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BKs back best-selling, bed-sharing Brahma Kumari Subirana

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2008
by news editor
BK-Miriam-Subirana.jpg (20.42 KiB) Viewed 13619 times
Concerned followers raise the issue of senior Western Brahma Kumari and president of the so-called "Spiritual University" in Spain, a BK center-in-charge Miriam Subirana, sharing her single bed with a young, impressionable female Brahma Kumari follower. The named individual was further witnessed singing songs of love to the leader but later left the organization in undisclosed circumstances.

As the lifestyle of the Brahma Kumaris penetration public awareness, sufficiently enough to have inspired even lurid feminist pornography, personal controversies arise that question the ethics of the group's leadership.

The Brahma Kumaris manage an international zonal system in which it would appear personal favoritism rules an unaccountable, near feudal structure of fiefdoms, handed out by the global leadership to their favored followers based on individuals' willingness to support the status quo, not to ask questions ... and their ability to bring the money in.

The Brahma Kumaris is a religous movement demanding 100% mental, physical and financial commitment from of its one million followers. It claims to have no duty of care over its followers, no independent ombudsperson service and no documented disciplinary system. Many long-term adherents note never having seen nor knowing of the existence of any internal procedural manual. Its "Divine Constitution" is not openly published. Its internationally contradictory and controversial articles of associations appear to be hidden from its donors.

Miriam Subirana, a best selling author whose books costing up to $45 are based on Brahma Kumari "Knowledge" have sold more than 150,000 world-wide is called "The Lioness of Spain" within the sect. Known to be a favorite of BKWSU global chief Janki Kripalani, her books are also sold and promoted via the BKWSU networks to its followers, a growing market place in its own right and seen to be "acceptable" gifts to be purchase and used as "service" gifts by adherents.

Where book sales generally bring authors a commission of 10 to 15%, Miriam is one of a number of senior Brahma Kumari followers allowed to sell "spiritual knowledge" to both the growing and wealthy Brahma Kumari movement, corporate and New Age markets. It is not know whether these commissions have been received by the organization or by the individual in this case.

Each BK author, their translators and editors, appear to be dealt with in an entirely arbitrary fashion by the religion's leaders in which the BKs' United Nations New York supremo, Gayatri Narayan, plays a part. On an apparently whim, and amidst considerable secrecy, some receive payments and are allowed to profit whilst others are not consulted about their work and it is used for free.

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The issue of Brahma Kumaris using their feminine sexuality to promote Brahma Kumarism, and manipulate followers, was raised as long ago as 20 year by leading BK, now involved as a representative of international public relations for the organization. At the time, a taboo subject for the cultic religion, one projects its image of purity, total celibacy but female dominance to outsiders.

Considered primarily to be the use of feminine sexuality over male followers, "women upfront" was always the policy the male founder Lekhraj Kirpalani to defray male criticism and attack, the question of feminine sexuality being used over female followers is unspoken, despite even such references being made even in the mediumistic messages the religion believes is God of all religions speaking through its trance mediums to humanity.

Having been criticised for breaking families apart for 70 years of its existence, the Brahma Kumaris demand its followers to detach from not just partners but even their children. Followers are neither to look at others bodies nor to practice physical affection and monitor each and every thought for sexual or body consciousness. Individuals doing so are expected to confess such sins to senior Sisters, or in "letters to god" read by leaders, in order to have their "bad karma" reduced. Followers enjoying physical relationships, where it is known, are prohibited from visiting its headquarters until after sufficient period of quarantine to prove their commitment.

    The question arise, how do the religiously supremacist Brahma Kumaris, who see their religion as the source of all other religions, compare to the manner that other religions would handle such matters?
    If a Roman Catholic or Islamic priest would know to be sharing their bed with a young congregation member, there would be public outcry.

    If a university dean was to be doing the same to an undergraduate, their organizations would deal with their abuse in the most rigorous manner?
Most individuals would agree that such abuses were unacceptable and the individual be removed from their position. To their critics, it would appear that public face and financial power are of more importance to the the Brahma Kumaris leadership than ethical considerations. In the nature of today's royalty, the Brahma Kumari appear to adopt the maxim, "never apologise, never explain".

    What enquiry was made into the spiritual welfare or circumstances of the departing adherent who, by Brahma Kumari indoctrination, had destroyed their eternal fortune by leaving and "divorced god"?
Brahma Kumari Miriam "The Lioness of Spain" Subirana, is said amongst members to have a dominant personal, to be the cause of numerous individuals leaving, and to enjoy the attentions and "service" of other followers and has been photographed kissing a male adherent, also a Spanish center-in-charge.

Followers, in an organization where confidential letters sent to the leadership have on occasion returned back to the respective center-in-charges in question are afraid to speak out and especially of those thought to be the favorites of the Brahma Kumari global chief Janki Kripalani.

Miriam Subirana's new book "Who Rules in Your Life?" has been published in English by O Books, publisher of many Brahma Kumari volumes, where it is review by Brahma Kumari follower Pilar Quera Colomina, portrayed as the president of the Brahma Kumari run 'International Association Living Values Education'. Despite the organization's spiritual disciplines prohibiting followers for discussing business matters amongst themselves, she is amongst a chosen few BKs promoted as a corporate consultants by the 'Oxford Leadership Academy of Spain'.

