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Behind the Veil ...

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by classic posts
Behind the Veil ... - posted by: gyaniwasi on July 14, 2004


Once there was an old man who dreamed an old dream. And it came to pass one day that in deep reverie he saw a new world descend and displace the old. And the old world was tired and slept a deep sleep. All slept except its orphans who roamed its streets seeking scraps of bread from refuse bins. The old man dreamt he was its gatekeeper. And when he awoke he was filled with compassion and charm. He thought “I will share my dream with everyone for surely it must be a gift from God.” He called all his household and neighbours and friends and told them his wonderful dream but they would not listen for it was just an old man’s dream.

So in sadness and compassion he took his charm to the orphans and told them of the glorious new world in the East. They stood in a trance, most overwhelmed by the vision for surely this was the legendary land of milk and honey of which they had dreamed. “You shall each gain a kingdom” he said “if you share my dream.” And they listened in wonder to the heavenly Father but did not all understand what they heard. But the eldest had listened carefully and caught the old man’s vision. And his young heart soared as he drank of the old man’s well. Then he turned to his comrades saying: “Let us go forth and make us kingdoms!” And they went forth, renouncing the old world, caroling praises of this heavenly Father. But the old world was too busy to listen. “Give them alms,” the people said “for they are too young to understand old dreams.” And the orphans fed on alm that fed the old man too.

For long years they dreamed of the new world to come. Then the eldest said “Come let us go farther afield and tell of the old man’s dream for surely it has sustained us.” But many grew tired of waiting and one by one, as they grew up, the orphans rejoined the old world and toiled in its vineyards. And they drank its old wine and dreamt its old dreams and saw that old dreams are all one. But the eldest kept his faith and covenant with his heavenly Father. Far and wide he sang his praises, telling his dream in enchanting rhythms. Then one day he returned only to find that the old man had died and willed him his dream in an image. But, alas, a faithful few had quarreled and split the image in two; one half was forged in the likeness of the other. Corrupted thus, it had lost its charm but the elder Brother held on to its vision. “I shall dream this world into reality” he said. And so he left the faithful few and went back to the far land, telling the old man’s dreams, adding theirs and a good bit of his own making too, sometimes converting fact to fiction, fiction to fact

So today, if you see that elder Brother singing his Father’s dream for a kingdom, let him sing for it is his breath of life; and songs inspired by old dreams are beautiful. And should he stumble, run forth to catch him for the love of his True, True Father dwells in your heart.