BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post30 Sep 2010

I am not sure about this webshop...

i phoned to the company.. they clearly said that they have no association with the the Brahmakumaris...

One can contact them here!
Contact Information
Address NSI Infinium Global Pvt. Ltd
9th Floor,A-Wing,
Gopal Palace,Nehrunagar,
Ahmedabad. Gujarat. India - 380015.
India Telephone +91-079-40260260 (Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 9AM to 8PM IST)
US Telephone 1-4252793741 (Business Hours: Monday to Saturday 9AM to 8PM IST)
Email customerservice@infibeam.net

the webshop we are talking here is BK.infibeam.com...

The infibeam.com people are not aware of BK.infibeam.com.... ???????????????????


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post07 Dec 2010

..World's Best Anti-Virus Software with FREE 6-month trial period :
..This offer is only for those BK (Brahma Kumaris) Centres & BK Students who are paid subscribers of SMSEmpower.com services.

Copyright © Ultimate Solutions, Ahmedabad. All rights reserved.http://www.smsempower.com/links.html

God picked up a flower, dipped it in dew
lovingly touched it, which turned into you
He gifted it to me & said this friend is for you.
I will not smell it bcoz I will know it's fragrance.
I will stitch it in my left pocket bcoz
when looking it universe will see my heart also.
My beloved Cockoo, golden winged, forehead with glittering star, why you not sing.
In this Sakar world every inch of land give me uneasiness.
So I wish to leave this place.
May be my soul has the fate to wander and yours to cry.
Otherwise please give me two feet of land as my own wherever I go.... So I grafted it in it's mother plant.

Divine Sister,

I Manoharan. Body and soul.

"Brother do you know why I say you don't come here? " I,"Purely suspicion due to slight jealousy! Need any explanation?"

"While He was in Rasleela at Thiruampady high school, sorry at Rasmandalam other Gopis did not recognize that He is also in jokes with other Gopis . Only one Radha knew it and quarrelled with Him and ran to her residence. One day as unquenchable eager to see her, Krishna visited her house. She scolded Him " Many times I told you don't come here Brother."

Sister, once you told me that "Brother everything will be OK " while I told you about from where will we get money to flourish Baba's messages while I told to recommend me to help me to recruit BKs to join in that Bobanum Moliyum network scheme.

That your words - Brother everything will be OK - encouraged me to fulfill my ambition. Till now I was fondled your words in my mind.

I came to BK Nisha Bahan to give her my "Voice of Angels 101 mp3 Devotional Songs CD ROM" which I downloaded from BK Anand Bhai's website http://www.voiceofangels.org which he allowed free downloading for everybody. I take 12 hours continues task to download it. BK Anand Bhai's http://www.smsempower.com's Today's Pearl SMS tempted me to see her to finish all my sins towards her. But she neglected that CD and get me out from Baba Room with my unfinished RajYoga Meditation and told me to do meditation in my residence and don't come there.

Vijayamma Chechi a senior Mathaji was witness.

All my expectations are in vain. From that incident I came to the conclusion that Brahmakumaris all are not favorable to me. Next days Pearl SMS was encouraging one. So I know that few of Brahmakumaris like me. Storms of Maya no problem. Is Maya ugly? Damage caused by them for my physical organs is also not new threat.

One Brother told me to stop excess exercises in our centre. What a nonsense! They consider that I was doing those exercises there with my own will. They cannot understand that they are done by Baba because most Kumars rely only on Murli. They consider second step for RajYoga Meditation. This is not good. Consider first importance to RajYoga make view of Baba insight.

My physical organs are decaying day by day. Sister knows it. Once a cancer specialist Doctor Bhai came to our centre from Mount Abu I consulted him for my problem in stomach. At that time shouting of above said Maya was terrific for contacting him without the prior appointment of charge Sister.

You was witness.


