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Why I Left the Brahma Kumaris [2]

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
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Why I Left the Brahma Kumaris [2] - posted by: Paul on April 1, 2004

The feeling of superiority is a part of the bliss or “intoxication” that people feel when they first “come into The Knowledge”. You feel special and very smart, because you think you understand something very important and very true, that the rest of the world just can’t grasp. How special and elevated you are is frequently emphasized. YOU are the pure, special and beloved souls. The rest of the world is second class. We should have mercy on the poor souls.

Let’s take a closer look at this “superiority”. Is it not in some ways a reflection of Hindu society itself? That great religion has many admirable aspects but its obsession with caste “status” is not one of them, to my mind anyway. It breeds inhumanity which, taken to extreme, results in millions of human beings being deemed “untouchable” and condemned to lives of misery and degradation. This is one of the things that Gandhi fought against, and lost.

How is this relevant to BK Raj Yoga? Well, in the BK scheme, their path is actually the root of Hinduism. Never mind all the talk about Adi Sanatan dharm. It’s the SAME thing. There is a warped interpretation of caste in the BK knowledge, with the Brahmins of Sangam Yug being the highest “topknot”, as they say. The point is that this is a belief or world view that is heavily bent on segregating and differentiating people. You are swans. The rest of the people in the world are storks. Swans should not mix with storks. You are pure. Storks are body conscious, impure and vicious. You are the chosen.

The BK God is highly discriminatory. He is stepfather to billions!!! Even by BK estimates, the 900,00 chosen ones - the souls who will take birth at the begining of the Golden Age - represent less than 1/10 of 1 percent of the world’s Hindu population. So where does this leave persons of Christian, Muslim, Buddhist etc background? Oh, we know the dogma about how such souls could have belonged to the deity religion and can now get a chance to “reconvert” or “transfer” back to the deity religion.

Do you think that BK’s really see Westerners that way?

I can tell you that the significance of one’s “bodily” background is well understood and taken note of by them - in spite of all the talk about “soul consciousness”.