The Oxford Leadership, said to be a "separate business" set up by the Brahma Kumaris to profit from Self Management Leadership seminars and business consulting, according to a BKWSU new release sent out attached with their god's daily messages to all centers, is now thought to be the private business of ex-Brahma Kumari follower Brian Bacon. It employs, or makes business by introduction, the involvement of many leading Brahma Kumari followers internationally re-marketed as corporate consultants but still using Brahma Kumari knowledge.
Miriam Subirana, BKWSU global chief Janki Kripalani
and Senior Sister Sudesh.
Dadi-Janki-Subirana.jpg (7.46 KiB) Viewed 13628 times

See also, Miriam Subirana and Enrique Simó Kadletz - BK co-prosperity

Re: BKs back best-selling, bed-sharing Brahma Kumari Subirana

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2008
by ex-l
If the BKs sell themselves as one thing (and have most of the followers following it) but allow the other (and allow a chosen few privileges and newcomers are abused), then this is a matter of public concern and worthy of both our discussion and their answer.

On a purely personal level, I remember the first (and only) time I saw two Brahma Kumari followers kissing. It was at a festival where a group of us had gone to do service and involved a very attractive blonde who is mentioned with great praise in Liz Hodgkinson's book 'Peace and Purity'. From the BK point of view, it was deeply disturbing. Everything we had been told, everything we were practising was challenged, as well as experiencing a confusion of repressed feelings. This was just utterly wrong ... but none of knew what to do.

That is the point I want to make. There were a group of us but we were all collectively frozen by what was going on ... they were kissing passionately or in a prolonged fashion. We were in a state of trauma because nothing we had been told, or knew what to do, had prepared us for this. All we could do was pathetically "remember Baba" and pretend it was not happening. Naturally, the two left and started an affair ... and I hope now that they both enjoyed it.

I am sure that if it happened in India, the center-in-charge would have just thrown a bucket of water over them, or started screaming or hitting them with a stick. They would have been thrown out. This is one of the confusing thing about the Brahma Kumaris movement in my mind, you don't know what the rules are and they are all changing them to suit themselves.

I am not considering that Miriam was having a sexual affair with this follower but even a mental, emotional "attachment" was against the rules and wrong. The thing is ... some other leader center-in-charges HAVE had sexual affairs but yet the leadership has let them stay in their position. What does this say to the followers ... how do they account for the spiritual confusing being caused.

I think the whole thing is ridiculous now. I think the whole sex thing the Brahma Kumaris have got going on is just about control and possessing their followers. I think they are stuck in some timewarp and I think the leadership has no ethics. They only have a tiny little clue about what real spirituality is all about. As far as this case is true, I see it is just a further example of this ... I can only start to imagine what the young Sister must have gone through. But ... I can also appreciate the state of mind Miriam must have been in.

Towards the end of my time in the BKWSU, I was deeply confused by relationships and did not know what to do with them ... what was "mine" and what was "Baba's" ... everything was "Baba's". There were no healthy division between my and the organization. The organization own everything of me and everything of mine was for service ... I was fooling myself and others too.

I, personally, would not condemn Miriam. The BK conditioning, and the hooks they stick into us, are very deep. It is hard to leave. Sometimes individuals have to sub-consciously manufacture cause of departure ... self-destruct their Brahmin identity.

But then I never turned my BK life into a money making business ... so I do not have that much respect either.

Re: BKs back best-selling, bed-sharing Brahma Kumari Subirana

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2008
by driedexbk
Gosh, talking about money making business! Look at the price of this book:

Not sure if this appropriate for this topic's trend but It is obvious the Brahma Kumaris is a business. Be the first to rate it? ... /71311800/

Look at this, they are even into weather forecasts: ... 75847.html

What about this: ... 1-1-0.html

They are like weed - spreading everywhere.

Re: BKs back best-selling, bed-sharing Brahma Kumari Subirana

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2008
by ex-l
driedexbk wrote:Gosh, talking about money making business! Look at the price of this book:

Ah ... you need to be a little careful. 'The Brahma Kumaris As a Reflexive Tradition' by John Walliss is not a BKWSU book, it is a book about the Brahma Kumaris by an academic and a very good one. Probably the best to date.

Its weird to find them list as a "Business Type: Vocational & Training Schools" but I guess the website doesn't have a category for whacky, 'End of the World' cults. But, yes, on top of the general evangelical the word did go out to encourage BKs to swamp the internet with propaganda ... where is the deep, intelligent discussion?

Re: BKs back best-selling, bed-sharing Brahma Kumari Subirana

PostPosted: 30 Nov 2008
by uddhava
ex-l wrote:'The Brahma Kumaris As a Reflexive Tradition' by John Walliss is not a BKWSU book, it is a book about the Brahma Kumaris by an academic and a very good one. Probably the best to date.

I have this book as an MS Word document if anyone wants a look.