End of the World Cult connects with Earth to Save the Planet

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End of the World Cult connects with Earth to Save the Planet

Post17 Oct 2011

Explain this one to me, an end of the world cult "connects with Earth to save the planet" ... but the Brahma Kumaris believe the utterly impure world has to be destroyed by nuclear war and 6 billion people die!

The Brahma Kumaris are adding 'Greenwash' to their usual 'Whitewash' (Brahma Kumaris Environment Initiative) to promote themselves at Mexico's leading environmental expo called "EXPO En Verde Ser".
EXPO En Verde Ser is an event carried out for third consecutive year, is represents the most important sustainable EXPO of the country, it involves more than 180 exhibit companies with inspiring ideas. You will find entertainment, updating in diverse themes, last tendencies in the ecology, intelligent purchases, workshops, shows and much more; all in a WEEKEND!

In EXPO In Green you will be able to:

    - Know which are the top companies changing toward the sustainable consumption through their products and friendly services with the planet.
    - Learn about the great offer of products and existing services that will let us to make intelligent purchase decisions with out harming the environment.
    - Buy eco-fiendly products and services.
    - Listen from experts different points of view that will increase your knowledge and understanding of the changes you can make on behalf of the planet, our community and our health.
    - Participate in different workshops (Kids/adults) and activities
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Re: End of the World Cult connects with Earth to Save the Planet

Post17 Oct 2011

Seven billion! Haven't you been updating your Murlis? End of the World adherents will hang their hat onto anything that comes along, no matter how preposterous or stupid. The Comet (Elinan) is due to pass 35 million kilometres from Earth next year. It's a fizzer as comets go anyway. But there are those who say it's actually a brown dwarf called Nibiru, and it's under "alien" control and being shifted in it's approach so that it will rendezvous with Earth and bring about pole shifts, massive tidal waves, earthquakes and all those other end of the world disasters so beloved of the Hollywood B grade movie worshippers. I've no doubt this process will go on for the next thousand years.
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Re: End of the World Cult connects with Earth to Save the Planet

Post17 Oct 2011

All these groups attempt to add a veneer of respectability by adopting buzz words - green, environment, scientific method, quantum, etc. This Mexico bunch sounds like one more on a very long, long list


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Re: End of the World Cult connects with Earth to Save the Pl

Post16 Nov 2011

have done lots of research on BIODIVERSITY so can answer in that prospective. More than 11,000 species of animals and plants are threatened to extinction, one third of our corals reefs are expected to disappear after 30 years and areas covered with forests across the planet will continue to decrease each year. Many species of animals that will disappear in the coming years are source of food and medicine for humans. Once a part of the ecosystem is sliced for human habitation and/or farming, expect chain reaction to take place, when you upset the balance of nature you are as well harming some areas you don’t want to disturb.

The problems presented in the 2002 summit in Johannesburg is worse compared to that of 1992 summit in Rio de Janeiro. The summit in in Rio de Janeiro is about getting rid of the plague that causes environmental deterioration and degradation. While that of Johannesburg’s its totally different but perhaps better and even more brilliant, the battle plan that was generated in this particular summit is to solve man’s woes to keep the environment intact.

My 26th hub in the hubchallenge ...

    How to Keep the Planet Earth Green and Healthy
The planet earth we dwell in serves as a sanctuary for many creatures great or small. It provides nourishments and all means for all creatures to survive. Planting plants is perhaps one of the best ways to keep the planet alive and healthy..
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Re: End of the World Cult connects with Earth to Save the Pl

Post17 Nov 2011

Hi Frank, are you another ex-BK? Perhaps it would be nice to give us your introduction, and first time thoughts, in the Newcomers' forum? Thanks.

Frank37 wrote:The summit in in Rio de Janeiro is about getting rid of the plague that causes environmental deterioration and degradation.

Unfortunately, that "plague" is sadly too often a considerable part of humanity intent on destroying that sanctuary.

I have been thinking a bit about the growing anti-capitalist movement we are seeing around the world and how insane it is, from an environmental point of view, that humanity's primary modus operandi appears to be, "it is perfectly 'legal' and OK to do as long as it makes money ... and your victims are voiceless, and we will defend your right to exploit in the first place."

I can imagine the response of the Brahma Kumaris leadership to the idea of "anti-capitalism" ... but the environmental posturing of the Brahma Kumaris has to be their greatest hypocrisy. They have been "praying", full convinced, that the world is just about to be destroyed and proud that they are about to cause it for the last 75 years, and predicting it would be on numerous occasions before now. I, personally, have seen what I can only call the arrogant disdain their leaders had for any BK interested in "saving the planet". Sentiments of saving the planet was seen at utterly foolish waste of time when nuclear war was about to happen in two to three years time (in 1976, the mid-1980s, Year 2000 etc).

I know individual BKs that are utterly sincere about creating a habit (sanskar) of treading lightly on the planet but, in my opinion, the attitudes of the BK elite are just the same as the arch-capitalists of this world but at a lower level.

I heard this quote recently from Paul Watson, founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society which resonated with me. Watson is a confirmed "biocentrist" who provocatively said he believes worms and cockroaches are more important than humans.

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