And she wrote a reply to me if I contact my beloved Sister in future their parivaram will arrange my funeral when I send a letter to you expressing my sorrows to get consolation. They send parivarams to my house and they told about me to my Father and mother and my neighbors. I doubt whether they consider their wife, Sister and mother in same way. I communicate everything through letters because letter correspondence is my hobby. I send these type of letters many times to Matha Amrithanandamayi also.

But she was not fury. She made me tranquil using her extra ordinary hugging treatment while darshan at her ashram.

About 15 years ago I joined Brahmakumaris and studied RajYoga Meditation under the expert teaching of Kerala's Dadis BK Minni Bahan, BK Pankajam Bahan and BK Nisha.Bahan. From BK Minni Bahan I came to know the existence of Atma in ourself and that knowledge encouraged me to stick on Brahmakumaris to study more about Atma and thus Shiva Baba. I joined Brahmakumaris not as accidentally. I was an instrument of Baba. While BK Minni Bahan etc came to Alappuzha to discuss with Mr. Radhakrishna Reddiar of Sowbhagya, Mullackal to start BK centre at Alleppey. At that time I was in his residence . I was studying there Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Reddiar Sir was the tutor in Alleppey of Transcendental Meditation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

Thus I was a the first witness to start BKcentre at Alleppey. So my connection with Brahmakumaris is a command of Baba in me.

Sister, I always following you because you are the only one person who really understand me.

As we have only few hours contact at BK centre at Alleppey while in Murli classes your Atma's compatibility with my Atma is divine.

Your face flowered with happiness when I came there made me an obligation in my mind towards you.

From I started in connection with Brahmakumaris my financial problem was worsening. I sold Rs. 30 lakhs valued property for Rs. 7 lakhs in order to solve my financial liabilities. After that incident again my financial condition weakened. Now my liabilities are about 8 lakhs. Baba making me poor because to test Brahmakumaris whether they serve a person using all aspect. Brahmakumaris services are not satisfied by Baba. Do you remember my Brother late Mr. Satheesh, an ardent BK. His mother usually told me that their family is ruined after he joined Brahmakumaris. So I says that in our Brahmakumaris, Baba seeing some serious problems. Perhaps my poverty may be a good omen to write this letter which Baba done.

Once a representative Brother send by PBK Murthy P.B. of Advance Party came to my residence to invite me to study more about Shiva Baba. Thus I again have doubt about our Brahmakumaris that which one is real. As I told everything need money and you agreed. My ration retail shop is an utter failure. If I got a continuous flow of money from the sales of products in the following web link I can resign from ration shop and shall able to meditate Baba always without the worry of lack of money. So to extend my life need sympathy from Brahmakumaris. Help me by recommending Madhuban for purchasing products by BKs from the following link . As spiritual peoples you may say that you will not indulge in business matters. If so why you told me every thing will be OK Brother.

If I will be no more and if BKs not believe in Astrology and Numerology that every thing is predetermined and a repetition, please buy books of Famous Books, Trivandrum at any of their branches all over Kerala and tell Mr. Shyam Prasad one of the directors of Famous Books to give it's commission to my family.


Don't consider this my inner grief as a wasteful thing and let them out through the next ear.



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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post13 Feb 2011

From KarunaDadaji <karunabk@gmail.com> in my mail
God is here.
Yes, our Father, the Supreme Soul, the Ocean of Love is here.
He has come to fulfil the task of world transformation.
He has come to teach us about ourselves and restore our purity, peace and joy.
This is the time to know Him and the secrets of the drama of life.
Claim Your inheritance now or Never.
Now, there is less than 1 month's time in 75th Shiva Jayanti...
May be someone is in need of God and our Godly Message would save them by sending sms to their mobiles..
So, let's start this service of giving Godly Message from our family, relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, mates, etc.
You can use bulk sms gateway, login to http://G2.SMSClub.co.in/


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post15 Feb 2011

DHARWAD: B K Jayanti, head of Prajapita Brahmakumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalya (PBKIVV, Dharwad) has called upon businessmen and merchants to spare at least an hour to learn spiritual education to achieve success.

