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BKs Get into Bed with Fake Princess of Vietnam

PostPosted: 28 Nov 2011
by ex-l
The Brahma Kumaris infatuation with royalty regularly leads them into sticky situations as those of us who remember their predictions for and sucking up to the since massacred Nepalese royal family. The ridiculousness of their positioning (it does helps if they're rich) is underlined by their latest alignment with a fake princess in Florida ... yes, BK Waddy strikes again!

What makes it more of a joke for the celibate and feminist religion, is that this one 'claims' to be a descendent of Emperor Minh Mang ... the same Minh Mang who had a huge harem and fathered over one hundred and forty children with over one hundred wives and concubines ... but who is far more likely to be descendent from a Vietnamese restaurant owner in Paris or a fish marketeer in NYC.

Princess Thingie exhibits her valuables in Miami
BKWSO-Princess-Thi-Nga.jpg (61.13 KiB) Viewed 18573 times

Regularly exhibiting one of the best cleavages and legs of any Brahma Kumaris supporter to date, her so called Imperial Highness Princess Thi-Nga of Vietnam must have the BKs of Miami aflutter as she co-hosted a Private Spiritual Concert with BK supporter Michael Fitzpatrick in Miami Beach, co-hosted by BK bigwig Meredith Porte. Just whose bullsh** was fooling who?

Another BK stealth event? No mention of the BKWSU on the billing.
Last night, at the Blue Diamond high-rise on Miami Beach, Princess Thi-Nga of Vietnam and Meredith Porte, WLRN Producer and Host of Artstreet program, presented a private concert with acclaimed musician Michael Fitzpatrick, director of the musical production, Compassion, the most celebrated effort to unite East and West through music.

The event which was exquisitely catered to minimalistic attention, included a special surprise for the guests, a music meditation piece performed by Fitzpatrick and Veronica McHugh, the Florida Director of the spiritual humanitarian organization Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University.

Michael Fitzpatrick, Fake Princess and BK Meredith Porte

The concert included a typical BK guided meditation performed by Fitzpatrick and one of the original Western cult adherents, BK Veronica McHugh, the "Florida Director" of the "spiritual humanitarian organization" (cough) they claim the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University is. Humanitarian? Since when? Fitzpatrick appears to have been pulled in by the BKWSU device called Images and Voices of Hope. BK Waddy (McHugh) is the local center in charge. This is what it is all about for the Brahma Kumaris ... getting the IPs and VIPs to sit down, give them dhristi look and magic sweeties, and suck them in by the spiritual vibes, man.

It is a relationship fated to doom though, I am afraid. The imaginary Princess TiNa, imperial princess of kitsch whose grasp of reality appears on a par with Brahma Kumaris like Veronica McHugh when she "expresses gratitude to American soldiers who came to help Vietnam" during the 60s war, goes on to state that being a Vietnamese royalist she "kind of stays away from anything (Communist) red". Not something she will want to be reminded of at every 'Traffic Control' mediation by Paramdham experiences then?

I can see how the BKs will love her being an "Imperial Princess" and dropping anti-communist references liberally. The BK leader general despise the Left and align with the Right and Establishment. Her Ho-ho Highness even relates how she find comfort with the Cuba exile community of South Florida who have "suffering the same tragedy" of exile.

The fake, fake princess living in the delusion of being a royal highness, even hands out marriage advice to Prince William and Kate Middleton to gullible Americans on TV and goes on to thank Canada for saving all the Vietnamese boat people on Canadian TV? Who is she kidding (she was recently divorce by her rich, Jewish lawyer husband)? Well, the BKs it seems.

Or is it just another case of "birds of a feather flocking together"? Needless to add, the 'princess' claims to "dedicates much of her time to the United Nations" too.

