Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

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Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post11 Nov 2008

Listed as a spiritual leader, trainer and author of a number of ghostwritten books, Jayanti Kirpalani the European director of the so-called Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (UK) in London. Brahma Kumari representative to the United Nations in Geneva, relative of deceased BKWSU founder Lekhraj Kripalani and current global chief Janki Kripalani, she focuses her interests on,

    "the need for women to develop positive communication among the religious leaders of the world".
Said to view "the erosion of spiritual values as an underlying cause of contemporary world crises", Sister Jayanti is also a member of the executive committee of the World Congress of Faiths. Fully supported by the weight of the BKWSU PR machine, and widely speculated to be the heir-in-waiting to global chief's throne and to be reborn as royalty in the future Golden Age, she claims to have "worked with the Dalai Lama" His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso.

As the Brahma Kumaris were previously debunked for claiming the University of Texas had stated their global chief was "The Most Stable Mind in the World", a claim the BKWSU had made for 20 years before being force to withdraw it, we approached the office of the Dalai Lama to check this reference. The following reply was received from His Holiness's secretary Chhime R. Chhoekyapa.

    Readers are left to make their own deductions about the BK leader considers to be "work".
BrahmaKumaris.Info wrote:the Global Council‎ of the International Museum of Women record that on her curriculum vitae, Jayanti Kripalani of the so-called Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University has "worked with the Dalai Lama".


Could you please confirm in what capacity, Sister Jayanti worked with the Dalai Lama?

Thank you
Chhime R. Chhoekyapa wrote:Thank you for your email regarding Jayanti Kripalani of Brahma Kumaris India having worked with His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

I am to inform you that he has visited their Centre in Mount Abu to deliver talks and it is difficult to tell if His Holiness knows Ms. Kripalani personally.

A university drop out who has never known to have held any employment outside of the religion she and Janki Kripalani administer, who became involved in the religion whilst "finding herself" in India, Ms Kirpalani's position within the organization is said to have benefited from considerable financial and property donations made by her Father.

Blaming British racism and sexism for her not being able to become a doctor like her Brother, she was encouraged into the religion by her mother, the family being a member of the same Sindi business community from which the increasingly cultic religion arose. The young Jayanti soon became a leading psychic medium within the group, the nature of the training in mediumship, or spirit initiation, only discussed within inner BK circles. Responsible for relating messages to and instructions back from the deceased founder and the group's spirit guide during weekly seances called "Bhog offerings", her advice within the religion is said to be "Shrimat". In plain English, "equal to God's".

Registered as a charity in the UK to "promote Hindusim" and "alleviate poverty", the BKWSU uses the protected title "University" in its name without proper authority. Despite receiving in excess of $3,000,000 donations each year, and building up a property portfolio worth in excess of $25,000,000, no such "poverty alleviation" schemes appear in the religion's publicly held accounts. Accounts which are audited by accountants who are also followers of the Kripalani run sect.

The Global Council of the International Museum of Women is a group of diverse international leaders who are committed to strengthening and improving the lives of women throughout the world through education, social welfare, community development, politics, law, the arts, the promotion of world peace and justice.

It is noted that the Brahma Kumaris recently used women, and what look suspiciously like children, as labourers in the building of their comfortable new air-conditioned residential quarters in India named after another Senior Sister.

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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post15 Nov 2008

These people are such a fake! They exaggerate everything to get into the news. Hey, they even made it to the Washington Post.



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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post11 Feb 2014

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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post11 Feb 2014

Where are the pictures!!!!!!
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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post11 Feb 2014

BK Jayanti has personal relationships with…..

Another exaggeration of course. A personal relationship is not defined as having met in person, shared a stage or three with, even regularly corresponded to organise particular events. These are at best professional relationships.

A personal relationship is one where you can call or visit a person for no reason, just spend time together because you enjoy each other’s company, share jokes, personal experiences and problems, ask advice, do nothing, and have no purpose or agenda to be arranged for later.

Have any of these individuals ever initiated contact with the BKs generally, let alone BK Jayanti in particular?

Here is a public challenge. I will give $1,000 to anyone who can show that has ever happened.
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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post11 Feb 2014

Define "personal relationship" ... and ask whether a BK can actually have one? Would a relationship not, by definition, be a maya-filled distraction and that worst of all evils ... attachment ... to a BK?

I would have said, no, and that any BKs who is having one is failing or erring ... and, certainly, the leadership like Jayanti would be subtly or openly disapproving of it.

The BKs leaders don't seem to appreciate that being humoured politely by some busy person in the public eye is not the same as having a positive effect, let alone a "relationship". For those busy people, life is a bit of a blur of being targeted by people just like the BKs, all of whom want something from them ... to use them, as the BKs do, for their own purposes.

But that's all the BK leaders need out of the interaction, a smiley photo-op of them giving a frame picture, to show to their funding followers and convince the followers to keep giving money and free labor, on basis that the leaders "must be doing something" because they met a famous person ... playing the status by association game.

There's never any quantification of the quality that "effect". For a large part, it's just throwing away the money it cost to get there and pay for the frame picture, and 'to get there' might cost $10,000s in terms of investing time and energy, and flying around the world. For what? A picture for World Renewal magazine or, these days, a 30 second video clip.