Read more: Businessmen told to learn spiritual education - The Times of India


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post17 Feb 2011

‘Future of Power’ project aims for a better society in Gujarat, Feb 14, 2011.

In a powerful and vibrant power-laden Sunday evening to remember, city's who's who rubbed shoulders at unique public programme, - The Future of power (FOP) - organised Brahma Kumari, a spiritual organisation. The initiative was launched in Gujarat by chief minister Narendra Modi, which saw Dialogue session in the morning and a talk show in the evening.

Attended by many prominent figures the programme highlighted on power - what is it and how can it be used for the betterment of the society at large. The project was launched in the presence of Rajyogini Dadi Janki, chief of Brahma Kumari.

Around 1,000 eminent personalities from Gujarat and outside were present in the programme which included various elements and programmes like meditation session for the devotees, a talk show by eminent personalities among many more.

Speaking at the inaugural session, Modi stated how the whole world in difficulty is searching for answers or ways for solution and India will provide it proper direction. "India's biggest strength was not in gaining, but in giving to the world. We have a philosophy of wiping away tears of people." Sharing more on India he said, "No other country, but India has a tradition of sacrificing. The concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the whole world as one) came from India."

The talk show consisted of several panel members from different fields who spoke about use of power in their profession. Four panel members - Manjula Subramaniam, vigilance commissioner, Ashok Garud, divisional railway manager of Western Railway, Kumarpal Desai, prominent writer, Neville Hodgkinson, writer and journalist from London, participated in the talk show.

"Those in power need to maintain their ethics and values," said Subramaniam, while another panel member, Garud stated, "Gandhiji said that power should not be related and should not be confined only to the wealthy. But today, we both inter-related."

Eric Larson, Member of United Nations Office, BK Nirwair, Secretary General of International Brahma Kumari, Sarla Didi, Director, Brahma Kumari, Nizar Juma were present with Modi for the inauguration. While talking on power, Modi stated, "In politics, power is the most important aspect. In fact, the members fight through elections for power. But some people assume that with position comes power, but this is erroneous."

Dadi Janki suggested ways of living a good life through simplicity, cleanliness, truthfulness etc. recalling her earlier days, she said, "I learnt simplicity from Gandhiji in my childhood, much before I joined Brahma Kumari."
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post18 Feb 2011

In a powerful and vibrant power-laden Sunday evening to remember, city's who's who rubbed shoulders at unique public programme, - The Future of power (FOP) - organised Brahma Kumari, a spiritual organisation. The initiative was launched in Gujarat by chief minister Narendra Modi ...

Dadi Janki suggested ways of living a good life through simplicity, cleanliness, truthfulness etc. recalling her earlier days, she said, "I learnt simplicity from Gandhiji in my childhood, much before I joined Brahma Kumari."

Gujrat: Narendra Modi tops in corruption list ... given the amount of criticisms the early BKWSU threw Gandhi's way, Janki Kripalani is talking ridiculous crap as usual. Check all the same-old-same-old tactics; the abuse of the United Nations name, chief adherents presented as something else, the power of whites over Indians.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post26 Feb 2011

Brahma Kumaris- An Extensive Collection of CD"s and DVDs Now at Infibeam

Ahmedabad, India; Feb 25th 2011: Infibeam announces the widest selection of spiritual content by the Brahma Kumaris. Encompassed in Audio CDs, Video CDs, MP3s, and DVDs, the extensive range of discourse and self help lectures are available at Infibeam.com.

The spiritual journey has dimensions that are primarily subjective. Proper training and guidance thus becomes a requisite to achieve the unthinkable and pay tribute to the inner soul. All this and more, may be achieved through the preaching of the Brahma Kumaris- a pioneer in spiritual healing. Infibeam has an impressive catalog comprising audio and video content by the Brahma Kumaris. Shoppers may choose from a wide range of life-transformation movies, telefilms and documentaries. You may also opt for spiritually soothing music and other audio content. The exclusive section dedicated to Brahma Kumaris has some rare and exclusive DVDs. The spiritual group members have used similar Audio CDs, Video CDs, MP3s, and DVDs during their sermons. The exclusive Shivani Collection is one of the other major highlights.

