God fails to show as BKs waste $1000s but accounts required!

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God fails to show as BKs waste $1000s but accounts required!

Post15 Oct 2012

2200 Western BKs waste $1000s on air fares and travel, spending their work holidays on the official annual pilgrimage, as "God" announces he is not going to make a personal appearance at the mass seances held at the Brahma Kumaris Mount Abu headquarters.
Dadi Gulzar-15-10-12.pdf
BKs must show to present accounts!
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Following a recent accident on 22 September, in which the primary official psychic medium called Hirdaya Mohini aka Gulzar fell and sustained a hairline fracture of a vertebra, it has been announced that she is not well enough for her to be in Abu where her body is allegedly possessed by the spirits of their deceased founder Lekhraj Kirpalani and "God" for periods of upto 12 hours or more.

Following considerable behind the scenes discussions, BKWSU leaders are still, however, urging adherents to attend as "Baba's season", as it is known, is their primary stream of income. At present, all that can be said is that "God" will not be attending either the 18th October meeting for foreigners, or the 2nd November meeting for Indians.

Leading BK guru Janki Kripalani promised her devoted followers that God will "... definitely give special experiences from the Subtle Region ..." before reminding them that "... the presenting of accounts by the teachers will also continue as usual".

Refuting any idea that it could possibly all just be about the money, she went on to suggested that as "all programmes will remain systematic ... no one should cancel their reservations for coming and going".

BK critics agree. The BKWSU leadership has been systematically exploiting their followers, controlling their lives and living off their money via such programmes for decades, why should anyone expect them to stop now just because their god does not appear?

Dadi Gulzar-15-10-12.jpg
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Re: God fails to show as BKs waste $1000s but accounts requi

Post15 Oct 2012

This sideshow has been going on in the background for weeks, and included Janki flying off to be at Gulzar's bedside earlier (why?) and much gossip and excitement across the BK world. As nasty a fall as it must have been, this is usually the start of the end for old ladies, e.g. they fall and break their hip and then die soon after ... which is what the BKs must be wondering.

It strikes me they have played it to ensure the most amount of BKs still come to Abu ... so as not to lose money. Of course, there is no room to ask, "how could karma have done this to her?" even through Gulzar is widely speculated to be almost free of it. "It's a test!", claims the BKWSU. Yes, a test to see how gullible and easy to control their followers are.

The actual words are ...
BKWSU wrote:According to the programmes, the presenting of accounts by the teachers will also continue as usual. All programmes will remain systematic and this is why no one should cancel their reservations for coming and going.

What on earth do they mean? Why shouldn't someone cancel their reservations ... plans can always change. God rules the BKWSU, not programmes and systems. Is the spirit not flexible? I mean, why bother going all the way to Rajasthan, wasting all that time, money and energy ... and polluting the environment ... if you are not going to meet with the god Father? is not the philosophy that you can meet with him in the spirit world from anywhere?!? Why waste what few days holidays one gets each year?

Oh, I hear the BKWSU cash registers groaning hungrily as usual ... "feed us, feed us, we need more donations ... make sure the Westerners still come, they give lots of money!". Probably just they have laid out mega-rupees for food in advance and they don't want it to go to waste.

I mean, they could just feed the local poor for a while instead, and give them a few days off scratching in the dirt ... but the BKs just don't think that way.
BKWSU wrote:Message from Dadi Janki -

Dear Sisters and Brothers of BapDada's global family. Please accept loving greetings from Ahmedabad.

As you know, our dearest Dadi Gulzar sustained a hairline fracture of a vertebra in a fall on 22 September in Delhi. This sort of injury requires time for recovery, though Dadi's face is sparkling and she is no longer in pain.

The love that Baba has instilled in us is such that I have been to Ahmedabad, where Dadi is in hospital, several times, in between attending the Peace of Mind retreat and the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. I am now back in Ahmedabad with Dadi.

The latest news is that scans are to be done on Dadi's back on the 13th to see how far healing has progressed. It is only then that we will be able to say clearly if Dadi Gulzar can be back for BapDada's programme on the 18th.

Each scene in the drama has much significance, and it seems that all the doctors and nurses of the Hospital are being served by our dearest Dadi Gulzar. The Yoga power of the family has created a beautiful atmosphere in the hospital room itself.

Meanwhile we continue to do the homework that BapDada has given us, of keeping our thoughts positive in remembrance of One, and preparing for every scene that the drama brings.

In loving remembrance of BapDada,

B.K. Janki -
Chit-chat of Dadi Janki with Dadi Gulzar in Ahmedabad Hospital 8th October evening.

Dadi Gulzar: Some will have a question, there will be a test paper and eyes will open. The practical result of what Baba is teaching us is to have peace and happiness in our life and attention on ourselves. At such a time, our attention should be very natural. This is like a small test paper for me. Every now and again, Baba brings such tests suddenly in which we have to pass.

Dadi Janki: You were given a test paper because of us. This is our paper. It is our paper all together.
Dadi Gulzar: I too cannot understand. My stage should be such that I have no worry about anything. Dadi, I am not afraid. My part is wonderful. For us to be meeting each other in this way for this many days, and then our part of service and then this part – Baba is giving us both experiences. And I can also see the internal power that Baba is giving of being a companion. I always simply remember that Baba is testing me.

Dadi Janki: Dadi, if you were to suddenly go to Madhuban, it would be a wonder and then Baba would come on the 18th. You have the good wishes of all of us. This is a test of our patience. I simply say: let the soul remain peaceful. Baba says: Take power. Drama says: Have patience. Do not say anything. If Baba doesn’t come then I will sulk and then Baba will have to try and make up with me.

Dadis Gulzar and Janki

Dadi Gulzar

Apparently Lekhraj Kirpalani had a very close relationship with Hiradaya Mohini since she was very young, as young as 7 years old, and groomed her for her psychic abilities. A long time ago, we reported rumours that the BKWSU were training new mediums to take over from her in case she might die before the End of the World came. No further reports have been heard about them.
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Re: God fails to show as BKs waste $1000s but accounts requi

Post15 Oct 2012

Yes, what about the other mediums?

From the first Avyakt Murli on 21st January 1969 (http://BapDada.info/Murli/page/38 ):

This is why you will receive directions through whichever trance messenger Didi and Kumarka, who are the instruments, appoint as instruments.

Can God and his number-one angel not, between them, channel through any experienced BK medium?

We shall see!

Otherwise, what happens if/when Dadi Gulzar dies and destruction has not yet come???
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Re: God fails to show as BKs waste $1000s but accounts requi

Post15 Oct 2012

of course she is not karma-teet!

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