Where to go with all the disappointment?

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Re: Where to go with all the disappointment?

Post06 Jul 2012

Yeah you're right, we may never know the truth, the saying is the truth always comes out in the end, but on this one don't think so ... well, how I feel now is there cannot be a god, I refuse to sell my soul even if there was one. Debbie.
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Re: Where to go with all the disappointment?

Post06 Jul 2012

And certainly waiting on the BKs to come out with the truth is a BIG waste of time.

I think a lot of BKs get stuck in the BKWSU waiting for the big truth to become apparent, positive change to happen, Destruction or something. Waiting ... waiting ... waiting ...

It's a big trap. It won't happen. As soon as you realise it sucks ... get out, never go back and warn others about it so they do not waste time.

Trying to change the BKWSU is an even bigger waste of time ... cleaning up the Ganges would be easier.
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Mr Green


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Re: Where to go with all the disappointment?

Post07 Jul 2012

Disappointment and also the pain of realising we were duped!

I've been out now about 7 years or so and still I cannot believe what happened to me, it is the one true regret of my life, being a BK.

Wow, was I hoodwinked, but I tell you the funniest thing I always had doubts, I never ever totally accepted it was God, that's just too big, even when I was in front of the Bap I was asking him in my head, 'are you really God?' I did not feel he was, if fact I felt his presence to be intimidating and cold, un-understandable.

It is how it all works I think, the longing for it to be real makes us self dupe and deny the obvious glaring signals that come our way .... we truly are the lucky ones, we've left, we have a chance to develop into ourselves.

Once I bought a pair or sandals that I liked and my centre in charge made me throw them away as I hadn't sought his approval before spending my money! Evil bastards, living like that has to mess you up!

Just feel thankful your out
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Re: Where to go with all the disappointment?

Post08 Jul 2012

Mr Green wrote:Once I bought a pair or sandals that I liked and my centre in charge made me throw them away as I hadn't sought his approval before spending my money! Evil bastards, living like that has to mess you up!

That's really insane. I had no idea it was that bad. Where on earth did the guy get thoughts like that? It's like prison abuse.

I never had an experience like that but do remember being told that if I had the thought "my wallet" it was wrong and I should think, "it is Baba's wallet". Nice trick!

The funny thing is, a lot of this craziness is BKs doing to each other and not even the Seniors having to tell them to do it. It reminds me of the Stanford Prison Experiment. Some people just get off having control over others ... and other have an inbuilt tendency to accept being controlled.

Where to go with all the disappointment? Turn them into convictions to warn others.

I suspect the feelings are worse for individuals who got involved when they were young and free and threw that part of their life away.

For me too, my biggest regret is allowing myself to be sucked in by the BKs at an early age. It was a very big mistake. I had no idea how dishonest they were and how much they have covered up their own and their guru-medium's insanity. If I had known the truth, I would never have gotten involved. Therefore, I think the leaders are rip offs and con artists.

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