Other Brahmakumari Zone-in-Charges

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about other Seniors?

Post08 Mar 2007

Is it off the point if I prompt readers to share some opinions about other "big shots" SS in charge of zones and continents? How do they differ in personality and through their qualities facilitate births, survival or death of BKs in different parts of the globe? How do they play their roles, create, sustain and destroy ?
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Post13 Mar 2007

:o Whoever is in charge of which ever zone, they should not have the feeling that this is MY zone or area. Instead they should feel that it is Shiv Baba's zone or area.

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Post13 Jul 2007

More coined phrases booorrrrriiinnnnggggggg ... :lol:.



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Post13 Jul 2007

mitra wrote::o Who ever is in charge of whichever zone, they should not have the feeling that this is MY zone or area. Instead they should feel that it is Shiv Baba's zone or area.

Yes, this definitely is the way IT SHOULD BE but it's not like that at all! :(. I, personally, witnessed many opposite and nauseating scenes. :roll:

The latest one, just to give an idea, the person in charge of my country - and her close assistant - are doing their utmost to discourage, shock and make native souls of this country run away that in order for them not to loose "THEIR" seat/postion in THEIR CENTER. As she clearly told me once, "after so many years of hard work in this (for her) foreign country, she would NEVER EVER ALLOW local people (like me) to come up and take away her well deserved SEAT and position".

Who then gives a damn if service is not growing??

The official excuse for that being that all of us here are too devilish and lustful people to follow the BK path. That's the only reason why the number of students are not growing, on the contrary!!

That's why she, or better the two of them (the main elevated instruments), are quite satisfied and happily gossip about it when people, like myself, one day have the courage to stand up and say, "ENOUGH".

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Post13 Jul 2007

adikarisoul wrote:Yes, thid definitely is the way IT SHOULD BE but it's not like that at all!

I agree. That is the reason when Avyakt BapDada ordered the mass transfers of all center/zonal incharges for a short period many years ago, most were not ready or became ready reluctantly. Some went to the transferred place just for a few days to fulfill the formality. The Dadi incharge of our center at that time had to be forcibly sent to the new center to save face. She went there for a few days and returned to our center to heave a sigh of relief. Now that Dadi is no more.

As regards the PBK surrendered Sisters, most of them remain ready to be transferred from one mini-Madhubans to the other are in fact transferred on regular basis, but there are a few who do not wish to be transferred.

Theoretically speaking, as Brother Mitra has said, nobody should consider any zone/center as her own, but practically it is different. Even in case of Godly service, BKs/BK teachers of one zone cannot normally serve in the territories of other BK centers/zones. Territories are fixed within cities, within states/zones for each center for Godly service. I have mentioned earlier that the place where I live there are three BK centers within a range of 4-5 kilometers. So, one can imagine the limited territory that each BK center might have got for itself.

Ultimately, who will unite all these kingdoms within the BKWSU Empire?

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my center

Post14 Jul 2007

In fact, territorialism is animal consciousness.

Arjun, I remember well when Baba proposed those shiftings of centers. But man, they hung on to their positions with claws and nails!!!

We all had the chance to feel the difference it makes when a center niwassi is really dedicated to God and has her/his heart and center door open, since "this is Baba's house, Baba's bhandar". We may see it as fanaticism or idealism, but it is definitely better than the "my center", "don't wanna let go of the gaddhi" consciousness. And results speak. Usually sisters-in-charge want to create hands just to get some labour done. Independently thinking, royal quality souls, are seen as a threat. Strong opinionated people, yogi souls who can tap into Baba's sakash, are not welcome. "Kill them before they grow".

Well, I suppose God has his plans and no one can stop that. Once again it is the power of science versus the power of silence, limited and unlimited. Who will "get the butter", we'll see at the end of the game. In fact, even now, whoever has that egotistic and selfish attitude, it's plain to see that is not happy, even now is not eating makkan, but is eating sour poison at every breath and spreading that filth in the atmosphere. Poor them!!

I will never fell ashamed to say that, in my opinion, it is healthier to disobey the order of going to the center and attend class, regardless of the teacher, and it is preferrable to protect oneself. Once our discrimination power and gut feelings suggest us that exposing ourselves to bad vibes and abuses is just damaging and done out of guilt or fear. Which are nor really elevated motives.

Love and peace to you all.


