Healing and the Perfect Corporeal Body

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Healing and the Perfect Corporeal Body

Post04 Oct 2006

It's nice to be back with the people I had been mixing with in the ex-BK Forum. I am glad that this alternative forum exists for people like us who enjoy participating in forums like this.

God has told the BKs to see themselves as the soul in its pure form. God has also told the BKs to visualise themselves using their perfect angelic body. God tells us that He had created all our perfect angelic bodies when He came into the corporeal world. The issue which will be discussed hereafter is "why should we visualise ourselves using this perfect angelic body when the concentration is on seeing ourselves as the soul". Off course there are many reasons which BKs already have for the usage of the perfect angelic body which are:
    1. this visualisation also links us to God,
    2. it gives us variety and so we don't get bored just seing ourselves as souls only,
    3. it helps us work our way towards getting a new perfect body in the next birth,
    4. it helps to get us into the Subtle Region where we meet God,
    5. etc.
Well, I have more to say on this and all that I have to say will be posted slowly with time so as to see what others have to say. It will be nice to hear the opinions of others but I hope no-one gets offended if I still continue on this path which I have taken. I am entitled to do that which I wish.

Having contemplated on what the role of the Brahma Kumaris really is, I have come to the conclusion that their role is mainly to establish/create the 900,000 most powerful souls for the transformation of the impure world into the pure world. Off course, their aim is to re-create Heaven on Earth but they will say that we do this by making ourselves pure and powerful. I would say that indirectly they are saying that they are only concerned about creating the 900,000 souls who have to be ready for the transformation of the impure world into the pure world. Of course, it makes sense to say that everything that needs to happen will happen so long as we concentrate on becoming pure.

Well, my role involves creating Heaven on earth even in the corporeal way and so I am not just happy with just creating a mass of powerful souls. So as per the drama I had given a lot of thought to the corporeal bodies of those who would be walking into Heaven. BKs would say that our bodies would transform when it is time for it to do so. Even so, I don't think there is anything wrong in concentrating on healing our corporeal bodies and contemplating on how it might be got into a perfect state.


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Post04 Oct 2006

Welcome back Sister bkry, look forward to your insights.

What the progress with the Forum for Natural Justice (HUMAN RIGHTS) with advocate Divanji ?
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Post04 Oct 2006

bansy wrote:Welcome back Sister bkry, look forward to your insights.

Me too ... ! Welcome back bkry. We missed your brave, balanced and informed input. There is always some room for the trully spiritual.

You are, in my humble opinion, a good example of what BK should be and I welcome your contributions.
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Post06 Oct 2006

bansy wrote:Welcome back Sister bkry, look forward to your insights.

What the progress with the Forum for Natural Justice (HUMAN RIGHTS) with advocate Divanji ?

Actually, I came back to Malaysia because I ran short of cash and I was very busy these few months here in Malaysia doing renovation work so that I can improve my financial position. I think I have to remain here in Malaysia for awhile to keep improving my financial position. Travelling involves using a lot of money. However, Diwanji keeps me informed of what is happening there in India. Before I came back to Malaysia, the President of India had informed us that he cannot be the life-patron of a non-governmental organisation. Thus, I had asked Diwanji to look into how we can put in a private bill for creating a governmental body for the creation of the heavenly world in India. It would be good to get the President and the Government of India involved in the creation of Heaven in the corporeal way.

Diwanji said that he would look into that. A few days ago I had written a letter to the President of India and I am awaiting his reply. This is news regarding the "creation of Heaven work". As for the human rights matter, I suppose nothing much has happened since I left India. Actually, I don't want to go into a head-on collision with the Brahma Kumaris, I want their co-operation. Further, we are all human beings and we have our weaknesses and even BKs are still effort makers only. Thus, I would prefer to forgive and forget and just see what I can do for world benefit. There are non-BKs who say that one of the duties of all human beings is to work towards world benefit. I liked this statement.

I think this forum should continue maintaining its name as it is. Once, BK Meera had told a group of BKs (and I was within that group) that one day there will be BKs (outside the Brahma Kumaris) who will be involved in the creation of Heaven. Even though they are BKs, they will not be like the BKs in the Brahma Kumaris. She said Mama will come into this group at the end and the Government of India will go into her hands at the end. Based on the visions etc which I have seen too, I would say that there will be a group of BKs outside the Brahma Kumaris who would understand and practice BK knowledge (true Gyan) and they would be people who accept it in the wider and broader sense and not in the narrower sense as BKs of the Brahma Kumaris see it. But I can understand that the BKs of the Brahma Kumaris have a role of their own to play and so they need a narrower interpretation for their role.