Get access to self help lectures, sermons, spiritual songs and meditation techniques. Enrich the soul from within through soul stirring music. Get the best in spirituality and its manifestations at Infibeam's exclusive section. http://BK.infibeam.com ### About Brahma Kumaris: The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University was first incepted as "Om Mandali". It has 8,500 centers spread across 110 countries. Dada Lekhraj, one of the founding members experienced a series of visions in 1936. The visions revealed a body of knowledge about the nature of the soul, of God and of time which led to the inception of the organization dedicated to spiritual healing.

The vision revealed a body of knowledge about the nature of the soul etc ??


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post04 Oct 2011

(2011-10-03) Brahma Kumari In Contract With VMukti Technology

VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd. are now proud to extend their services to such an organization that enhances the intrinsic goodness of all through the spiritual knowledge, meditation and other valuable act.

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) for more than a decade have been promoting a value based model for modern health care, encouraging the development of positive thoughts and attitudes and also an improved understanding of how one should respond to sufferings. Now, with the joined hands on Brahma Kumari and Vmukti, Brahma Kumari has a 24*7 Web Channel with 10,000 concurrent viewers. People of all ages and backgrounds who regularly attend classes at more than 8,500 centres of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University located in 110 countries.

In this web channels there are live as well as pre scheduled videos with date and time available for their viewers across the globe. For example, we had set complete 24 hrs pre scheduled video with pre scheduled time like Ambarr Ke Uss Par from 8 am to 9 am, Shiv Ratro Utsav from 9am to 10 pm etc. Complete schedule will be available in form of Event Scheduler.

This Channel has been started for the viewers who are unable to attend physical classes and with the help of Web Channels they can participate and become part of organization. They can be a part of and gain knowledge on different subjects like Spiritual Knowledge, Nature of Soul,God, Time, Karma, Enlightened lifestyle and many more.

Through VMukti LIVE Video streaming made it possible to reach thousands of people across the globe by enabling live and on-demand live webcasting with low end bandwidth internet connection. In a nutshell, Vmukti lending its service to this benevolent Organization is not only a big step towards advancement but also towards the unanimous effort for the good of all.

About Us: VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd:

VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an innovative, multi-point unified communications, collaboration and interactive streaming server platform. VMukti core features provide fourth generation streaming services with real time data transaction. VMukti Streaming is the LIVE Streaming Solution which is a video library that allows uploading live events/videos from the other end as well as prerecorded videos can also be uploaded then viewed through VMukti Portal. VMukti Solutions is recognized as one of the top 50 emerging companies of India by NASSCOM. For general inquiries and additional product information. Please visit: http://www.vmukti.com or contact@vmukti.com. Tel : 09687770000/9999, 079-6513000.

Contact Info: VMukti Solutions Pvt. Ltd., VMukti House, Aryans Corporate Park, Nr.Shilaj Crossing, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, 380064
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Talk to Karuna Shetty for $3 per hour

Post27 Nov 2011

Your chance to talk to BKWSU's Chief of MultiMedia and Public Relations Karuna Shetty for the princely sum of US $3 per hour ($0.05 per minute), care of: Online Coaching Network. US $ 3 = 150 rupees per hour. Where does the money go? I thought he was surrendered, and the Brahma Kumaris always offer their services for free?

In India, by comparison, a skilled industrial worker gets around Rs. 250 for an 8 to 10 hour day, a well digger for Rs. 90 and an unskilled woman about Rs. 50 per day. In Rajasthan, Rs. 150 is the daily wage of a skilled worker.

I suppose, for that, someone could always call him up and ask him about all the historical revisionism and cover ups?

