BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

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BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post21 Jun 2013

'The Time Is Now' is a "motivational video made by the same people who made successful 'The Secret' video, which was very popular amongsts BKs. It's all about visionary leadership, spirituality, reaching out to higher powers and so on.

'The Time Is...Now' is another covert Brahma Kumari service device. It's all about visionary leadership, spirituality, reaching out to higher powers and so on too! It says it has been produced by a BK front called "House of International Media" (HIM ... "Him", as in their god ... get it?) from luxurious state of the art facilities in Mount Abu. Is there some significance to the three dots?

The motivational video was shown at the 'World Interfaith Harmony Film Festival' which is interesting because during the Q and A session it show how successful the BK deception of not clearly stating that their motivational videos are Brahma Kumari service devices is.

Note, no one is wearing whites, no badges, the usually "no religion/true self" homilies but around 6:20, the BK film maker is asked how he managed to get "Sister" Jayanti Kripalani and others to contribute ... and has to admit HIM is part of the Brahma Kumaris and she is his "elder Sister". Of course, many of the VIPs that they used to promote it, like Uri Geller and Clark Peters, are either BK contacts or actual BKs (although Clarke admits he is not a very good one). The video was produced by BK Karuna Shetty, written by BK Barbara Ramsay and narrated by the BK superman Clarke.

The maker claims he was in a state of trance for 2 and half hours when he wrote the script.

This is the BKs' Godlywood where Karuna Shety rules, and any excuse to fly off to a 5 star hotel in oh-so-rich Principality of Monaco is a sign from God. As the BK god teaches, those "impure" starving children in India are "scorpions and snakes" who will come and go "like flies" and if they're having a hard time ... it's their karma.

It's a time to go chasing VIPs in luxury venues agains ...

'The Time Is...Now' recently won 'Best International Documentary Feature' at the 2013 Monaco Charity Film Festival. Sounds wonderful means pretty much nothing. Tax free Monaco might have a golden ring to it but the Film festival is pretty much some kind of vanity affair organised by a social climbing financial guru seeking influence with the rich and famous ... just like the Brahma Kumaris in fact. A marriage made in heaven.

Tagged onto similar dates as far more genuinely famous Cannes Film Festival a few miles along the road, Vicente-Andres Zaragoza, who manages a $400 Million investment fund for his super rich clientele, rather grandiosely announces that he is doing for "the benefit of the poor children around the world" rather than a single orphanage house in the backstreets of his Filipino home.
Zaragoza still maintains, "It just feels better knowing that your life or your money is well tended to.

Now, don't get me wrong. I will not criticize anyone who does the least amount to make the most vulnerable more comfortable ... and I think this festival has genuine potential ... but I will question how sincere it is when in the next breath he reports he hands out yachts as rewards to his most valuable employees. Just wind down the hyperbole, Vicente, and wind up the donations. Betting against others loses with hedge funds is not the most ethical of financial strategies, not that the BKs cares as long as they get their profit ...

'The Time Is...Now' is another unlabelled covert Brahma Kumari service device which works by placing their "jewel", Sister Jayanti Kripalani, in a crown of "important people" (none of whom I've actually heard of) and having them say what the BKs want to say and build up to the proposal and conclusion the BKs are aiming for ... along with a load of subliminal BK messages and imagery. A great public relations device useful for showing to non-BK, or to impress concerned relatives of enculted BKs.

I am absolutely sure none of the non-BKs involved know of the BKs' ulterior motive and agenda, nor do they support it ... hence one has to raise ethical questions of using them in such a way.

The BKs use and edit others to say what they want to say, to promote their message like puppets.

A camera, TV, a movie, some good PR and publicity, it is a great way of seducing most people into giving or doing what you want. Interestingly, they did not chose their own 9/11 survivor, Ram Prakash Singhal, but instead chose two non-BKs, Christian Stanley Praimnath (who at least credit God with saving him) and Brian Clark. It's a soft way of introducing God into the discussion which BKs will them pick up on later with their god.

