. All that is being discussed is is it right for all the children to have equal access to original Murlis. But if any Brahmin is happy with the situation as it stands, then that's fine. Would one be happier if they get the complete versions unedited, well don't know. But it's sure worth a try.
The Confluence Age is not over until it is over.

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2007
by sparkal
There is the clutch of new BKs and there are the older ones. This situation of juggling with both aspects of the family has been going on for some time. I presume that there are things in those early 90's Avyakt Murli's which warn against speaking on forums in a way which challenges the current and conservative regime. Remember, self promotion, then self preservation.

On the other hand, it hurts to hear things which you may not be ready to hear. It is a process after all, so there may be something in that, But if we want to be an example, we will probably avoid such statements as "Trimurti Dadi". He may be defaming the Dadi's here even, and himself. Or, are there only three Dadi's left from the old (let's keep looking back the way) days.

An honest heart is the only way forward. Perhaps the underlying question emerging here is, can I have an honest heart on a personal level, yet indulge in PR stunts collectively which are designed for self preservation because questions are now being asked in such a way that they may not have before? Trimurti questions that is.

Would anyone mind if I changed my name to Trimurti Shudra? :wink:

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
It is a beautiful day.

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2007
by amaranthine
Thanks for the concern bansy but no offence taken. I realise that this is quite an emotive subject for the top six or so posters on this site but i just cannot get that worked up about it - sorry.

Then again i've not had a bad experience with the BKs. On the contrary its been very positive
with the occasional relationship clash of course :shock: but then that happens in any 'family'.
So on that basis, i trust that what i am getting actually works.

PostPosted: 14 Jan 2007
by bansy
top six or so posters on this site

Well, at last that's within the magic figure 8.:P

Anyway, the number of posts does not relate to anything, just as the number of years one is a BK. Some of us have been in the forum longer so it would be a large number of posts per person. Some of those who have registered long but seemingly have few posts were offshoots from the XBKChat room. I respect anyone who makes their first post or one who makes their millionth, and extend that to those who browse but do not post. There are no "emotions" in this, since I need not to care about tracking the activities of my fellow Sisters and Brothers.
I trust that what I am getting actually works

Likewise here too.

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007
by john
amaranthine wrote:Thanks for the concern bansy but no offence taken. I realise that this is quite an emotive subject for the top six or so posters on this site but I just cannot get that worked up about it - sorry.

I have heard this a few times, how BKs are not concerned because everything is OK for them (for now). This makes it so easy for Dadis to pull the wool over the eyes of the flock.

Maybe they can brainwash after all :shock:

PostPosted: 15 Jan 2007
by ex-l
John wrote:I have heard this a few times, how BKs are not concerned because everything is OK for them (for now). This makes it so easy for Dadis to pull the wool over the eyes of the flock.

Its true. Those that are happy to accept a low status have no interest but it should not stand as the voice of BK. There is no connection in their minds between accuracy of their knowledge and their Yoga.

Most BKs are following the Dadis example of trying to find subjects and devotees for the present and future.

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2007
by mitra
Most BKs are following the Dadis example of trying to find subjects and devotees for the present and future.

It is the duty of a BK soul to do service - through mental or physical - depends on one's capacity to do so. One will never know if a soul will become a BK or NOT. It is the duty of a soul to give knowledge to whoever comes in contact with him/her. The acceptance of this new knowledge lies in the soul who is hearing it. Each soul can decide whether he/she has to become a king or a subject or a devotee. It is upto them. In this case one is NOT FOLLOWING THE Dadis > THIS IS THE DIRECTION GIVEN BE THE Supreme Soul THROUGH Murli.


PostPosted: 16 Jan 2007
by john
It is upto them. In this case one is NOT FOLLOWING THE Dadis > THIS IS THE DIRECTION GIVEN BE THE Supreme Soul THROUGH Murli.

Then who gave The Knowledge/instruction to remember Shiva as a point of light in Paramdham, where as before 1969 ShivaBaba was remembered throught the body of BrahmaBaba?

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2007
by abrahma kumar
Hi John

Maybe as more of Mama's Murli's get posted on the site we will get a clue as to whether before 1969 ShivaBaba was remembered through the body of BrahmaBaba.

PostPosted: 16 Jan 2007
by Mr Green
Mitra wrote:The acceptance of this new knowledge lies in the soul who is hearing it. Each soul can decide whether he/she has to become a king or a subject or a devotee.

No need to SHOUT :lol:

If it was true that the acceptance of The Knowledge already lies in the soul, (and this is accurate with Murli) then why bother pretending to believe in living values or positive thinking to lure un-suspecting people into the centres? Why not just tell them straight? Or is not the reality that the BKs know they will be looked down on for what they really believe in?