BK Karuna $3 per hour
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post28 Nov 2011

There was always a lot of rumours about him getting a lady pregnant whilst being surrendered and being married, but I cannot substantiate such claims, to me they were just rumours.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post29 Nov 2011

It's getting better every day ... As their Baba is so good in predictions, he never mentioned to be aware of the internet age.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post05 Dec 2011

From: Newsletter from the Delhi Industrial Belt
Religious sects like Brahmakumaris and Radha Soami Panth not only engage in commodity production by selling products for 'spiritual tourism', they get directly involved in management of industrial relations and education of manual workforce.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post21 Dec 2011

Back to one of our regular topics, BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan, I see "Soulchemy" is expanding.

Non-BKs might not understand the subtlety of this criticism but it is based on the concerns of old timer BKs who remember when it was against the Maryadas for BKs to discuss business and money making and that the BKWSU centers were places purely for spiritual benefit. Since the 1990s, the BKWSU appears to have haemorrhaged with individuals and networks selling, to some degree or another and for money or not, Brahma Kumari philosophy and practises under a number of guises, such as Invisible Doctors which borrows directly BKWSU trademarksas does the Soulchemy network.

There are ethical questions to raise here about double standards but one thing is clear, what morality BKWSU even had has rupture and it core of financial interests is coming to the fore worldwide.



Register here if you are a Practitioner!

NAME: DR. BKChandrasekhar
WEBSITE: http://www.invisibledoctor.com and http://www.sigfasolutions.com

NAME : BK Ramesh Kumar R
SPECIALIZATION : Spiritual Counselling, Yoga Practitioner
PHONE : 9032202169begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 9032202169 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
EMAIL : ramesh50007@yahoo.com

NAME : BK.DR.Satyanarayan
SPECIALIZATION : B.Vsc and Diploma in Naturaopathy – Natural treatment and Spiritual Counselling
EMAIL : worldprince1@gmail.com
PHONE : 9414152815
ADDRESS : Academy For A Better World Gyan Sarovar
CITY : Mount Abu
WEB SITE : http://www.BKWSU.com

NAME: Nita Farista/Dharan
EMAIL: faristanita@gmail.com
CITY: Nepal,
PHONE: 00977 9816314845
SPECIALIZATION: Hydrotherapy, Pranic healing, midwifery child birth support, Natural Therapies, Yoga therapies.

NAME: Ramesh B.E.,M.B.A.,
TELEPHONE: 00973 3687 2516
SPECIALITIES: Raja Yoga Practitioner for 13 years , Healing and Psychological counselling expert.
CITY: Manama
COUNTRY: Kingdom of Bahrain
EMAIL: om.ramesh.r@gmail.com

NAME : Neeru Agarwal
SPECIALIZATION : Spiritual Counselling, Rajayoga, healing depression, Color Healing
EMAIL : neeru.agarwal6@gmail.com
PHONE :00919967013569
ADDRESS : 102, Sunrise, Shree Sai Sakar CHS, Sector 19, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410 210.
CITY : Navi Mumbai
STATE / PROVINCE : Maharashtra
WEB SITE : http://ValuesHerald.blogspot.com
COMMENTS : Rajayoga Teacher and practitioner for 20 yrs, Conduct lectures and programs in various companies, schools etc. Content development for trainings, newsletter and book publishing for BKs. Recently started sms creation for VIP service.

PHONE : +918244259783

NAME: Geetha Govindan
MOBILE: 96503325 RES:64544647
EMAIL: geet_1960@yahoo.com
SPECIALIZATION: Family counselling and Raja Yoga
COUNTRY: Singapore
EXPERIENCE: Raja Yoga Practitioner for 23years, Diploma in Counselling and Communications from the Australian
College of Applied Psychology. Was a volunteer with SANA (Singapore AntiNarcotics Association) under it's PAL (Befriender) Programme counselling out-of school youths with teenage issues. Volunteer After-Care officer with SACA (Singapore After Care Associaiton) for ex-offenders. In my personal capacity, I have rendered counselling services to families and individuals.