As most people know, Vietnam is now the 'Socialist Republic of Vietnam' having not only kicked out the Imperial Nugyen Dynasty but also quite successful kicked the asses of the Imperial American Empire during the Vietnam War. Not bad for mainly feudal peasants still armed with bamboo spears. Given the suffering the innocent Vietnamese people went through, especially the women and children, my jaw drops at her statements of gratitude to American soldiers who came to "help Vietnam". Royal titles in Vietnam neither carry down her bloodline nor even more than two generations in authentic ones.

No thought of Napalm and Agent Orange nor the institution of industrial scale prostitution those capitalist "liberators" brought to Asia then TiNa?

How can one worship royalty as Lekhraj Kirpalani did? The Nugyen Dynasty was always propped up by foreign imperialists and militarists, whether French or Japanese, until Emperor Bảo Đại officially abdicated and power was handed over to the Viet Minh in Saigon. Like all royal families, the Nguyen history is as full of the usual warring, exploitation, skullduggery, double dealing, domination of others and slavery as any ... and yet the BKs just love it.

Did someone mention money?

On her website, she claimed ...
The Princess’ activities are divided between heading the Family’s Holdings, acting as the sole Trustee of her Family’s Trust and pursuing her own ventures and foundation. With corporate offices in New York, Miami, Paris and Singapore, the Princess’ venture, Imperial Holdings International, includes entities such as:

    Imperial Holdings International Development, BVI (British Virgin Islands), a real estate portfolio holding and development company.
    Imperial Holdings International Capital, BVI
    Imperial Retreats International I, Miami Beach, Florida: Development of luxurious state-of-the art properties exclusively designed by H.I.H. Princess Thi-Nga with her team of architects.
    Imperial Retreats International II & III, Great Exuma, Bahamas: Development of a collection of luxurious state-of-the-art beachfront villas, with private beach, exclusively designed by H.I.H. Princess Thi-Nga with her team of architects.
    The Imperial Collection: Interiors, furniture, decorative objects, couture and jewelry exclusively created and designed by H.I.H. Princess Thi-Nga, strictly on commission, with all proceeds to be donated to charitable causes.
The Princess Thi-Nga Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to global humanitarian and cultural causes, especially the restoration and preservation of monuments of the world such as the Imperial City of Hue, established by the Princess’ great-great-great Grandfather His Imperial Majesty Emperor Gia Long), which was named a “World Heritage Monument” by UNESCO.


It appears they, and her imaginary court, are mostly vaporware and she has no relationship to the genuine ex-royal family of Vietnam at all. There was no legally registered foundations at the time, as of 2008, it had a total of $1 income. The donations she made had come off American Express cards ... and the alleged imperial princess was forced resigned from her post on the Board of the Bass Museum in Florida. All this happened years ago and yet the BKs still go along with it.
Thuy Tranviet, Cornell University wrote:I must say I find this "H.I.H Princess Thi Nga of Vietnam" interesting. The business of her reconstructing her family genealogy and to an extent of reconstructing Vietnamese (Imperial) history is fascinating.
Harvard Law Blog wrote:The last King of Vietnam (Bao Dai, Prince Vinh Thuy) was born in 1913. He was of the fifth generation of King Minh Mang. According to this image, Thi-Nga is of the fourth generation of King Minh Mang! She should then be more than 130 years old! In any case, she is not in the direct line of the king, she is not princess; she is nothing at all.
Dr. My-Van Tran, Associate Prof. and Coordinator, International and Asian Studies, University of South Australia wrote:I do not know or hear anything about this ‘princess’. Nor I have any dealing with her ... please bear in mind that as the Nguyen monarchs had many, many wives and concubines there have been many, many, many grand children and great grand children. If they all claim royal title as ‘prince or princess’, we should have many thousands of them all over the world, including Vietnam!

Can the BKs really not spot fake ... or does it just not matter to them as long as they pull the (rich and powerful) bums on seats?

Re: BKs Get into Bed with Fake Princess of Vietnam

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2011
by Mr Green
she looks hot and nasty