Desperately need your help Sister Shivani

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Neha verma

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Desperately need your help Sister Shivani

Post07 Sep 2015

Om Shanti,

My husband has filed for a divorce, I am going through the worst phase of my life. I need help.
I want him to come back forever, please help ... What can I do ??

He says I was unable to adjust in the start of the marriage, so he has filed for a divorce.

How can I contact Sister Shivani and take her help?

Om Shanti
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Pink Panther

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Re: Desperatley Need your help Sister Shivani

Post07 Sep 2015

Shivani is a public relations spokesperson for BKWSU, like a salesman or advertising agent. She is not qualified on such matters, she will only promote her beliefs. You should see a trained marriage counsellor.
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Re: Desperately need your help Sister Shivani

Post07 Sep 2015

Neha verma wrote:I need help. I want him to come back forever, please help ... What can I do ??

Are either of you BK followers?

What specific reasons has he given, and how has he treated you?

Is there a dowry involved?

Thank you

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