BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post01 Jul 2009

lokila wrote:The scientists were invited because we needed them to work for us to invent flying saucers in the Golden Age, so I was told. We had to make them our servants. The center in charge could even ask you afterward how many servants you created that day (I am not joking!).

lokila, thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. Reading your post has reconfirmed what we all suspected on this forum. The BK mindset is a form of megalomania (i.e. a psychological state characterized by delusions of grandeur) that is considered a mental illness.

What I have discovered about UFO's is that when you "go out there" into the cosmos via meditation or the spooks, eventually for some, a thought is planted in the mind that a UFO will arrive to save the chosen children. It occurs in many cults as we may have heard already.

Thankfully, when this happened to me in meditation, I always had two thoughts. One part of me would go, "wow, cool!" and the other part of me would go, "what the ****? That's not me." It creeped me out but the thought was planted so I entertained the possibility of its validity.

I shared some of my experiences with non-BKs and the concerned looks I got (although always respectful) helped me stay on track. These concerned looks came from people I trusted so I knew that my open-mindedness had gone a little too far out.

I think that if a person has a sense of who they are before they enter the BK world of "who am I?" to mess with their minds, the voice of reason will probably jump in to give its two cents on the matter. For the voice of reason, I am grateful, for it is that voice that has helped me stay sane in the crazy BK world.

They thought I was going to be a microphone, and in the end it is true. But, ironically, it is not the way they had imagined.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post21 Jul 2009

expressnightout.com wrote:... the Meditation Museum (8236 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring), brought to life last week by the local chapter of the Brahma Kumaris Organization...

Thinking Big: The Meditation Museum in Washington D.C.

Now what do we make out of this? I remember it was said in the Sakar Murli's poetry was stupid. I remember this because I was writing poetry and being on stage with it when I joined the BK. I actually found Baba stupid at this point (never said it...now it is out!), because to me there was so much beauty in it and this was the exact thing why I loved the Murli so much in the beginning. It was like poetry to me. So I could not understand why God said poetry was something unworthy, a complete waste of time.

Now I do not recall if there was something in de Muli about art. I guess it had to be because the only 'art' we should hang at the walls were pictures of Lakshmi and Narayan, de Cicle, The Tree and the Three Worlds. Besides that Baba liked us to make pictures of destruction where rivers of blood flowing were visible. Remember this big (awfull and scary) painting hanging in Universal Peace Hall in Madhuban?

So I don't believe this has something to do with Shrimat. It must be another creative way to 'serve' community. Given the fact that visitors of this museum can sign up 5 days a week for a meditation course. In what museum can you sign up for an art class? So this must be business as usual.



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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post21 Jul 2009

Alladin wrote:Now I do not recall if there was anything in the Murli about art

Sometimes when there was talk of the making of, and doing service with the "pictures", as I remember, there would be an instruction to get an artist to paint them such and such a way. But doing art, was/is not particularly respected. Probably it is seen as being too egotistical, which it could be argued that it is, in that a huge degree of self often has to be invested in artistic work.

What is not taken into account, is that for some people, that aspect of themselves, if not explored and expressed, can create havoc in their heads and their lives. The detachment that is practiced, the cutting off from the experiencing of beauty, whether it is in poetry, music, visual art, or nature is a real loss. And how are they going to enjoy the beauties of the "Golden Age"? What kind of music and art' other than diamonds in the walls.

I know it took me some time, to regain my emotional connection to experiencing beauty. (Maybe this should be in Alladins new thread?)

I also remember, from the Murlis, something about no work in the Golden Age, sitting around drawing pictures?? (Perhaps someone remembers this more accurately?).

As to the museum title? I have seen a couple of exhibitions, in the shops or meditation centre, which were artistically very good. However, I do not think they could really be called museums. I suppose it could rankle, in particular for those whose creativity is cut off. But mostly. it is very sad. In particular the loss of experience of beauty which can be of itself a big part of the spiritual.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post21 Jul 2009

starchild wrote:Alladin wrote

It was me starchild :-). Don't know if I am a lookalike, if so I don't mind because I like his contributions.
The detachment that is practiced, the cutting off from the experiencing of beauty, whether it is in poetry, music, visual art, or nature is a real loss.

I absolutely do agree with you! I never made it to the level I did NOT enjoy walks in nature anymore because of the forthcoming destruction. However, I changed my piano playing from contemporary music to easy listening and never went to a museum anymore. One thing I could not give up: reading.

Many times I secretively sat on the toilet reading a book during traffic control (lived in a Shakti Bhawan, so I could not read unnoticed). Now I think of it, it makes me laugh.
(Maybe this should be in Alladins new thread?)




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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post21 Jul 2009

Thanks Lokila.

I am reading and writing when I am supposed to be doing other things.

The art response was to your post but the, "maybe this should be on Alladin's new thread", was intended as a response to his post in the topic of "Shaking and other strange diseases where he/she writes
maybe the Admin ... create a topic on which we can list/identify different dangerous programs which are commonly installed in BK adepts ...

(Or was that someone else,??!! Obviously I need to go and do some work).

