BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

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BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

Post14 Jan 2012

For those individuals interested in the ongoing efforts of historical revision within the BKWSU, Brahma Kumari Dr Wendy Sargent produced the following report

    'BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to Regional Coordinating Offices)'.
BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs) by BK Dr Wendy Sargent
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BK Wendy Sargent died on April 27, 2011 but her report highlights that the BKWSU is developing an historical archive of documents not yet made public, is carrying out extensive original research in India and Pakistan, and has contacted many individuals and organizations in an attempt to resolve the anomalies in its "official history".

She notes the conflicts and dissonance created within the BKWSU by revelations from outside the religion.

This report does not seem to have been widely circulated amongst Brahma Kumari followers. It has also been norted that, whereas in Australia the BKWSU published 'Adi Dev' version has been removed from the public, in India it remains the "official" if inaccurate history. A tangle which extends between the organization's authored publications and the channelled spirit messages it claims is God speaking directly through its psychic mediums but which the leadership is also re-editing.

Neither she nor the religion credits the work done by members of this forum to bring to light the hidden truths of the BKWSU.
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Re: BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

Post14 Jan 2012

'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive''.

I was disappointed by this. Wendy was capable of much better. But it gives us an interesting insight into the processes the BKWSU is going through and the hoops and rings through which it must jump. What is most interesting is that while this is going on in amongst a tiny minority of BKs, the majority are stilling being encouraged to believe Jagdish Chander's fairystory.

For example, Wendy basically peddles the party line that failed predictions of Destruction were all down to BKs' misinterpretations rather than coming directly from the Murlis or publications directly conceived under Lekhraj Kirpalani.

She also quotes Stephen Nagel as an "academic source" failing to point out that he was BK Surya of Germany, the first Western BK and his thesis was widely inaccruate depending directly on the standard BKWSU version.
BK Wendy Sargent wrote:Later on, again there was confusion in 1976 about destruction and this was due to the literal translation of Brahma’s 100 years. Since he was said to have been born in 1876, the 100 years of creation by Brahma must be assumed to be complete in 1976. Then the date of birth was thought to be later and then the date of destruction was changed to the mid 80s. During the 80s, destruction was assumed to be in 50 or 60 years time, late 80s or in the 90s.

It is difficult with some of the points of knowledge spoken commonly by Brahmins to distinguish between points that have been taken directly from the Murlis and points that are the result of assumption or churning that are thought to be based on real facts.
III 2 Further explanation for destruction of early Murlis and publications
Early, pre-1969 publications were destroyed or made unavailable to members of the Brahma Kumaris, in part because the revelations being reported were not accurate according to later knowledge given by Shiv Baba. Secondly, the Murlis spoke of other religions and ideologies in a critical style, which is no longer perceived by the BK Seniors as serviceable. For the service of other religions and other movements and it is important to leave differences aside and learn to work with other movements and religions. These early references to other ways of thought were either revised out of the Murli or were only found in the Murlis that were no longer made available, pre-1965.

I need more time to go through it. Comments from others are welcome.


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Re: BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

Post16 Jan 2012

A few interesting new documents lately:
- the BK Archives Project's report to RCOs dated May 2010
- the rewritten Yagya history as of October 2011
- the 1938 Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee report.

I have been aware for quite a while that, since it had become obvious and known to many, from what had been published on this site, that what had been offered as the truth about the coming of God Shiva on earth was a bunch of lies, the BK leadership had asked a selected group of Western BKs to come up with a more credible version of its history.

What amazes me is that the whole thing is not about telling the truth but creating something that more likely resembles it, and that seemingly bright people full heartedly cooperate with such a deceptive endeavor. I think it says a lot about the power of belief and how our beliefs shape our perception of reality.

On one hand BK Archives Project writes:
At the heart of the story is purity and divinity of the young girls who surrender their lives to bring about the Golden Age in Bharat.


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Re: BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

Post16 Jan 2012

A few interesting new documents lately:
- the BK Archives Project's report to RCOs dated May 2010
- the rewritten Yagya history as of October 2011
- the 1938 Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee report.

I have been aware for quite a while that, since it had become obvious and known to many, from what had been published on this site, that what had been offered as the truth about the coming of God Shiva on earth was a bunch of lies, the BK leadership had asked a selected group of Western BKs to come up with a more credible version of its history.