NAME : BK Ilanthirayan
PHONE: 0094 723715359, 0094 11 2696371
EMAIL: bkthirai@gmail.com
SPECIALIZATION: Raja Yoga, Spiritual Counselling
CITY: Colombo
COUNTRY: Sri Lanka

NAME : John E.M. Muller
SPECIALIZATION : Raja Yoga, Spiritual counselling
EMAIL : jemmuller_108@hotmail.com
PHONE : +31 (0)6 52523709
ADDRESS : Bergstraat 105
CITY : Arnhem
STATE / PROVINCE : Gelderland
COUNTRY : Netherlands
WEB SITE : http://www.facebook.com/bkpandav108

EMAIL : ajentheran@gmail.com
PHONE : 0094 11 2732507
COUNTRY : Sri Lanka
WEB SITE : http://www.BKWSU.org

TELEPHONE - 07598501816
E-MAIL - vanavil_567916@yahoo.com

EMAIL : gkundnaney@rediffmail.com
PHONE : +91 9039667527

NAME : ilavanan
SPECIALIZATION : Raja Yoga, Spiritual Counselling
EMAIL : ilavanan_SK@yahoo.com
PHONE : 0165314743
ADDRESS : b6, kampung muhibbah, fasa2
CITY : sungai siput
COUNTRY : Malaysia
WEB SITE : jewels.brahmakumaris.com

NAME : Geetha Govindan
EMAIL : geet_1960@yahoo.com
PHONE : 96503325/64544647
ADDRESS : Blk 117, #04-467, Ang Mo Kio Ave 4
CITY : Singapore
COUNTRY : Singapore
COMMENTS : I have a Diploma in Counselling and Communications from the Australian College of Applied Psychology. I have served as a volunteer with the Singapore Anti Narcotics Association under its befrienders programme, and as a volunteer Aftercare Officer with the Singapore After Care Association for ex-offenders. In my personal capacity, I have counselled individuals and families on varied issues pertaining to parenting skills and coping with teenage issues. I have a keen interest in helping souls in distress by imparting spiritual knolwedge to them via counselling. I look upon this as a splendid opportunity to realise my aspirations to be a spiritual counsellor

NAME : anil BK
SPECIALIZATION : RajYoga Meditation, Spiritual Counsellor
EMAIL : bambyanil@gmail.com
PHONE : 01881462046
COMMENTS : Am practicing rajyoya meditation and have been able to heal people suffering from anxiety,stress, mental depression, anger, addiction etc.

NAME : ashwani diwan
SPECIALIZATION : rajayoga, Spiritual Counsellor
EMAIL : bkashwanidiwan@gmail.com
PHONE : 09813280008
ADDRESS : canal road
CITY : narwana
COMMENTS : i could serve for the betterment of society.

NAME : BK vishva chaitanya
SPECIALIZATION : Raja Yoga meditation, spiritual counsellor
EMAIL : vishva3chaitanya@yahoo.com
PHONE : 08649-252795
ADDRESS : sri sri sri vishva chaitanya shivalayam
CITY : piduguralla
STATE / PROVINCE : andhrapradesh
WEB SITE : http://www.brahmakumaris.com
COMMENTS : do good begood. free service no pay is requred from any one.

NAME : gonzalo buitrago
SPECIALIZATION : 24 yrs ofpracticing RajaYoga, Spiritual Counsellor
EMAIL : gonzabuitra@gmail.com
PHONE : 7516477
CITY : bogota
COUNTRY : Colombia

NAME : pravin
SPECIALIZATION : Yoga, healing with body Massage
EMAIL : cool_loving_simple@yahoo.com
PHONE : +919998073130
ADDRESS : motera
CITY : Ahmedabad
STATE / PROVINCE : gujarat

NAME : BK Appi
SPECIALIZATION : RajaYoga, Spiritual Counsellor
PHONE : +91 99573 87683
EMAIL : gongam2002@yahoo.co.in
CITY : Guwahati ( Assam )