I have no idea what Jayanti is doing these days ... has she any real friends? Does she ever step outside her role? Does she ever get days off? I've never saw her in mufti, she was always in uniform, pretty much a victim to the Shrimat giving role she was in. I wonder what really went on in her 24/7 relationship with Janki Kirpalani. She never spoke that honestly about what went on between them.

I think to have "friends" you also need to take free time and not have in your mind that you are somehow "serving them", or disappearing off into a light trance meditation all the time. I suspect there has also to be some sense of equality in the relationship ... and that one is not always working an angle of how to get god into the conversation like the Jehovah Witnesses.

It's a good topic for discussion.

When I was a BK, I was actually sympathetic towards her and always felt it was a shame she could not step out or step down out of the role and just be herself. She was always surrounded by or targeted by the needy and sycophantic, and the introduction we were given to her was as some near perfect, god-like individuals, one of the 108 top souls in the world whose very words and advice were equivalent to gods to be followed without question. A reflection, I guess, of the crushes some of the female centers-in-charge had on her.

But she accepted the role, played up to it, and sustained the myth of it all, so she's hardly a victim. She's no Krishnamurti.

She was always free-est and closest to strong women, e.g. Heidi Fittkau or some of the VIPs they latched on it, I wonder, despite the celibacy, if her orientation was straight or gay?
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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post16 Feb 2014

From the first link: Brahma Kumaris leader and spiritual guru BK Jayanti takes a break from offering spirutal guidance to the Dalai Lama and Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to tour Australia.
Not even Jayanti would say she gives them spiritual guidance. She may have ”offered” it, as the quote says, but I doubt that too.
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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post16 Feb 2014

... And they just thought it was some phatic communication from some Indian lady dressed in a pair of net curtains.

Come on, get real people. Do you really think Jayanti "benefited" the Dalai Lama, or Kofi Annan was really listening to what she said for the 30 second/2 minute sound bite she got to drop as she passed by as one of 100s on a conveyor belt of people pushing to be seen with them to use that moment's contact in the same way as the BKs are?

It's just PR and advertising ... although to the BKs it's enough to believe those individuals will be re-born as BKs or take birth in heaven on earth.
BKWSU wrote:Spiritual guru BK Jayanti discusses contemporary issues and the power of positive thinking. Get happy. Brahma Kumaris leader and spiritual guru BK JAYANTI takes a break from offering guidance to the Dalai Lama and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to tour Australia. her free talk touches on themes including health, education, racism, women's rights and sustainability with a focus on the power of meditation and positive thinking to rediscover inner happiness.

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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post26 May 2014

"....BK JAYANTI takes a break from offering guidance to the Dalai Lama and former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to tour Australia..."

Has BK Jayanti lost her mind completely? His holiness Dalai Lama is such a great spiritual leader, why would he meet or talk to such people who try to get such cheap publicity.

Don't you think, these BKs are so full of pride (maan), one of the evil force ( kashaya) in human being. They first need to fight this pride that is taking them to wrong direction. Well, Dalai Lama can certainly teach them a lesson or two to control their ever-growing pride. Fame is a poison for an spiritual aspirant but these people leave no chance to get into limelight. May Dalai Lama forgive Jayanti for her mistakes. Whew ....


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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post11 May 2022

The Dalai Lama is a fake spiritual leader like Jayanti.
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Re: Dalai Lama to Jayanti Kirpalani ... its not "working".

Post12 May 2022

jayadeepan wrote:The Dalai Lama is a fake spiritual leader like Jayanti.

Them's fighting words!

You need to define what differentiates a true spiritual leader from a fake one.

I spent many years with the BKs and have also met the Dalai Lama, as a BK. After I left BKs, I have attended his talks and read some of his essays. Leaving aside his position in the Gelugpa Hierarchy, the essays and talks are very good, scholarly works explaining different aspects of the variety of ways Mahayana, Vajrayana and tantric Buddhism are practiced. Yet he also tailors his content to the audience so he can sound simplistic. But only the foolish mistake simplicity for lack of profundity.

Now, along with my antipathy toward the BKs, I also have a certain antipathy to the term "spiritual". Therefore I cannot see how I could say what a 'true" spiritual teacher is. Anything can be considered spiritual, it's a very subjective term.

I have had good discussions with Jayanti in the past as well as differences and conflict. How spiritual or how much of a teacher she is is a subjective judgement.

There's the saying "when the student is ready the teacher appears". Well, turn that around and we can say that whomever you accept as your teacher is what you are a student of. If you remain a student, if you never graduate, you are either a poor student or the teacher is a poor teacher, or you are too cowardly to take the next step in your life, ot you are a sucker being taken advantage of for profit.

As Alan Watts said, many gurus are thieves, pickpockets - they take what is yours then sell it back to you, e.g. if peace or inner wisdom is innate, why surrender myself, my money, my time, to another to experience it?

But again, as Watts half-jokes, at least they showed you something about yourself which you did not even know you had, or could not find, so maybe they did you a favour, and you should be glad about the transaction?!

The essence of smritti, (Buddhist mindfulness, consciousness, remembering) is defined by Nagarjuna (or maybe it was Vasubandhu?) as the "not forgetting of that with which one has become acquainted". So, once you've been sold what was yours to begin with, and you now recognise it, why keep paying the same thief for the same pocket watch?

Time to move on, to let reality's other thieves pick your other pockets and sell those to you!!!

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