BKs exploit Savita Halappanavar abortion death case?

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BKs exploit Savita Halappanavar abortion death case?

Post25 Jan 2014

From: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abortion

Another case confirming the BK position on abortion. It's a bit unusual to find them publicly weighing in on a political issue ... in this case squaring up against the Roman Catholic church in Ireland.

I am not sure why the BKs became involved in this case but the Belgaum centre, "a unique spiritual education organisation which has taken up the women empowerment causes for the last 40 years", so the BKWSU spin doctors' PR release says, organized a memorial event and held a candle light vigil at its main centre at Mahantesh Nagar which attended by her parents "and other progressive thinking personalities".

A non-BK and Hindu, Savita Halappanavar, died on 28 October 2012 at University Hospital Galway in Ireland, leading to nationwide protests ... which spilled over into India, the UK and other countries ... calling for a review of the abortion laws in Ireland. Halappanavar, a Hindu Lingayat of Indian origin, suffered from a miscarriage when she was some 17 weeks pregnant, and she sought medical attention and treatment at the Hospital. Her requests for an abortion were refused because it was against the law, Ireland being a Catholic country. Halappanavar suffered from a case of septicemia which led to multiple organ failure and her death.

I find it all both somewhat opportunistic and bizarre to then read a Brahmakumaris official say, "it’s unfortunate that developed countries like Ireland follow religious superstitions in the 21st century".
‘Religious restrictions killed my daughter October 29, 2013

Andaneppa Yalagi, Father of Savita Halappanavar, an Indian dentist who died in Ireland a year ago after being denied abortion, attributed credit to the media for the movement against the anti-abortion law that took place in Ireland and rest of the world. He was speaking at a function to mark the first death anniversary of Savita Halappanavar, organized at the Prajapita Brahmakumaris’ Centre in Mahantesh Nagar.

Andaneppa lauded Kitty Holland, a senior journalist with the Irish Times, who broke the news of Savita’s death.He showed the book, ‘Savita – The Tragedy That Shook The Nation’, to the audience, written by Kitty Holland, which he received from the writer a week ago. He said the 300-page book has covered all major developments that took place after Savita’s death. “It highlights the complexities of the judiciary, church, parliament as well as the action and inaction by the citizens of Ireland,” he said.

Andaneppa said his daughter died due to the restrictions of religion. “Can any religion preach to let a person die like Savita? Lord Basavanna says mercy is the root of religion. But it didn’t happen in my daughter’s case,” he said battling tears.

A recent report by the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) proved that Savita died due to doctors’ negligence. “We have filed a case in the Dublin court and will fight until the culprits are punished,” he said.

Ambika, zonal in charge of the Brahmakumaris’, said Savita’s parents should be proud of their daughter, whose life turned instrumental in changing the inhuman anti-abortion law in Ireland. “The initiative will safeguard many pregnant women in future,” she said. Another senior Brahmakumari Vidya said it’s unfortunate that developed countries like Ireland follow religious superstitions in the 21st century. Lata Khot read her poem on Savita at the function.
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Re: BK Rape Brahma Kumari leader absconds after forcing abor

Post25 Jan 2014

... Another senior Brahmakumari Vidya said it’s unfortunate that developed countries like Ireland follow religious superstitions in the 21st century ...
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Brahma Kumaris meddle in Savita Halappanavar abortion death case

Post25 Jan 2014

Are you serious?

Yes, it's all the Christians' (and Muslims, of course) fault according to the BKWSU ...

The time of establishment of the Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya coincided with the period when Hindu society in India had decayed immensely. Owing to the influence of Muslim culture for several centuries followed by the Christian and generally speaking the occidental culture the daily life of the Hindus had lost righteousness and become debased.

What's surprising from the photo of the memorial event (below) is how bhakti-like it looks. I cannot find a rational reason why the anti-sex Brahma Kumari brigade would get involved in abortion politics (the victim was a married Indian woman) ... except to exploit it for their own purposes. And presumably, given she was an Indian woman dentist abroad (husband a high-tech engineer), the family are wealthy and so worth pandering to ... or tapping for rupees. Savita was cremated back in India. It would have drawn a big crowd and a lot of attention.

Do you know the BKs tap into the Hindu tradition of opening their homes to any neighbours to pay their respects after anyone has died? They watch the papers and then go around to the deceased's house, sit down and promote themselves, exploiting the situation. It's basically exploiting a time of some family's most stressful vulnerability.

I mean, how many nasty illegal and fatal abortions go on in India every day that they don't get involved in? And how critical or controlling are they about any "impure" sex? The answer is 18,000 to 20,000 women die every year ... "Every Two Hours in India, a Woman Dies From an Unsafe Abortion" (each year, about 20 million India women risk their lives to undergo unsafe abortions, conducted in unsanitary conditions by unqualified practitioners or practitioners who use traditional & rudimentary means). Have you heard of the BKs campaigning for the rights of poor women, or prostitutes in these matters? Or take a stand in the sex-selective abortion issue?

As from the other case, if one of their own slave girls did it, they would be thrown out of the organization or at the very least shunned and demoted. My expectations would be for the BKs' honest sentiments to just say (think), "it's her karma" ... the victim deserved it for being a dirty girl in the lustful West.

They're really going to town on this lighting candle ritual they do now. I can remember when it started in the early 1980s in London. It was taken from a Jewish ritual ... lighting the candles on the Menorah.

Savita-death_Brahma_Kumaris.jpg (55.1 KiB) Viewed 13195 times

Although the case quite rightly cause an uproar, it seems public sentiment in Ireland remains anti-abortion, with "Pro-Life" campaigners out numbering pro-abortion campaigners ten to one at demonstrations. Savita's husband was subjected to their abuse, one telling him ...
Savita's husband spoke wrote:“There is one particular campaigner who writes again and again has told me to leave the country, and to fix the mess in my own country before I try and fix any mess here”

A similar message might be delivered to the BKs.

Irish law does not allow for a termination to take place because there appeared to be no risk to the mother’s life. Poor prognosis for the foetus would not allow for a termination, because Ireland places equal value on all life, born and unborn alike. Their position is that just because someone has a poor prognosis, it is not grounds to kill them whether terminally ill, elderly, or unborn. Whilst there is life, there is always hope. Savita’s pregnancy was a wanted one. It would not be morally or legally acceptable to kill an unborn baby on the grounds that he or she was likely going to die soon anyway.

A difficult and tragic case ... but what on earth are the Brahma Kumaris doing meddling in it?

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