NAME : shir siani (shivani)
SPECIALIZATION : Raja Yoga.Hata Yoga.Dance/movement.Reiki
EMAIL : shirshakti@gmail.com
PHONE : (972) 052 6333686
ADDRESS : 47 etzel st
CITY : Ramat Gan

NAME : Luis Alberto Riveros
SPECIALIZATION : Professional Massage Therapist / Energy healing
EMAIL : luis@luisbliss.com
PHONE : 1-813-434-3341
ADDRESS : 705 W Bay St
CITY : Tampa
COUNTRY : United States
WEB SITE : http://luisbliss.com
COMMENTS : Professional massage therapist - Florida- USA licensed. (relaxation, craniosacral, therapeutic, deep tissue, hot stone, integrated body work, energy work, emotional healing)

NAME : Brij Pal Singh
SPECIALIZATION : counselling - spiritual & other
EMAIL : brij1963@gmail.com
PHONE : +919717917121
ADDRESS : B-1/39, Sector-39, Noida
CITY : Noida

EMAIL : bkipremakumar@gmail.com
PHONE : 0919414027513

NAME : dr anil maheshwari
SPECIALIZATION : gastro-enterology
EMAIL : ShivBaba@vsnl.com
PHONE : 9820490207
ADDRESS : santacruz mansion, santacruz east, opp. station.
CITY : mumbai
WEB SITE : http://www.creator-creation.com
COMMENTS : interested in RajYoga meditation

NAME : Mary E. Gómez Hernández
SPECIALIZATION : Sociologist Raja Yogui (18)
EMAIL : fundacioncolsalem00@gmail.com
PHONE : 3118294838 ó 5715266091
ADDRESS : Cll 166 No 9-24 Torre 1 Interior 4 Apto 503
CITY : Bogotá Capital City
COUNTRY : Colombia
WEB SITE : In Process
COMMENTS : I am interested in dialogue with spiritual Brothers of Raja Yoga in the world with scientific knowledge and practical applications on life. How are you? Namasté. Yaad PIAR!! Happy SEWA!! Happy Life!

NAME : lakshmi narayanan
SPECIALIZATION : Reiki, Magnified Healing, Dowsing,Tarot cards, Karuna reiki, Melchezedek Method, Rajayoga Meditation
EMAIL : Lakshmiyam@gmail.com
PHONE : 044 22253066
ADDRESS : old 37/1, Second main road, Kalaimagal Nagar,Ekkaduthangal,
CITY : Chennai
STATE / PROVINCE : Tamilnadu
COMMENTS : Iam practicing Rajayoga regularly. this gives me enhanced power in teaching and healing and tarot reading. consultation only by prior appointment

NAME : Ramesh Ramakrishnan
EMAIL : r_ramesh108@yahoo.com
PHONE : +91-9823288414
CITY : Pune

NAME : BK yogendra, a soul
SPECIALIZATION : 11 yrs RajYoga practitioner,spritual counsellor, inventor of new method of healing gifted by Shiv Baba, it will change whole concept of healing ,it has an excellent result
EMAIL : bkkeredari@yahoo.com
PHONE : 8235622663
ADDRESS : Om Shanti Bhawan,bkivv,Keredari
CITY : Hazaribag
COMMENTS : B.Sc.hons in chemistry from BHU, Varanasi , doing PG diploma in value ed & sprituality from annamalai university


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Feb 2012

Our dear divine Sisters and Brothers from around the globe,

Please accept hearty Godly love and remembrances, and special greetings for Maha Shivratri Celebrations.

It's the most auspicious festival, especially for Avyakt BapDada's near and dear children, who have received the third eye of wisdom to fully recognise the Supreme Being, His subtle Chariot, and the most beautiful divine family of Brahmins.

These days Madhuban, especially Shantivan, is humming with a variety of double foreigners' activities including the Retreat/Meeting for National Coordinators and Centre Coordinators on a beautiful theme: 'Being the Message'.

