BK Karuna Shetty masterminds latest attack on PBKs

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BK Karuna Shetty masterminds latest attack on PBKs

Post28 Oct 2011

I find difficult to use the word "mastermind" for BK Karuna Shetty, especially on the evidence of the following and very sexist 'official' BKWSU press release, but the fiend behind the legal action aimed at closing down this website emerges at the, cough, mastermind behind the latest attack on the PBKs ... as usual.

Elsewhere on this forum, we discussed the long arm of the BKWSU behind the scenes as the notorious Gulabi Gang were aroused to descend on the PBK head quarters, stealing and damaging property before leaving with their tails between their legs as none of the women at the AIVV would press charges against their leaders. Indeed, they all wrote letters of support.

Experienced Brahma Kumari watchers long suspect the BKs were behind such shenanigans. Low and behold, BK Karuna Shetty delivers the smoking gun in a desperate, badly written, extremely amateur press release. Sent to all this PR contacts, it slurs Virendra Dev Dixit by alleging some very serious crimes ... none of which Virendra Dev Dixit ever seems to have been sentenced for. At least not yet.

If it were not for the seriousness of the BKWSU's own actions towards PBK members, this might seem like a silly bun fight. But the BKWSU own actions have included very real outcasting, kidnapping and physical beatings, on top of the usual personality assassinations.

Following Karuna's direct involvement in the continuation of the historical revision and covering up of the institutions failed predictions, false claims regarding the status of their current leader Janki Kirpalani, sour business dealings in Mt Abu, and the organization's financial peculiarities ... perhaps the BKWSU does have something to hide after all?

Nice to know where all your donations are going to. Press release as written.
Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya
World Headquarters
Mount Abu (Raj) - 307501
Tel. No. (EPABX) 238261 to 328268
Fax. No. +91 (2974) 238952
Email: abu@bkivv.org
Website: http://www.brahmakumaris.com, http://www.BKWSU.org

Dated: 2nd September 2011

To The Editor/Bureau Chief

Subject: Distinction between Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Mt Abu & Adhyatmika Ishwariya Vidyalaya at Farrukhabad (UP) run by Virendra Dev Dixit.


This is for your kind information that Adhyatmika Ishwariya Vidyalaya at Farrukhabad (UP), run by Virendra Dev Dixit is entrapped these days in serious controversies. Police action is being conducted on this Institution. Its Head Quarters is situated at Kampil, near to Farrukhabad (UP). This type of Police action on this institution has been conducted so many times earlier also. On the serious charges of Rape, Black-mailing, Kidnapping and Tax evasion, Virendra Dev Dixit and his associates have been sent to Jail so many times.

We want to make this point clear that Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya is an international Educational & SPiritual Institution and its Head Quarters is situated at Mt Abu, Rajasthan. The corporeal Founder of this Institution is Prajapita Brahma Baba. This Institution has been established in the year 1937. At present the administrative head of this institution is Dadi Janki Ji. This is an institution led by Sisters only. This institution is spread in more than 137 countries of the world and is busy doing the task of human upliftment through its more than 9000 branches. Lakhs and lakhs of people are associated with this Institution. This organization has attained a status of a NGO by United Nations. This Institution has been awarded an International Peace Messenger Award by United Nations, having witnessed its task of spreading peace throughout the world. Simultaneously, the ex. administrative head of this Institution Dadi Prakashmani Ji has been given the Honorary Doctorate degree by Mohanlal Sukhada University, Rajasthan and the Present Administrative head Dadi Janki Ji has also been awarded Honorary Doctorate degree by Geetam University, Visakhapatnam.

Virendra Dev Dixit is continously indulged in defaming and sabotaging our Institution adopting a simimlar name, dress and pictorials like us. So many instances of this type has been unearthed now. So they are neither Brahma Kumars an Kumaris nor are they capable to become so. These people have no connection with Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya with its head quarters at Mt Abu.

Therfore we request you to please help us to maintain the sanctity and dignity of this magnanimous international Insitution associated with the welfare of mankind.

We will be obliged to you for your co-operation.

On Godly Service

B.K. Karuna
Director, Public relations and information,
Brahma-Kumaris, Mt. Abu (Rajasthan)
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Mr Green


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Re: BK Karuna Shetty masterminds latest attack on PBKs

Post29 Oct 2011

Tax evasion .... errrrr hypocrite?
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Re: BK Karuna Shetty masterminds latest attack on PBKs

Post05 Nov 2011

Mr Green wrote:Tax evasion.....errrrr hypocrite?

What makes it all the more personal is that family members of BK Karuna Shetty are PBK members.

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