Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post31 Oct 2017

Maui wrote:Denise ... her last class I had read somewhere she stated about big changes in the Yagya and things were happening now.

It's just politician talk. Everything is "big", "global", "supreme", "unlimited". It's all hyperbole. Carrots on a stick, false promises, to keep the donkeys trudging on. In reality, whatever happens, any change will be tiny and incremental.

There's a Buddhist say, "Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water."

With the BKs it's, "Before Big Changes, Amrit Vela, do more Yoga, after Big Changes, Amrit Vela, do more Yoga".

Look at the huge philosophical changes that have happen, like the change over from God Brahma Lekhraj Kirpalani and the introduction of a new God, Shiva around 1956 or the failure of Destruction predictions in 1950, 1976 or 1986. What real difference did it make to the community? None.

It's just human nature.

Denise is a strange case. She's not unintelligent, and must see things, and yet somehow, like a monkey with its fist in a cookie jar, she cannot let go. The best she can do is angle for a better position for herself, any position, that takes care of her in her old age and retirement because she's given everything to a cult that won't really reward her.

I doubt that she'll ever be able to become "a leader" that, within the system she probably should because all the top slots are filled by Indians. I'd say she won't get a seat until, say, Jayanti dies and Jayanti will probably out live her.

May be she'll get Sudesh's seat when she dies? Was that was Germany was about, eg trying out for it? I think, in approximate terms, Sudesh was sent to Germany after Suman "fell" and because London wasn't big enough for her and Jayanti. Something like that.
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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post31 Oct 2017

The big changes that are happening is people leaving.

BKism even teaches you cannot change others, you've got to change yourself, so people leave and then reform outside of the cult. They keep the elements of the practise they are comfortable with, they keep the connections they are confortable with, and they continue to grow.

All they reject is the outdated, clandestine or cultic burden that adhering to the external form of BKism carries with it, eg the acceptance of the bogus authority of the Kirpalani Klan, and having to conform to their limitations.

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