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BK and the UN

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by news editor
Posted June 2nd, 2008 Email this post

On their dedicated site, BKWSU at the United Nations, the BKs write ;

The United Nations Family

In the aftermath of The League of Nations, and during the world war that gnawed at the roots of civilization, statesmen met in the West with the common aim of determining the nature of the peace and cooperation that would ensue.

During the tense years that preceded World War II, a group of spiritual men and women came together in the east, united by their commitment to the welfare of humanity.

As the founding fathers of the United Nations formulated a blueprint for a world of peace, security and justice; the founding members of the Brahma Kumaris were researching universal core values which they considered as necessary to restore individual worth and human dignity.

In 1980 the relationship between the United Nations and the Brahma Kumaris was formalized.

A marriage made in ... hell, actually. Let us have a look at what the difference the BKWSU are saying to themselves and to the world.

Now, as much as the Conspiracist consider that the United Nations is a ploy in The Dark Empire’s campaign to enslave the world and, as far as the American government were possessed by the thought of the UN as being a Communist plot to take over the world and refused to pay for it; the UN has been very good for the BKWSU’s credibility and the initially tenuous relationship stretched to its limit to lend respectability to the BKWSU’s ambitions to ... well, Global Domination funnily enough!. Or rather, as per their own prophecies, to have world power surrendered to them ... with the Government of India coming first.

It often appear that the BKs only have two mantras ... “Remember Baba” and “Non-governmental organization in general consultative status with the United Nations”.

It is called “status by association”

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