BK participation in this forum

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Post20 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:"he has to return at the end".

I think we should all gang up and swear a blood to promise never to return and REALLY screw up their Kalpa this time ...

I will start working on an ex-affidavit straight away. Funnily enough, although the issue of an affidavit came up recently within the PBK context, I remember in BK-Life they encouraged you to sign a letter of faith and send it to the Seniors. Does anyone else remember them? It was a fairly standardized form.

Perhaps this was just for the same reason as the PBKs asked for one although, like most things, we were never told why.
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solemn oath

Post20 Jan 2007

ex-l wrote:I think we should all gang up and swear a blood to promise never to return and REALLY screw up their Kalpa this time ...

I will start working on an ex-affidavit straight away.

Until you get the forms printed I will do it here online.

I do solemnly swear that I will never, ever, return to the BKs.
Nietzsche wrote:"Just see how it lures them, the many too many! How it devours them, and chews them, and re-chews them!
Ah, it whispers its dismal lies to you, you great souls!
Ah, it divines the abundant hearts that like to squander themselves!
Yes, it divines you too, you conquerors of the old God! You grew weary in battle and now your weariness serves the new idol!
It would like to range heroes and honourable men about it, this new idol! It likes to sun itself in the sunshine of good consciences - this cold monster!
It will give you everything if you worship it, this new idol: thus it buys for itself the lustre of your virtues and the glance of your proud eyes.
It wants to use you to lure the many too many. Yes, a cunning device of hell has here been devised, a horse of death jingling with the trappings of divine honours.
Yes, a death for many has here been devised that glorifies itself as life: truly, a heart-felt service to all preachers of death!
I call it the state where everyone, good and bad, is a poison-drinker: the state where everyone, good and bad, loses himself: the state where universal slow suicide is called - life.
Just look at these superfluous people! They steal for themselves the work of inventors and the treasures of the wise: they call their theft culture - and they turn everything to sickness and calamity.
Just look at these suprfluous people! They aquire wealth and make themselves poorer with it. They desire power and especially the lever of power, plenty of money - these impotent people!
See them clamber, these nimble apes! They clamber over one another and so scuffle into the mud and the abyss.
They all strive towards the throne: it is a madness they have - as if happiness sat upon the throne. Often filth sits upon the throne and often the throne upon filth too.
They seem mad to me and clambering apes and too vehement. Their idol, that cold monster, smells unpleasant to me: all of them, all these idolators, smell unpleasant to me.
My Brothers and Sisters, do you then want to suffocate in their fumes? Better to break free and leap into the open air.
Leave their bad odour. Leave the idolatry of the superfluous.
The earth still remains free for great souls. Many places - the odour of tranquil seas blowing about them - are still empty for solitaries and solitary couples.
A free life still remains for great souls.
There does the person who is not superfluous begin. there does the unique and irreplaceable melody begin.
There, where their state ceases, look there, my Brothers, my Sisters. Do you not see it?
The rainbow and the bridges to the superman?"

Thus spoke Zarathustra.
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Mr Green


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Post28 Jan 2007

Oh lord, what a horrid thought ... :lol: back listening to Senior Sister's classes on a sunday morning :cry:
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Golden Age??????

Post28 Jan 2007

Mr Green wrote:Oh lord, what a horrid thought ... :lol: back listening to Senior Sister's classes on a sunday morning :cry:

Yeah, that's bad enough, but if you do that they might be right after all, and you will have to spend the next 1250 years living with them. :(.
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Post17 Feb 2007

ex-l wrote:Andrey, I wish that you would listen to your own advice because, of course, for us you are just an "other".

Dear Brother ex-l,

I am other, but for you who is the one?

The way to check is that whatever is said through this one and i tell the same is OK. Whatever i have mixed up from myself you ignore. It is also possible that even whatever he tells ... when someone else tells it becomes poison ... the milk of the lioness can be contained only in a golden vessel. If in the vessel like intellect poison of vices is left, it will make the whole milk poison. Or if it is a pot of clay (of body-conciousness) the milk will not stay. So, first we empty the pot – we forget whatever we have studied.

Brahma Baba is lioness. There are three lions of knowledge that roar the roar of knowledge in the jungle of the world in the form of Trimurti that can be seen in the coat of arms of India and represented in the tricolor flag. One is your Father, i.e. one is creator. One is creation and One is your aim (Lakshmi and Narayan – the dual form of Vishnu). These are the power of the mind, intellect and the power of sanskaras of Trimurti Shiv (Brahma – mind, Shankar – intellect, Vishnu – sanskaras). And it is that this knowledge is for imbibing, the essence is purity, mothers and Sisters are ahead in imbibing purity to males.

The one who imbibes fully is the deity of purity, Vishnu who destroys impurity and establishes purity. It is also said the true Gita will come and is spoken about the Mother Guru. There are codes of conduct that the more we imbibe the more knowledge we may imbibe. These codes of conduct are prescribed by ShivBaba and one such soul should be imbibing the most whose intellect is pulled the most by ShivBaba. We receive wealth (of knowledge) from Lakshmi. Who has herself received from Narayan. Who has himself received from the Supreme Father. That's why Baba via Lekhraj Kirpalani, and via Virendra Dev Dixit, gives the responsibility to spread The Knowledge to the mothers and Sisters.
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Re: BK participation in this forum

Post21 Feb 2007

worldpeace wrote: A simple straight forward answer institutionally edorsed by BK. I know I am a little far fetched. But, if God kindled the quest for Gyan in us, it is His duty that He quenches them too. God, get us some BKs in this forum who can take our questions to the Dadis/Seniors or to You and get it answered.

Dear worldpeace,

the bit I boldened is where I feel personally you would get several different, and probably contradictory responses, depending on which Dadi or Senior you went too! If you get an answer from BapDada via Dadi Gulzar, and hear it from her directly, that's something else. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to make that connection.

Actually, I feel that there are 2 different things going on here ... "institutional BK-ism", where people seemed to have made up all kind of bizarre extra Shrimat, hierarchy, systems of earning "brownie points", "Dadi Bhakti", etc. as opposed to "Gyan".

I am afraid I can only comment on my personal interpretation of Gyan and although I can give personal experiences of institutional BKism, I do not regard it as something to aspire to ... :wink:.



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Post21 Feb 2007

Yudhishtira wrote:I am afraid I can only comment on my personal interpretation of Gyan, and although I can give personal experiences of institutional BKism, I do not regard it as something to aspire to ... Wink

Thanks Yudhishtira. As I said, something is better than nothing. :)

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