So where have our BK darlings been for their "serviceable" holidays this time? They've been to the luxury Villa Ephrussie de Rothschild on Cap Ferrat where obviously the spiritually needy are and done Godly service during the cocktail party surrounded by art works, attractive couture wearing models Ferraris and special guests from the AC Monaco soccer team ... but did they stay for the all night dancing? How it must have reminded them of the Ras Lilas on the Clifton beach back in the days of the British Sind.

But, don't worry, they were not enjoy it. They were just being "tested" ... at the Salon Trianon in Hotel Hermitage Monte Carlo, a historic luxury hotel with 400 Euro diamond suites ... rising to Euro 7,500.

The Monaco Charity Film Festival is a venue that brings worldwide attention to new, emerging filmmakers as well as raising money to help impoverished and abandoned children around the world. This dual-focus event transcends the Cannes Film Festival in its humanitarian efforts and scope, and provides a wide variety of film workshops to gifted men and women from around the globe.

"The Monaco Charity Film Festival caters to a dinner crowd of super-rich who park their yachts in the local marina in a town were independent filmmakers have to sleep in their cars because they can’t afford the price of a hotel room." Well, for God's sake, let them sleep on the floor of you luxury appartment or yacht, Vicente. "It's objective is to loosen the purse strings of Monaco’s well-heeled denizens and jet-setting tourists" ... which must have pricked up the Brahma Kumari leaders' ears. Monaco boasts the world's highest Gross Domestic Profit nominal per head and has the world's most expensive real estate market

"We entertain them, we feed them, we serve them fine wines, then we ask them to take their checkbooks out to support a good cause,” Zaragoza tells Variety.
    Do I hear of a BK VIP center in Monte Carlo just yet?

    Don't hold your breath ... but, as the BKs say, "if there is a wallet there is a way".

    Just explain to me why, when their God is the "Lord of the Poor" are they in Monaco which has the world's lowest poverty rate, and the highest number of millionaires and billionaires per capita in the world?

    Monaco is known for lax policies with respect to money laundering and created its wealth with casinos. Surely that's not very "pure" and Godly ... or am I missing something?
Critics write that Philippines-born money manager Zaragoza was just using the festival as a device to court the Royalty of Monaco and, surely enough, the marketing for the event is replete with flattering references to Monaco’s late Princess Grace Kelly ... once famous for her body-conscious beauty, and notorious for the voyeuristic strip tease she performed for horror movie director Alfred Hitchcock. Oo ... royalty ... very BK again.
Brahma Kumaris serving the (spiritually) poor at the Hotel Hermitage in Monaco

Sadly, so far, it has failed to attract the big names used to promote it. There is controversy over whether certain charities actually got the promised money their participation was elicited. And there are no notable individuals involved ... but, hey, what the hell ... it's a big laurel leaf with a famous place full of rich people for the BKWSU to use on their advertising.

Zaragoza says his dream is to "create an MCFF trust fund along the lines of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" ... so let's sit and wait and see if it is all just hot air or not. It appears the money he is talking about is not his own money but others and he is using it to promote his own investment skills. It's claimed he donates 30% of its management fees to charity ... some evidence of that would be good. A small plot of land in Manilla does not cost that much. Probably less than a half decent yacht minus mooring fees.

It must be nice to know where your BK donations are going, and that they are not being wasted on the starving children nearby in Rajasthan, a state which has the highest maternal mortality ratio and the fourth highest infant mortality rate in India and where child malnutrition is greater than 50 per cent. (One study found that 51 per cent of children under the age of three were underweight, 52 per cent were stunted and 12 per cent were wasted).

I wonder who got the kickbacks on all that construction and purchases they made making their Godlywood Studio anyway?

