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BKWSU frontman shares stage with Scientology at UK Seminar

PostPosted: 12 May 2009
by news editor
Neville Hodgkinson, a senior Brahma Kumaris adherent and advisor to BKWSU leaders such as Jayanti and Janki Kirpalani, takes to the stage with Graeme Wilson, Public Affairs Director for the notorious cult Church of Scientology. It is thought to be the first time the two groups stand together.

Hodgkinson will be giving a talk on, "Henpecked to Heaven? His 15 years in a Woman-led Retreat Centre". The seminar intends to promote cultic religious as "Intentional Communities" with no balanced or independent opinion of their activities. The event is to take place on Saturday, 23 May 2009, 9.30am - 4.30pm at the UK Government sponsored INFORM organization.

INFORM is run by Professor Eileen Barker OBE. It claims to "collect and disseminate objective, accurate information about new religious movements serving, a) the pursuit of truth, b) the conduct of constructive dialogue and c) the defence of well-informed, if sometimes unpopular, views". In her case, those views are often support the cults themselves.

Individuals seeking assistance during the break up of their families because of BKWSU involvement have reported to us that Eileen Barker, a near neighbor to the Brahma Kumaris leadership, is on friendly terms with them. A friendship which has been confirmed by the professor herself. Victims have been frightened away from seeking help or disappointed by unsupportive responses.

HappyScilons.jpg (71.5 KiB) Viewed 6423 times

Had Barker's close relationship with the BKWSU actually born fruit in the form of "objective, accurate information", "the defence of well-informed if unpopular views" about the BKWSU and exposed the hidden teachings, failed predictions of Destruction or historical revision practised by the leadership, then perhaps it would have been excusable. However, until recently, INFORM's information sheet about the Brahma Kumaris could have been written, copy and paste, by the group's own PR department themselves. It probably was.

The Church of Scientology came to the public attention last year when a 15 year old boy was arrested by London Police for calling them a "cult" at a peaceful demonstration opposite its London headquarters. All charges against him were later dropped. The City of London Police Chief Kevin Hurley, had praised Scientology for "raising the spiritual wealth of society" during the opening of its headquarters in 2006 but the Police were found to have accepted numerous gifts from the cult.
Operation Clambake wrote:Scientologists believe that 75 million years ago there was an alien galactic ruler named Xenu in charge of all the planets in this part of the galaxy. Earth was called Teegeeack. Xenu had a problem. All of the 76 planets he controlled were overpopulated having on average 178 billion people. He wanted to get rid of all the overpopulation.

Xenu took over complete control with the help of renegades then, with the help of psychiatrists, he called in billions of people for income tax inspections where they were instead given injections of alcohol and glycol to paralyse them, put into space planes, flown to planet Earth, stacked around the bases of volcanoes in their hundreds of billions, then had H-bombs which were lowered into the volcanoes detonated killing everyone.

A soul is called a "thetan". To trick souls into not coming back again whilst they were being blown around by the nuclear winds, Xenu had special electronic traps that caught all the souls in electronic beams. Once captured, all the souls were packed into boxes and taken to a huge cinemas where they had to spend days watching special 3D motion pictures and brainwashed. In this film they were shown false pictures and told they were God, The Devil and Christ etc.

When the films ended, the souls left the cinema and started to stick together. Because since they had all seen the same film, they thought they were the same people. They clustered in groups of a few thousand and, because there were only a few living bodies left, stayed as soul clusters and inhabited these bodies.

Xenu was finally overthrew him and locked him away in a mountain on one of the planets, kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery. He is still alive today. Today, the Scientologists claim, everyone is full of these clusters of souls called "body thetans". To become a free soul, one has to remove all these "body thetans" and pay lots of money to do so. The only reason people believe in God and Christ was because it was in the film their body thetans saw 75 million years ago.

Re: BKWSU frontman shares stage with Scientology at UK Seminar

PostPosted: 16 May 2009
by ex-l
The seminar schedule is set now ... I hope BK Neville Hodgkinson takes the opportunity to 'inform' them "God has come ... the nuclear bombs have made" ... to be "pure" ... and that only the Brahma Kumaris are the one true and complete religion and going to rule a Golden Aged heaven on earth following the imminent Nuclear holocaust.

Or perhaps the BKs think, according to their God's "Knowledge", that this is one opportunity these other "fag end of the Kali Yuga" ... and "ignorant body-conscious Shudra cultists" are going to "gain their inheritance" from one of "Baba's faithful children". I suspect not.

God knows what this next thing means ( "The 8" being significant to the BKs as well) but, going along with our discussion of archetypes earlier, I picked this off the Scientology Twitter;
Scientology]DYNAMIC EIGHT is the urge toward survival as a part of the Supreme Being.[/quote][quote="INFORM wrote:Inform Seminar XXXIX - Intentional Communities - Saturday, 23 May 2009, 9.30am - 4.45pm

New Theatre, East Building, London School of Economics & Political Science

Inform Seminars are intended to help participants to understand, or at least recognise, different perspectives.
The presence of speakers on an Inform programme does not mean that Inform endorses their position.

Registration: Tickets (include buffet lunch, morning coffee and afternoon tea) booked and paid in
advance by 10 May 2009 cost £38 each (£16 students/unwaged). Tickets booked after 10 May 2009 cost £42 each (£21 students/unwaged).

To register, post cheque to: Inform, Houghton St., London WC2A 2AE. (; T:020 7955 7654).

9.30am - 10.00am:Registration and refreshments

10.00am - 10.10am: Welcome and Introductions

10.10am - 10.35am: Professor Eileen Barker (LSE/Inform).

More than a Nuclear Family: An Illustrated Introduction to Community Living

10.35am - 11.00am: John Campbell (Jesus Army).

The Bugbrooke Community- 40 Years On

11.00am - 11.25am: Chen Atid, BSc, MA (Emerson College).

Freedom and Responsibility in an Anthroposofic Community

11.25am - 11.50am: Coffee

11.50am - 12.15pm: Carol McQuire (former member of New Kadampa Tradition).

Realising the Guru's intention: community living in the NKT.

12.15pm - 12.40pm: Graeme Wilson (Church of Scientology).

Isolation or Community (and shades in between)

12.40pm - 1.05pm: Professor Timothy Miller (University of Kansas, Lawrence).

Creation then, evolution now: How 1960s spiritual communities have developed

1.05pm - 2.00pm: Lunch

2.00pm - 2.25pm: Neville Hodgkinson (Brahma Kumaris).

Henpecked to Heaven? My 15 years in a Woman-led Retreat Centre

2.25pm - 3.10pm: Group Discussions

3.10pm - 3.35pm:Tea

3.35pm – 4.00pm:Swami Deva Rashid / Rashid Maxwell (Resident in Osho communes).

The Intelligence and Flow of Commune Life

4.00pm - 4.45pm: General Panel Discussion