Use of Homes as Business Places: BKWSU Planning Challenged

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Use of Homes as Business Places: BKWSU Planning Challenged

Post05 Jul 2011

Now this happens all over the world. Most centers are residential homes in a normal neighborhood where it is not allowed by law to exploit the home as a business. Targeting VIP officials comes in handy for when the complaints come in as you can read below.
Complaint ID: 15283 2011-05-07 Posted by: J S Sangwan

As per HUDA act, no commercial activity can be run from residential house in any sector. But to the contrary in H.N. 1806, Sector-6, Bahadurgarh (Haryana) one Braham Kumari University is being run for the last 4 years. A formal compalint was lodged in July 2009 with HUDA office. No action was taken Information provided by HUDA revealed that no commercial activity can be run from residential houses in sectors developed by HUDA. The JE of HUDA office recommended action under section 17(i), 17(ii) & 17(iii). But no action was taken by the local as well as higher officials of HUDA due to some personal vested interests. There may be some consideration at local level in connivance with higher ups. The form is requested to please take up the matter with HUDA authorities & Govt. of Haryana.
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Re: BKs Challenged for Use of Homes as Business Places

Post05 Jul 2011

jann wrote:Targeting VIP officials comes in handy for when the complaints come in as you can read below.

You are right Jann. The BKs are very canny when it comes to sucking up to local IPs and VIPs, police, judges and all the rest, and they have exploited the ambiguity of adherents' homes being registered as centers for decades everywhere they go. An ambiguity which is also financial, with individuals collecting donations which have then gone to pay for personal mortgages, furnishing, cars etc. The BKWSU gets the benefit of having total occupancy of a property without any liabilities.

Just look at a recent Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University planning application for 'change of use' below.

It is ridiculous really. It is as if ever Christian's home was a "church". I wonder if it is the ego factor of 'being a center-in-charge', instant gurudom that encourages people to hand over their property and lives in such a way. It is also 'acquisition by stealth' by them to as a high proportion then do fall into their hands legally.

Elsewhere, in the UK, the so called "Lord of the Poor" (BKs title for their god spirit) shows his really colours by putting in a planning permission application to change of use in a residential block in the Royal Borough of Kensington, an upmarket area of London close to the palaces of the Prince of Wales and super fashionable Fulham Road/Brompton Cross etc near to Harrods where the BKs were seeking a "permanent premises". A wonderfully detailed application is listed here including a record of all supporting letters sent in coordinated by the BKWSU ... and objections.

Letters of support include Sarah Teather, Member of Parliament for Brent where the BKs are based who thinks Gizi is one of her constituents (... when Gizi says she actually lives in Chelsea) and Lord Stone of Blackheath and Viscount Slim, both using House of Lords letter paper, and Lady Shakira Caine ... wife of Sir Michael Caine the well known actor.

An interesting decision is granted only for the use by Gizi Pruthi personally ... and it looks like they have screwed the BKs for using it as a Amrit Vela and Morning Class center as activities are only allowed between 7 am and 8 pm, and 4pm at the weekend. The BKWSU is listed as the "client" ... I wonder who owns the property ... and a "community charity" offering "Yoga" classes. The BKs wanted it for Morning Class starting at 6.45 am claiming it will be a "valuable community use" and state it is being paid for by donations from individuals who come to morning class.

It was a 9 roomed doctor's surgery, I cannot imaged the value of that ... I wonder where the money is coming from. Certainly not from only 10 or 15 people attending pre-work classes. They originally wanted to allow 20 people with 4 "staff" for morning class and 50 for evening class. 50 door bangs in and out ... the neighbours will love it. The place has a shower and so my guess would be a junior Sister or two will be installed as live ins.

Add to which ... they must be editing the Murlis down even further to fit them into a 7 am to 8 am schedule!
Case Reference Number: PP/09/02252
Address: 2A Pelham Street, LONDON, SW7 2NG

Proposal Details

Proposed Development: Change of Use of ground floor to Class D1 (Non-Residential Institutions)
Decision Details
Decision: Granted
Decision Date: 06/01/2010

Conditions and Reasons

This permission shall be personal to Ms Gizi Pruthi and shall not enure for the benefit of the land. (C006)


In granting this permission the Local Planning Authority has had regard to the special circumstances of the case/applicant, and considers that use otherwise than by Ms Gizi Pruthi would have had different implications, and would be likely to have resulted in planning permission being refused.


No music shall be played within the premises the subject of this permission so as to be audible outside the premises. (C048)

Reason - To safeguard the amenity of neighbouring property. (R048)

The use hereby permitted shall only be carried out between 0700 hours and 2000 hours, Mondays to Fridays and 0700 hours and 1600 hours on Saturdays, and Sundays 1000 - 1600. (C044)

Reason - To safeguard the amenity of neighbouring property. (R042)

No more than 15 visitors shall be on the premises at any one time between 0700 and 0900 hours and no more than 50 visitors shall be on the premises at any one time between the hours of 0900 and 2000. (C51b)

Reason - To safeguard the amenity of neighbouring property. (R51b)

Chris Brocklebank, CgMs Consulting, London

Gizi Pruthi, who lives in the upmarket area of Chelsea, is a widely travelled and gifted spiritual teacher who, for many years, has regularly conducted lectures, retreats, and self-empowerment groups, facilitating people’s personal development. Her qualities of leadership, combined with the ability to communicate deep aspects of spiritual truth with great clarity, has enabled many to discover their own spirituality and bring positive change in their lives. She is a graduate of English (Hons) and Ethics and has held many senior management positions in the UK and India. At present, Gizi co-ordinates the activities of the BKWSU in Kensington & Chelsea.

For more than 20 years, Giziben has practiced and taught meditation with The Spiritual University. A widely travelled and gifted spiritual teacher, she coordinates the activities of one of their centers in London and regularly conducts lectures, retreats, and self-empowerment groups, which has inspired many to bring positive change in their lives. She is married and has two children.

One of Gizi's "students" An Angel Whispered Patricia Tashiro as gotten into the publishing game selling through "O Books" as does MIke George etc. Is it a religion or a loss leader for other business?

Her letter of support for the application reveals that classes have been ongoing at Queens Gate Gardens and Cadogan Gardens, again super wealthy streets of London. It claims Raja Yoga benefits people with serious health problems and they offer classes on "Healthy relationships"!

Yes, the BKWSU head note papers blabs about their UN connections and a claimed 7,000 branches worldwide.
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Re: Use of Homes as Business Places: BKWSU Planning Challenged

Post12 Jul 2011

so glad to be out

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