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Re: Brahma Kumari evangelism: successful interfaith deceptio

Post21 Jun 2013

Brahma Kumari BK Vishal Hiraskar is listed as "Executive Director at House of International Media". His Facebook page lists he is friends with the now married BK Ravi Khanna we discussed recently. Here Vishal see him getting all touchie-feelie with Prakash Hinduja ... of the UK based Hinduja Brothers. The Hindujas are thought to be India's 9th richest family and worth around $8,000,000,0000.

Brahma Kumaris target Hindujas (centre-left)

The resources the BKs poured into this were extensive; 3 years, 14 countries and ... "11 months, 3 units, 68 animators, 3 shifts a day, 70 computers" to make 35 minutes of animation alone! Just as well they don't have to pay their workers.

Why all that instead of real charity? The festival is about "the poor children of the world" ... do the BKs even employ any of them? What was 70 people spending a year making animations 24/7 achieving?

Again, their star is an attractive young white woman artist ... I don't know her yet. I guess they thought it best to replace BK Tamasin Ramsay now she is doing academic seva? I don't know if this one is a BK, which asks questions about the BKs obsession with "purity" and "vibrations".

Brahma Kumaris Time is Now star
Brahma_Kumaris_Time_is_Now.jpg (35.97 KiB) Viewed 30497 times

Brahma Kumars subjected to cruel temptation of Monte Carlo luxury & beauties in bikinis and sarongs
Brahma_Kumars_subjected_to_cruel_temptation_of_Monte_Carlo_beauties_in_bikinis_and_sarongs.jpg (45.9 KiB) Viewed 30497 times

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Re: Brahma Kumari evangelism: successful interfaith deceptio

Post21 Jun 2013

Interestingly, in line with other trends we've noticed, is that one of the survivors they have leant a high profile Right Wing political family, rather than Left Wing social activists, who were effected by the bomb attack on Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and the most Right Wing Conservative Party of the UK, by Irish separatists.

Jo Berry, although a perfectly fine individual, just happens to be daughter the Honorable Mary Burke Roche, aunty of Princess Diana and a great-aunt of Prince William ... the heir to the throne of Great Britain. Co-incidence ... surely? No, I don't think to either. I think it is all very well considered and carefully thought out.

Margaret Thatcher, the woman who won her election by sending the British Army to kill under equipped young Argentinian conscripts who in their every freezing cell did not want to be on the Falkland Island facing them.

Margaret Thatcher, who devastated working class communities in Britain because of her policies.

Margaret Thatcher, who belligerently supported Chilean dictator Pinochet, opposed to sanctions against racist apartheid South Africa; and supported the Khmer Rouge.
    And we're supposed to feel empathy?
So, are such expensive Brahma Kumari public devices relationship devices as "The Time is ... Now" video, purely about 'snakes-and-ladders' social climbing, or do they have any other redeeming value?

Margaret Thatcher and her cabinet were probably the most hated and criticised British political elite and England's violent domination of Ireland was a history of genocidal imperialism.

Somehow I have to think the poor children of the world are getting very little out of all this ... and are going to get even less when the Brahma Kumaris "inspire" the nuclear bombs to rain down upon them "purifying the world". Instead of expensive animation, which they probably will never see, they might have just preferred some rice and lentils, a bit of medical care, and some basic education to get them a job. Oh, and some clean water and sanitation.


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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post21 Jun 2013

Vishal, who seems to think he is so famous he only needs one name, is also promoted as the "Meditation Museum film producer".

"Meditation Museum" is the name of the Brahma Kumaris BKWSO center in Silver Spring, Maryland, United States and, apparently, another cover name they use.
BKWSO wrote:Workshop: Using Filmmaking to Heal the World with Vishal Hiraskar – Hosted by the Meditation Museum

Film producer Vishal is one of a team of three dynamic Brothers from one of the most remote parts of India, Mt. Abu, Rajasthan. He taught himself filmmaking and has directed and produced movies and music videos that are worthy to be nominated for a Grammy and more. Never before have three Brothers from such a remote part of the world living lives in peace and purity become such service to mankind.