What amazes me is that the whole thing is not about telling the truth but creating something that more likely resembles it, and that seemingly bright people full heartedly cooperate with such a deceptive endeavor. I think it says a lot about the power of belief and how our beliefs shape our perception of reality.

On one hand BK Archives Project writes
At the heart of the story is purity and divinity of the young girls who surrender their lives to bring about the Golden Age in Bharat.

and Yagya rewritten history offers
The seed of our Yagya (the spiritual heart of the Brahma Kumaris), planted all those years ago, is a powerful and
benevolent one.
Experiences in the early days were characterized by visions and divine experiences of inexplicable love, belonging, purity and faith, contextualized deeply in Bhakti. Shiv Baba had to unveil the new knowledge gradually, in order for people to accept something so different, something so distinctly at odds with their tradition and understanding.

whilst the 1938 Bhaibund Committee report says
With the aid of his black art, he renders his Sakhis unconscious and in that state of insensibiity they scream, they turn pale, they tremble visibly and are un-mindful of everything. Sometimes they laugh up-roarously and again weep and wail and invoke Krishna and run after "Dada Lekhraj" as Krishna incarnate and cath him, and embracing and clinging to him cry out "you have steln our butter etc".

These children are hypnotised into unconsciousness for hours on end, and when they recover themselves, they look vacant and besotted and on their distraction is put the interpretation that they have had communion with God.

Are not these different perceptions or interpretations of the same events?

I would argue that the young girls and women going into trance for hours on end, sometimes screaming and howling and clinging to Dada Lekraj crying out "you have stolen our butter" seems factual. BKs from the 80's would remember little Mohini acting out like Krisna whilst in trance like state. Now, whether you interpret that as divinity and purity or black art, hypnotism or simply madness is up to you.

What is apparent for me also from the Bhaibund Committee report is that the culture of deceit and lie within the Brahma Kumaris was present already in 1938 as illustrated by them lying about the bus accident incident and breaching their commitment to an agreement with the local community.


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Re: BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

Post17 Jan 2012

So according to BK Wendy Sargent, official historian of the Brahma Kumaris, the important thing is not whether something is true, but whether it is serviceable : that is will it advance the cause of Brahma Kumaris. It is not a very proper position for a historian is it?
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Re: BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

Post17 Jan 2012

leonard wrote:So according to BK Wendy Sargent, official historian of the Brahma Kumaris, the important thing is not whether something is true, but whether it is serviceable : that is will it advance the cause of Brahma Kumaris.

I wonder how much she was struggling to maintain her own faith and wanted to gloss over the emerging discrepancies rather than look at them for their full worth.

I mentioned a long time ago on this forum that I spoke to an elderly Sini who was a direct neighbour of the Om Mandli and the descriptions of the early seances are exactly the same. Far, far, far from the image we have been given of saintly silent souls in Tapasya. It was one of the reasons for the conflict between them and the Mangarams who not only lived next door. He recounted them screaming and crying. What caused this?

For me, deception, not purity was and is the binding factor of the Brahma Kumaris. I think that accounts for the strong reaction we received from them. Yes, the motor accident stands out for me, no mention of that in Mama's autobiography. Yes, the lack of respect for any external authority other than themselves.

But is not it strange that even though BK Wendy went this far ... there is no story yet of how and when Shiva entered the religion nor an account of the discussion they had to cover this up and stick with the new story. We still don't know how and when Lekhraj Kirpalani finally decided or accepted that he was not the God of the Gita.

Writing frankly, one has to be a nut to believe oneself is God for 18 years amongst a dwindling community of individuals (down to 40 at the end). Or a fantastic egoist. You cannot hide that away saying, "Baba releases The Knowledge slowly according to what the children could accept".

I wonder too about Wendy's relationship with the Seniors. A proper historian, at least in the free world, would put the truth above offended some old lady. It make me wonder what kept Wendy hooked into it all? Perhaps the regard of the Senior BKs? Perhaps she thought she was going to get a position, and even a retirement, out of the organization in a way that no Westerner has to date if she stuck in?

I still have to read the document more closely.
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Re: BK Archives Project (March to May 2010 report to RCOs)

Post19 Jan 2012

I would say the credit for the revelations leading to the new revision of history actually goes to this forum, the PBKs and the bk-pbk.info forum, none of which get a mention in the document.

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