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The Tao Of Raja Yoga

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
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The Tao Of Raja Yoga - posted by: hanuman on July 2, 2004

Baba is the Great Magician. I do not like to tell too many stories about my relationship with Baap-Dada However, what good are the experiences if they are not shared. I sometimes tell some of these stories to my lokik students and they enjoy them.

More than a decade before coming into Gyan, there was Baba’s and Baap-Dada’s presence in my life. 1969 and 1971 were especially significant. In the winter of 1969, I experienced a strange visitation one day during the pre-dawn hours. I would awake at four in the morning for my lokik studies before school. That morning in 1969, I felt a spiritual presence. I had entered high school in the fall of 1967 with out taking the secondary school entrance examination and had many academic disadvantages. However, during the period of 1968 to 1969, I seem to have had a spiritual awakening and I was performing i some subjects better than the best students.

Mathematics was one of those subjects. My teachers were astonished but happy. I would not discuss the changes in my inner self with anyone. In the summer of 1969, I visited London and toured Europe. In fact, the Apollo 11 Spacecraft had landed on the Moon during my flight from Georgetown to London. My eldest Brother who was studying in England presented me with a microscope and encouraged me to study with more dedication. A visit to the Science Museum in London spiked my inspiration to become a doctor and scientist. The microscope became my muse. I could see, at that time, through my mind’s eye, my future as a biomedical scientist. Baba provided the way or path for me to attain my future. There were also many lokik individuals who assisted.

Grade 9 was a critical stage of my high school years. Academic performance was critical, because the best of the best students from the three campuses of my high school were placed in the top science class in grade 10. For my grade 9 final promotion examination, I had studied intensely. Before retiring to bed, I prayed to God. These were my words: “God I have studied hard and I ask you for wisdom and understanding in answering the examination questions. Grant me a clear thinking on the days of the examinations. I did my part by studying, I ask You to do your part. I would like to score a 79 in Biology 96 in Chemistry and 97 in Physics.”

I assured God that I would use my success to become a doctor and scientist and help the humanity. The exam results for me were the exact scores I had requested from God. My chemistry and biology scores were the highest throughout the school. However, an incident took place which taught me a lesson in life.

Towards the end of the school term, I felt so happy that my exams were over, that I took on two of my younger Brothers in a karate sparring bout. As I countered an attack from one of my opponents, the ball of my right leg crashed into an iron water tank. I spent the summer of 1971 confined to my home in a cast which extended from the tip of my toes to my upper leg. I read a lot of books and studied chemistry to the first year university level. As I studied, I would see a bright blue to green pin-point of light. I graduated from high school with one of the highest grades in science.

After grade 13, I became a mathematics teacher as I awaited the award of a Guyana Scholarship. It was 1975 and I became a Raj Yogi. On the evening in January 1976 when I was interviewed for the Scholarship, one of the interviewers asked me if I had applied to Tuskegee for studies in veterinary medicine. I told him I had not considered Tuskegee. He advised me to apply. On my arrival at my home that evening, I wrote a letter of application to Tuskegee.

During my meditation at Amrit Vela, I had a vision of my letter of application. It was surrounded by saffron and golden light. Prior to my matriculation to Tuskegee, I visited Madhuban and met Baap-Dada. They assured me that there would be great chances for service during my studies. At Tuskegee Barbara Bhen became a great instrument and a center was established in Alabama. I tell my story only to demonstrate that Baba is The Great Magician, Jadhunath.