All workshops and events at the Museum are free of charge, however, your voluntary, tax-deductible contributions are appreciated.

May I remind you ... your voluntary, tax-deductible contributions are appreciated. Sumjhe ... Do you understand?

BK Grammar Nerd ... I am not sure about "There is hope ... if we turn inwards and connect to a source higher from ourselves." is not it higher than ourselves? Or is that an Americanism. Funnily enough, he uses a President Reagan quote. Reagan was another Right Wing politician whose policies Right Wing Margaret Thatcher was in love with and used to wrecked the UK.
Ronald Reagan wrote:Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty

    What on earth does the BK Elite have within the BK movement?
The individuals in the video speak out about the amount of money being spend on weapons of mass destruction ... for the BKs those are good. They are going to be used in "Destruction".

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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post23 Jun 2013

What are the ethics of this individual Vishal Hiraskar, director of "The TIME is... NOW" putting his name on the video in such big letters thereby promoting himself, when the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University or PBIVV is not mentioned at all?

I remember back the critical discussion we had with BK Tamasin Ramsay, PhD regarding the 'Tao of the Traveller' BK propaganda video and the confusion they were creating over whether it was a personal, private video or a BK public relationships device.

What I think we are seeing in this video an extension of the strategy of making the video appear like a personal project in order that it can be promoted as festivals and competitions which would probably close the door to a cultic promotional video. In addition, it can be sold through the BK movement as a gift BKs can give to non-BKs and BK centers can show ... as if it is a third party video.

It's also a personal promotional device for Sister Jayanti Kripalani putting her in a flatteringly vague light alongside luminaries and notable individuals who have overcome real tragedies. For me, what defines Jayanti Kripalani is how when the Brahma Kumaris fight non-Kripalanis in court to keep property donated to the Brahma Kumaris, when Jayanti Kripalani's non-BK Father wanted back the property he had donated to the BKWSU because his business went bad, with a click of a finger, low ranking BKs were kicked out of it and the property returned.

It appears to me that from the propaganda success of The Tao of Traveller, which we can be sure was also a BK PR device, they have learned the benefits of disguising and misleading and extended it.

But what of the great "Vishal"? BK Vishal.

Who paid for the video? With all those BK resources, it has to be the BKWSU. So why does Vishal get or need to get recognition? If he then, at a later date, leaves the BKWSU ... obviously he will take with him the credit and professional benefits of having made such a movie.

He has already been listed at IMDB.

What right do the Brahma Kumaris have to eat up non-BKs times watching something hiding from them that it is a BK promotional device?

And, according to The Knowledge ... why are they using their wealth to promote individual BKs as personalities when they are supposed to be "nirakari, nirvikari, nirhankari" (bodilessly, egolessly, vicelessly) promoting soul consciousness and a non-physical God.

The god of the BKs always spoke about "creating your servants" and listen to the cries of the devotees and giving them peace, they believe they are becoming the deities that Hindus worship ... are they now serving the BKs' individual worshippers?

As ever, I think at least half of the BKWSU or PBIVV leadership is, like Kali Yugi politicians promoting themselves to their voters, promoting their leaders and stars to the BK movement.
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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post23 Jun 2013

ex-l wrote: Using Filmmaking to Heal the World with Vishal Hiraskar

Is that Vishal H. Hiraskar, the H standing for "humble"?

The BKs (and India generally) have had an infatuation with cinema for decades, waiting for a film to be made that will convince millions of the BK message, which is the "Glorification of Baba" (whatever that means). Film must be powerful, for it even infected Dada Lekhraj, making him go out and get married, believing that a wife gets clothes whiter than white! The power of advertising.

Dear Vishal, if you are reading this,

- There is no artist, filmmaker, songwriter or actor of any worth who really thinks that their work is going to change the world. Even the most hugely successful artist-activists only ever hope to be one small rallying point, (i.e. for their demographically limited audience) among others of a hopefully broader movement.