We would like to keep you updated on our special projects under construction in Shantivan. Perhaps all Brahmins would have great interest in knowing how these projects are progressing. At present, all our engineers and workers are concentrating on the Kitchen (Bhandara) project which is coming up very beautifully. It is a gigantic project with 83,000 sq feet built up area! It consists of ground floor, first and second floors and two mezanine floors in one part of the main construction. About 50,000 sq feet will be used for preparing meals for Baba's children during the season and off-season. Numbers would vary between 10,000-25,000 individuals.

New utensils and machines have been acquired to make the Bhandara very effective for cooking, preservation and distribution. The top floor has been identified for setting up of 2-3 additional dining halls to cater to the needs of 3000-4000 Sisters and Brothers during the season. The new utensils, equipment, air-cooling system and furnishing are likely to raise the costs, which may cross 15 crores (150 million) rupees. The Bhandara will now have new staircases, lifts and equipment for preservation of milk, yoghurt etc. So far there have been about 100 workers employed by the builders for the steel structure, and over 200 workers for other civil work.

Baba's children would be happy to hear that our Brothers responsible for the Bhandara are inspired to prepare Bhog in the new premises for beloved Avyakt BapDada on 19 February, which will be followed by Brahma Bhojan for all Brahmins on 20 February 2012. You are all welcome to join this very special divine feast!

Thereafter, we would continue to give finishing touches to the entire structure along with provision for air-cooling and exhaust fans, fixing of cooking utensils and stores etc, and operational set up. Separate viewing galleries have been created for visitors so that kitchen service carries on without any interruptions.

The non-BK builders from Bangalore and other engineers have been inspired by the unity of Baba's Shantivan team of Civil, Electrical Engineers, Kitchen Coordinators, Carpenters, Welders, and Plumbing Team.

The entire project is based on Avyakt BapDada's inspirations, keeping in view the ever-multiplying numbers of Baba's children and guests coming to Shantivan. The Bhandara project is indeed a pride of the Brahmin family. On your behalf, we will convey congratulations to all the Brothers carrying out this wonderful Godly service with whole-hearted commitment.

While the Kitchen work goes on, Br Golo, Br Jaysimha along with their team of nearly 325 engineers and workers have been working very hard to set up the Solar Power Plant project. The costs are ever-rising because of hikes in steel prices and daily wages of workers. BapDada's advice has been to promote the project through sponsorship. Let's hope to find the fortunate souls who will help make this project a reality at an early date through their voluntary contribution as Patrons of Clean Alternative Energy sources.

The third project, 'Godlywood Studio, has been given for Godly service by the very powerful and imaginative vision of BK Ramesh Shahji, Bro Harilalji and the team of architects and engineers from Mumbai. While the inauguration took place on 26 January 2012, some finishing touches are being given to the remaining work, which would be completed soon.

You must also be receiving encouraging news from different parts of India, specially the Zonal Headquarters, where eminent VIPs have been gracing the Platinum Jubilee celebrations by sharing their happiness and vision of Brahma Kumaris' task to audiences of about 25,000-50,000 people. Brij Mohanbhai has been the backbone and significant participant in a number of these events.

The latest week of celebrations took place in Ahmedabad where revered Dadi Gulzarji, H'ble Chief Minister of Gujarat: Mr Narendra Modi, BK Shivani of 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris', Sarla Didi and other speakers graced the Inaugural Ceremony on 5 February 2012.

Though the winter in Northern India and other parts of the world has been very aggressive so far, Brahmins continue to be courageous in facing extreme temperatures through Baba's love and their own determination.

With our love and very special greetings for Maha Shiv Jayanti celebrations,

On Godly Service and on behalf of Dadi Jankiji, Dadi Gulzarji, Dadi Ratan Mohiniji, and other senior Sisters and Brothers,

B.K. Nirwair and Madhuban Niwasis

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