But a huge group of people are gathering outside the Brahma Kumaris who do not like what is happening in the Brahma Kumaris because of "Maya-Ravan". So I think we should stick together to keep our identity as BKs (BKs who are broad minded) and this forum would help us do that. United we stand. We may not look like anything great now but one day we would have done things which might be termed "great". In fact, even now I have to praise the effort and bravery of the admins of this forum for having done what they have done. I hope this forum does not close down like the other one (xBKChat forum).

One day everyone (all groups in the world) would unite like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. At that time the work of the Brahma Kumaris etc would be at its end and we would also see the work of the Brahma Kumaris, the PBKs and the XBKs falling together in place in harmony.
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Post09 Oct 2006

Each person has many different kinds of subtle bodies, each performing a different function. Each subtle body can be seen in isolation and yet they all work together as the subtle body of the person and they can be seen as the aura of the person collectively. The subtle body will be similar in shape / appearance to the corporeal body because the subtle body is linked to whatever is in an Emerged State within the soul. Since the present birth is in an Emerged State, the subtle bodies take on the shape etc of the present Corporeal birth. The thoughts etc in the mind and which are in an emerged form within the soul affect some of the subtle bodies, especially the ones which the chakras are in.

The Perfect Angelic Body which God has created for us when He first came into the corporeal world will be another of the subtle bodies which we use. But this Perfect Angelic Body is a very special one which we have been blessed with. When we adorn this Perfect Angelic Body consciously with our Mind, our chakras in the other subtle bodies are affected and the chakras slowly work better and better and this helps improve the health of the present corporeal body until the corporeal body slowly begins to change into its Perfect State.

To be continued in my next posting.
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Post02 Nov 2006

When I was quite new in Gyan, I was fascinated by the usage of the perfect angelic body. I had kept using it consciously very frequently for a few months or years. With time I began to feel that my health and the state of my corporeal body was improving. I began to feel that God was helping to heal and make my corporeal body perfect and I also began to have visions that this same thing would happen at the end. I was very happy. Then, for various reasons I began to stop using the perfect angelic body consciously and I just concentrated on seeing myself as a soul in its pure state and I was busy just trying to maintain the pure state as a soul. Then, I began to feel that my corporeal body had gone back to its former state and I did not give this much thought until recently when I was being given further understanding on the angelic body.

I just read an article in one of the Malaysian BK books where a BK (BK C hereafter) shared that she was informed that she had 1st stage cancer and that with medical treatment it had still become 2nd stage cancer (more serious). She then decided to turn towards God for help and she started intensely filling her corporeal frame with God's light. Then one day after meditation, a soul (X hereafter) had informed BK C that, in a vision, she had just seen BK C's subtle body of light. Then spots appeared in that body of light. Then a powerful laser light beam of light filled her subtle body and all the spots in the subtle body disappeared. Then the subtle body of BK C flew away like an angel. BK C says that X did not know that she had cancer etc. After months of further effort making, BK C went for another medical checkup and she was informed that she has been removed from the danger list because her condition has improved tremendously.

When I was reading this, I was reminded of how healers absorb cosmic energy to heal themselves and others. Cosmic energy includes a lot of different kinds of energy and God's energy is also included in it. Healers in the corporeal world say that one should not heal others through using one's own energy but that it is OK if one used God's energy to heal others. If one used one's own energies to heal others, own's own energies will get drained out and thus own's own heath can deteriorate. In my view, we should not be concerned about healing the corporeal body of others but we can and should be concerned about healing our own corporeal body. So, it would seem that there are 2 ways through which BKs can heal and perfect their corporeal body, i.e through using the perfect angelic body and through filling our corporeal body up with God's light. But off course as PBK Arjun has just informed me through a letter, " ... It is only believed that with the practice of RajYoga we can get transformed into deities in this birth itself and after becoming deities, we would also give birth to perfect deity children." I agree to this.

As we get transformed, our bodies would get transformed. However, if I am being given information on how the corporeal body can be improved and made perfect through using the perfect angelic body, etc, then there must be a reason why I am being given this information. During Mama's time, there was no need for us to give much attention to the corporeal body and this may have been why Mama did not know that she was having cancer until the last moment when it was too late. I was being sent to take the medical examination and I just went for it thinking that no bad news would come out of it. I was shocked when I was told that there were abnormal cells in my corporeal body which could turn cancerous.

Why was I given all this information before it was "too late"? I think it is time we turned our attention towards the care of our corporeal body through using God (through using the perfect angelic body and God's Light). This is the last phase of the Confluence Age and so there is the need for this. Frankly speaking, I am not afraid to leave the corporeal body early. I have already done my best as an instrument of God and no-one is indisposable. But I am getting information to heal the corporeal body and I know that I have to use this information on myself. One day, we would know if I am successful. Until that day, I have to just keep doing it.

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