Many wisely shun the expectations of their fans and devotees to take up the role of prophet/spokesman, knowing they are kidding themselves and their fans if they try to be anything more than what they are, one individual creating their art that fortunately appeals to some other people.

At best anything they do is but one drop in the ocean of good acts and, as you correctly point out ex-l, there are many other acts which make bigger contributions to the ocean of good.
... has directed and produced movies and music videos that are worthy to be nominated for a Grammy

We await the day ...
Never before have three Brothers from such a remote part of the world living lives in peace and purity become such service to mankind.

A whole family of humility!

Given this penchant for self-praise, it seems natural that Vishal would get caught up in Karuna's fantasy of being God's own Samuel Goldwyn - the 'G' in MGM - who will create the blockbuster "killer app" that will reveal to the world .. once and for all through "the power of movies" ... what even God herself and the highest souls that ever lived cannot do through "the power of Yoga", or "the power of knowledge", or even the power of VIP contacts and their money.

Years ago, Goldwyn, sorry, Karuna, offered to set me up (being a film school graduate) in a small personal studio in Mumbai's Bollywood district, promising funds, access to all facilities and contacts etc to concentrate on producing films for yugya PR. Gee, a young independent film maker being offered his own studio, equipment, money and access to industry professionals in one of the world's film capitals ... at face value, a dream come true.

I turned the seemingly attractive offer down within minutes, knowing that it was going to be a quicksand-like experience. I'd become a bonded labourer with ever-increasing expectations (and, as with any "contract", an obligation to fulfil that precludes other choices).

Along with that, I knew (and wait to be proven wrong) that, essentially, film is a medium for action & interaction between practical subjects, relying on either dramatic tension in the narrative and/or spectacle, not the best medium for portraying intangible ideas and experiences of the inner life. And even the most successful productions have a limited life span in the public awareness.

In may ways, film is the antithesis of what the BKs are about. I think what subliminally motivates much "enthusiasm for service" is that by convincing others of Baba/Gyan etc, one is proving to oneself one was not wrong to make the choice one did in becoming BK

But it seems Karuna has held on to his dream that out there, somewhere, there's that certain special someone who will one day make his God the most famous of all gods.

(*"subliminal" - of a stimulus or mental process below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.)
I have seen without perceiving
I have been another man
Let me pierce the realm of glamour
So I know just what I am

- "Dweller on the Threshold" - Van Morrison

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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post23 Jun 2013

They have another DVD, "Discover the Spirit Within" complete with adverts and marketing ... and cheesy animations ... and are planning to make a reality TV show. BK Big Brother?

In a radio interview along with Prashant Hiraskar, Vishal claims about the Brahma Kumaris that, "We are not a religious based organization !" ... which is strange because under oath in a court case against the State of India, "ascended" Brahma Kumari leader Prakashmani claimed they were a religion.

Which one is it?
It was urged in the writ petition, which was filed under Article 226 of the Constitution that Brahma Kumari Ishwariya Vishwa Vidhyalaya (petitioner No. 2) is a religious institution commanding a very large following and having its principal office at Mt. Abu and its centres all over the country including 12 centres in Delhi, where religious instructions are imparted.

In the said piece of land, a Shiv Ling has been installed and is being regularly worshipped. Besides there is a boundary wall all around and there is a proposal to construct a Meditation Hall, spiritual study roads and library besides accommodation for other activities such as spiritual exhibition, religious gatherings etc of the institution.

There was no objection to the construction of a building for the Brahma Kumari religious institu- tion from the point of view of acquisition of land by the Delhi Administration.

It was further stated in this representation that the institution is purely religious having various centres all over India, having eight service centres in various parts of Delhi, and this plot of land was purchased by the donors with the sole aim of constructing a religious Ashram so as to serve as Headquarters and to serve religious congregations of all the centres.

