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XBKchat Free Website to be Discontinued

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by news editor
A notice has been sent by an administrator of "ex-BK Chat".


April 29, 2006

As a courtesy to members, this notice is to inform you that the XBKchat free website is going to be discontinued. The site is now “read only” – i.e. the forums continue to be visible but posting has been disabled. Today, we have posted a NOTICE regarding this on the site. A full and pressing work and personal schedule no longer affords us the free time to manage the site.

Also as a courtesy to members, the site will remain up for the entire month of May. This is to give members the opportunity to:

(1) Copy their own posts for their personal use.

(2) The private message (PM) system will continue to be available. This means that members will still be able to log in and:

(A) View posts in the private “ex-BK issues” forum

(B) Send private messages to other members providing each other with personal email addresses, if you so chose, as a means of maintaining contact.

(C) Inform others of alternative venues where they can express their views and interact.

Regarding (C) above, while we are aware that some other sites have sprung up, and we wish them well, it is important for us to state:

(1) XBKchat is in no way connected with any other site.

(2) XBKchat was not involved in the creation of any other site.

(3) XBKchat has no designated successor site.

(4) Obviously, XBKchat cannot be responsible for the contents of any other site.

(5) XBKchat will not be getting involved in any other site and is permanently out of the ex-BK area.

We expect that some will be saddened by the news. However, the decision has already been made and is final. Chat sites do come and go. Life is dynamic, and sometimes change is good. Other sites should strive to develop their own character and not be clones of XBKchat.

After this weekend, we will be taking a three week break. We expect that, during that time, some members may PM or email us. Time will not permit us individual or immediate replies. However, before the site is taken down at the end of May, we will send another group email in which we will try to respond to messages received.

We thank you for the appreciation you have expressed for the free service that we provided.

Best wishes always.