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Post14 Jul 2007

OK, there's friction it seems in many centres and those running them.

How about the main centre, are there any problems with Madubhan? That's for the BK side.

And for the PBKs, is there an "obvious" difference in vibrations between the mini Madhubans and Gita pathshalas, as compared to Kampil ?
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Post14 Jul 2007

Sister Bansy wrote:And for the PBKs, is there an "obvious" difference in vibrations between the mini Madhubans and Gita pathshalas, as compared to Kampil ?

Yes, there is a difference between the vibrations of Kampil when compared to other Minmadhubans and Gitapathshalas.

But when it comes to the difference between the vibrations of Gita pathshalas and mini-Madhubans, the difference is less. And in some cases it is opposite, the atmosphere of Gitapathshalas may be better than the mini-Madhubans. ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) even gave an example of a particular city where there is a Gitapathshala as well as a mini-Madhubans and He said that PBKs prefer to attend the classes in the Gitapathshala rather than the mini-Madhubans. Murli classes have been recorded at the mini-Madhubans as well as the Gitapathshala. That was long back, so the situation may have changed now.



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Post30 Aug 2007

In Delhi, there is a feud over power and control between Siri Fort center (South Delhi) and others. They do not co-operate with other centres.

In Gujarat, surrendered Sisters have large lokik families nearby and funds from the centre have been channelled under the table for their support.

Mount Abu area is the scene of property developments by BK property developers making flats (big profit) for sale. Brother Nirwair is involved. There is a lot of money being made from the "spiritual pilgrims" by rich property developers.

Other areas far away from circus of Abu atmophere is better.

Kunj Dadi, in charge of Bihar, leads a very pukka and good family. A soul like this would be a better leader than Janki who has too much involment in money and corrupt politics.

Sandeshi Dadi in charge on Orissa is also a good soul.
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Post30 Aug 2007

lalita wrote:Mount Abu area is the scene of property developments by BK property developers making flats (big profit) for sale. Brother Nirwair is involved. There is a lot of money being made from the "spiritual pilgrims" by rich property developers. Other areas far away from circus of Abu atmophere is better.

Best always qualify HOW the senior BK and Trustee is involved. Is he acting on behalf of the Trust? Is the Trust receiving a commission or other privileges? Is he acting on behalf of his own personal business interests?

It is an interesting development. In India, the BKs are known as a wealthy religion. As the number of wealthy followers increase, proportionately more and more of them will want to buy property in Mount Abu to ensure they comforts when they go on retreat. Some may even be comforted at the thought that by buying property in Mount Abu, they will be safe there when Destruction comes.

India is a land of extreme and although 40% of the World poor live their in poverty, many homeless, so do some of the wealthiest people in the world and a very large middle class (250 million and rising).

It is not surprising that some BKs with an eye for commerce saw the financial potential for property development and speculation. Certainly non-BKs have done so also. But what is going on here?
    Are the BKs acting like a family, sharing with each other?
    Or are some BKs profiting out of other BK?
    Do they keep the all of the rewards?
    Or, perhaps, most of the rewards and give the organization a percentage of the profit to "clean the karma"?
This is where you have to be careful and exact in what you say. It may be that Nirwair is acting as a broker between landowners and property developer. Obviously living there he knows what is about to come on the market before others do. I remember it used to be said that before the end the BKWSU would end up owning all of Mount Abu. My guess is that is still the game plan.
    What would be interesting to know is in whose name is the property left, in the Wills of the BKs?
It is nice to hear there are good, simple souls still existing in the organization.


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Post31 Aug 2007

When a BK property developers in Abu wants to develop and sell with Dadis's help and approval, they give control of one or two of the flats in a block to Dadi Janki who uses them as grace and favour apartments.
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Post31 Aug 2007

Very good! Business as usual then? So the BKs find buyers amongst their wealthy followers?

So, are they sold to "on the open market to BKs, e.g. advertised through the centers, or just to "chosen" BKs? Are all BK given the same opportunity? Or is their favoritism, e.g. rewards for donations given? Politics?

The developer makes money, the BKs take over Abu, the organization gets free properties to hand out ... so who gets to stay there?
    Non-BK VIPs? IP BKs having a nervous breakdown? Preferential treatment center-in-charges coming to Madhuban? Souls for whom staying in the communal is "too much of a pull on their intellect?
There has to be some practical reasons.

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