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Banned, banished, barred from the Brahma Kumaris

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by news editor
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Posted March 31st, 2007

Banned, banished, barred from the Brahma Kumaris Godly World Spiritual University! What does it take for an individual to feel the might of the leadership’s authority, taste total censorship, have their connection with the organization cut and ostensibly lose “their fortune” for eternity?

As a cult known for its facade of discipline and order, could it be a “sex, drugs & rock’n'roll” backslide? A senior faculty member “entertaining” a member of the opposite sex? Perhaps a little financial abuse? Strangely, no.

These are all forgivable sins which followers are encouraged to confess to senior Sisters to reduce their karma, or write letters to God Shiva at the India headquarters ... which remarkably have been known to find their way back to local centers-in-charge.

No. The sin for which there is no forgiveness, leading to instant banishment, is far worse. It is studying at or attending the center of the BKWSU breakaway group known as the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris [PBKs]. Banishment, a practise widespread in India, compounded by violent suppression, has now been extended into the West. BKs find themselves excluded from all the support and activities of “the spiritual family”. A decision from which there is no appeal, “banishment” is one of the many unspoken, unrecorded and undemocratic practises of the BKWSU. With commands being issued from the Global Retreat and Directress Jayanti Kirpalani and affecting BK spin offs such as The Janki Foundation, the fear of banishment would appear to be a high level policy of control.
Admin Says: March 31st, 2007 at 1:06 am e
While this site has no connection with the PBK movement (other than offering equal access as to BKs, non-BKs and ex-BKs), and therefore cannot specifically recommend its beliefs or practises, it must be noted that recent historical documented published by the Brahma-kumaris in the 1930s and 40s support many of the historical claims the group makes.

They also document considerable revisions in both the teachings and history of the BKWSU organization which must surely be documented.

The BKWSU separates itself from the multifold religions paths of today, cults and sects which it sees are part of the Hellish Iron Age way of life. It claims to be the one true path. However, a number of revisionist groups exist, such as the Shankar Party, the Vishnu Party, The Atman Foundations and others. Started by BKs, some of these groups have flourished, others burned out.