I was suggesting that the reclaiming of the enjoyment of the beauty of art, music and nature might fit in that topic.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post20 Sep 2009

An interesting insight from Preventsectes.com that illustrates the value of BKWSU related business. This focuses on the ex-BK Heidi Fittkau who was one of the first to tie together Brahma Kumarism and corporate coaching.
Investigators discovered she had obtained her PhD with honors in psychology at the University of Hamburg on "The Dimensions of the Behavior of Leaders and Senser Reactions to Emotional Commitment of Subordinates." Her transition to the Brahma Kumaris sect had given her the opportunity, in seminars etc, to access large companies as clients: a thirty followers from such German companies followed when she departed the sect. Perhaps this affluent loyal following explains the origin of almost 3,000,000 Francs found in her name by investigators in the Bank of Spain?

3 Million Francs would be about $ 650,000 US Dollars. Now, do we honestly believe that the BKWSU never got wind of all that or never benefited from it in anyway?

Is it fair to ask, was that why she was afforded 'indulgences' from Dadi Janki and so on?

In the original French ...
Aida, qui passait jusqu'à son arrestation pour une "gentille illuminée" parle à la journaliste de ses vies antérieures, et des révélations par des voix à l'age de 10 ans. Les enquêteurs ont découvert qu'elle avait obtenu avec mention Silver Age thèse de psychologie à l'université de Hambourg sur "les dimensions du comportement des chefs et le sens des réactions d'engagement émotionnel des subordonnés." Son passage à la secte Brahma Kumaris lui avait donné l'occasion, lors d'organisation de séminaires de stimulation, d'avoir de grandes entreprises comme clients : une trentaine des cadres de ces entreprises allemandes la suivront quand elle cessera cette activité à son départ de la secte. Faut-il trouver dans cette fidélité de cadres aisés l'origine des presque 3 millions de francs trouvés par les enquêteurs sur un compte de la Banque nationale d'Espagne ?
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The Hidden Face of Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Sep 2009

A long time ago we read that Brian Bacon pulled the term ''Self Management Leadership' (SML) from the BKWSU when he left to become married to another follower. It seems SML became SMS ... 'Brahma Kumaris Self Management Systems', here, here and elsewhere. It is worth noting that a whole heap of Gurus in India have jumped on the same western-style "corporatizing" of their gurudom. It is nothing especially unique.

This is also new to me, "The Hidden Face of Brahmakumaris".

Some other individual become involved in the discussion at Scribid.com ... "A beginners guide to the BKWSU".
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price increase

Post11 Oct 2009

Hi. Nothing new or special in this post of mine.

I was just wondering when, how, and why the BKs decided to sell books and CDs at stiff prices, and what's the justification for not making these tools for spiritual progress easily affordable? After all, most Shudra's run printing companies have paperback versions of their books.

They may not last as long (who cares, Destruction is coming. We do not take books to our tombs or hold on to them whilst being swept by a tidal wave. Neither should we develop attachment to possessions, so ... ????), but the content is the same as that of a hard cover or glossy paper edition. They taught us that courses were for free because spirituality has no price and cannot be sold ... just passed on!

Years ago, most BK books were printed in India, on cheap paper and sold for few rupees. What was the problem with that? They want to impress VIPs and so on. Quality of the material has its cost, we all know that, but why not provide an alternative and leave it up to us what we want to go for?

Whether it is the cost (always increasing but this would make another topic) of a spiritual retreat, or some literature, the philosophy is: too much for your pockets? Your problem!! Like railroad companies everywhere implementing the policy of increasing the number of high speed expensive trains and canceling commuters' basic services. Always impositions and no explanations!!

The reason why I am asking all these elementary questions here, is that money is a very touchy subject in the BKWSO and whenever I asked a teacher or SS about it, all I got was an unpleasant reaction and no clear answer.


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new format of brahmakumaris website


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post25 Jan 2010

Inner Space, Glasgows new Meditation and Personal Development Centre

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post26 Jan 2010

Team 'Lord of the Poor' up to their usual tricks in one of London most exclusive area.

The BKWSU usual venue in Kensington, London just nearby to Harrods, Harvey Nicols and the Prince of Wales' Palace ... Rydges Kensington Plaza Hotel.

It must be feel very special when you live in Harlesden.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post30 Jan 2010

See, we are patriotic too ...

Come on join us to express your love for the country ...


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post16 Feb 2010

BKs don't watch cinema.

They use cinema halls for spreading god's message of his arrival.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post16 Feb 2010

Weirdly, the BKs were drawing in a crowd showing it with a new movie about a love affair called "My name is Khan", starring India's hunky Shah Rukh Khan. It is, of course, "famous", breaking almost every record for Bollywood films globally.

Perhaps it is something to do with 9/11 and an introduction to the one BK that survived 9/11. I understand that another died, a Sister original from England I believe (I was told Ilford) that they don't speak about. I don't mean to criticise the movie. I understand it is very sincere and I like some of Khan's work. I don't like the hypocrisy of the way the BKs are using.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post16 Feb 2010

Thanks for fixing the links, I think it gets even more weird and pathetic.

On one hand, they are still saying in India that Abraham started Islam in 500 BC. No mention of Judaism. On the other hand, I think the claim they are making is merely that the posters were shown in the same multiplex cinema at the same time as the famous movie ... and that is the limit of the connection with fame!

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