Janki Dadi's class from Mount Abu

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Post12 Jan 2007

It's up to Admin. This his/her forum/website, paying for it so to speak. It is not a BK website, nor a PBK website.
BKs are not duplicating.

I am really surprised by this admission. Below is the BK Australia website where Brother Mitra seems to have Admin authority. However, it is possible that you cannot see duplicates now since those Dadi classes have been deleted. I don't know, things come and and disappear on BK websites, as much as the way bits in Murlis do. That is why PBKs have been trying posting comments on BK websites, but their stuff gets deleted.

However there is an obvious duplicate to one posted earlier above in this thread; "Dadi Janki Sunday evening - 7-01-07 Om Shanti Bhawan ... Creating the avaykt elevated stage with the authority of elevated actions..."

http://brahmakumaris.com.au/php/forum/i ... 7a0033dab8

Better check it out as it may get removed. There are also other classes dotted around that website. I'll let you all work it out.
So every one should get a chance to read the classes

Yes, but do these people also get the chance to read the same Murlis? Or rather, have we all been given the chance to read the original Murlis. Obviously the classes take precedent in the BKWSU, because as the Murlis say. "Follow the Dadi". :roll:
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Post12 Jan 2007

bansy wrote:It's up to Admin. This his/her forum/website, paying for it so to speak. It is not a BK website, nor a PBK website.

Yes, :D Let the administrator of this site decide whether they want Dadi class or NOT. It is their final decision.

Anyway, i am happy to see that bansy is visiting BK web site. :o.



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Post12 Jan 2007

Well, yes I do pop over now and again, to see if there is progress, enough so that things do not have to be duplicated from a BK website to a non BK website.

If it is okay with you, Admin, can I cut and paste all the contents of http://www.BKWSU.com into here too ? Oh, there are also few hundred or so similar type websites too, in all different languages. :P Except we would have to wait for some official BK rep to answer to any queries on them.


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Post12 Jan 2007

Dadi Janki wrote:The ones who are totally free from any type of dependence become the ones who have a right.

Dear Dadi,

Could you clarify how this is done ?
In the Sakar days Baba never never used to say that you have to become equal to the Father.

Could you explain whay Baba said this ?
When I first came in knowledge in Karachi, Mama used to give Baba’s directions.

Did Mama always do this ?


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Post12 Jan 2007

Dear Dadi,

Sorry, ignore my previous posts, I should not be remembering you.

Yes, I better remember ShivBaba and I better attend to the Murlis ... but you see ...

... OK, just one last question (for now) ... do you know where the Murlis that you listened to in the 60s and 70s, are they the same as the ones we read today? Baba did say we are all Brahmin children and we all study the same study. Do I have to read the ones which have been revised and edited with dates and place names removed? If so, does that mean then there are no original Murlis in the BKWSU? Who then is writing those Murlis that are given every morning in class at BK centres worldwide ?

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Post12 Jan 2007

Bansy, she makes half this stuff up on the spot, everyone knows that ... it just reels out her mouth like a snake.

I have some experience of this and any teachers/ex teachers will know what I mean.

When you have to come out with an hours worth of material every day, sometimes more than once a day, you eventually learn to just open your mouth and out it comes ... sometimes it's quality, sometimes not :lol: ... and afterwards you cannot remember what you said :lol:.

Trust me, interupt a BK in mid flight and ask a question, often they will be flustered not really knowing what they've said :lol: ...

... Does it mean someones talking through you ... if it is it's Basil Brush :lol:
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Post13 Jan 2007


Is it possible for anyone to post on the BK forums and ask questions?
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Post13 Jan 2007

Dadi Janki wrote: In the Sakar days Baba never never used to say that you have to become equal to the Father.

In fact ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) used to say that you can go higher than Mama and Baba. So, definitely there must be some Brahmin children who go higher than Mama (Saraswati) and Baba (Brahma Baba) in the Confluence Age.

In fact, whenever Avyakt BapDada refers to Mama in the Avyakt Vanis, he says that Mama is always remembered for always saying 'hanji' (yes, please) to Baba. How can she give Baba's directions? When Baba himself says that he is an obedient servant, how could Mama be said to have violated this Shrimat?
Could any BK kindly clarify this ambiguity?
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Post13 Jan 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:Dadi Janki wrote: When I first came in knowledge in Karachi, Mama used to give Baba’s directions.

In fact, whenever Avyakt BapDada refers to Mama in the Avyakt Vanis, he says that Mama is always remembered for always saying 'hanji' (yes, please) to Baba. How can she give Baba's directions? When Baba himself says that he is an obedient servant, how could Mama be said to have violated this Shrimat?
Could any BK kindly clarify this ambiguity?
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Post13 Jan 2007

Is it possible for anyone to post on the BK forums and ask questions?

Supplementary Question: Can a PBK become member of the BK forum (http://www.brahmakumaris.com.au)?

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Post14 Jan 2007

Dadi Janki wrote:While you remember other bodily beings, you will not claim a high status among the subjects either ...

I have never missed out on putting into practice all the directions that Baba has given for service. Those who are to claim a high status will instantly follow all the directions that Baba gives ...

Give everyone the Father’s message. Renounce all bodily religions and remember, you the soul have to remember the Father.

I am grateful for these classes but not for the reason that you hope Mitra. Please do not be offended and take this personally because I recognize and respect your faith and good wishes. But ... reading what she says and then looking at the billboard sized posters of the Dadis uploaded elsewhere on this forum, the Trimurti Dadi posters. Posters erected by individuals who themselves are hoping to be the next generation of Dadis. I have to say that it has pretty much turned me entirely against this soul and the perversion of the BKWSU she, largely, has orchestrated. By bodily religions, I must include in that ... Dadi worship.
    How can she sit and go on about remembering other bodily beings and then be party to a) Brahma Bhakti and b) Dadis or Dadi Janki Bhakti?
And then to go on about herself and how wonderful she is ... "I have never missed out on putting into practice all the directions that Baba has given". Bullsh*t by one thousand miles.
    Let us start with the "no pictures of Lekhraj Kirpalani" direction?
So now we have disproved her personal advertizement of self greatness ... the question is not if she willfully acts contrary to Shrimat but by how much?

To be honest, up until now, I was fairly ambivalent about Janki Kirpalani. Now, I have turn. If this is the best that 70 years of BK effort can achive ... if this is "One of the 8" highest souls on the planet ... if this is who all the little white saries Sisters live in fear of and suck up to ... its all a sham. And I am sorry even further but;
    • who the hairoil do they think they are to law down a law that is is OK for us to read her recycled product but not read the Murlis itself?
    • What they are saying is that it is OK to be Dadi's worshipper, have "Dadi as a Guru" like the VIPs, but you cannot have direct access to God
Actions speak louder than words.



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Post14 Jan 2007

Thanks Mitra,
I am grateful for these classes too :D
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Post14 Jan 2007

As a matter of ethics, if I posted some Dadi's classes, I feel that I must follow-up conscientiously any genuine questions or comments the classes have generated, from the Dadi who spoke of these classes, specially we know them much.



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Post14 Jan 2007

hi tinydot,

i shall look forward to your posts then!
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Post15 Jan 2007

John wrote:Mitra.

Is it possible for anyone to post on the BK forums and ask questions?

Yes you are always welcome


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