Vishal admits they are part of the official media wing of the Brahma Kumaris and are also based in Mount Abu because they are members of the cult ... but they have a sales executive and registered offices (probably just a mailbox in all truth) in Maryland and Los Angeles ... and are trying to sell their projects to networks internationally. Karuna Shetty is on the board.

He hints he and his Brothers has been involved with the BKs for upto 20 years but they come across as fairly young in Gyan and on a high at doing all this.
    Are they doing all this wonderful international travel and having fascinating experiences on BK donations?
Back to "The Time is...Now", Jo Berry's Father, Sir Anthony George Berry, was actually one of Chief Whips in Thatcher's Right Wing government. The Whips ensure that MP attend and vote as the party leadership desires and is responsible for the party's discipline and behaviour. They directs that party members stick to the party's stand on certain issues and directs them to vote as per the direction of senior party members and so they are highly responsible for the effectiveness of Thatcher's regime.

Luxury Brahma Kumari studios in Rajasthan

Luxury Brahma Kumari studios in Rajasthan

Luxury Brahma Kumari studios in Rajasthan


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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post23 Jun 2013

They build and create "white elephant" projects, just to impress ...!!

In their Mount Abu H.Q, they built a luxurious villa (next to the senior Sisters' residence), which was meant for the Indian president to stay in, when he visits Mount Abu ... According to resident staff there, no one has seen him around ...!!


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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post23 Sep 2013


President of India describes communal violence as “insanity” and calls for collective efforts to spread peace and harmony

President's Secretariat 21-September, 2013

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee described inter-religions and communal violence as “insanity” and made an anguished and fervent appeal for collective efforts to spread the message of peace, harmony and non-violence.

The President was speaking during the launch of an “All India Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Awareness Campaign” on the occasion of International Peace Day (September 21, 2013), at a function in Rashtrapati Bhavan in the presence of leaders belonging to various religions.

The President said the all India, all faith campaign aimed at creating a violence-free society was opportune and appropriate. Non-violence and peace is a primary teaching of our civilization. No religion preaches violence. Every religion speaks of love, compassion and service. India is a five thousand old civilization where Lord Buddha and Bhagwan Mahavira preached non-violence. India has always accommodated all faiths, beliefs, religious practices and customs. A country which cannot protect and honour its mothers, Sisters and daughters cannot consider itself civilized. Inter religious and communal violence is insanity manifested and we must urgently bring sanity back into our midst.

It is high time we re-set our moral compass. With every act of violence, we are crucifying Jesus Christ again and again. With each act of violence, we are repeating the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. A few individuals alone cannot be blamed for the violence in our society. Our general apathy and tolerance of violence is an equal culprit. Our inaction has created an atmosphere where violence begets violence.

The President said history remembers advocates of peace and non violence more than conquerors and rulers. Jesus Christ and Lord Buddha changed the course of civilization. Their teachings have been followed by millions of people for centuries. Timurlane, Ghenghiz Khan and Nazis have been only footnotes of history. Ashoka’s period in our history has been described as the “brightest interlude in the troubled history of mankind” because he turned from Chanda Ashoka to Dhamma Ashoka. Let us not forget the teachings of history. Nothing can be achieved by violence. Everything can be gained through love and compassion. No religion condones violence. It is a complete perversion to spread violence in the name of religion.

The President said time has come to say enough is enough. Humanity cannot tolerate this any more. We must save humanity and civilization. This cannot be done by Parliament or law enforcement machinery alone. It has to be achieved through a collective effort of society at large.

Praising the inter-faith initiative, the President thanked the Braham Kumaris and their partner organizations for coming together in an exemplary fashion. He said as they take up a series of programmes and activities, he has no doubt that they will motivate others to join them in spreading the message of ahimsa.

Different religious leaders who spoke on the occasion included Dadi Janki, the 97 year old Chief of the Brahma Kumaris; Dr. A.K. Merchant, National Trustee, Baha’I Community of India; Father Dominic Emmanuel, Director (Communications), Delhi Catholic Archdiocese; Rev. Ejaz Ahmed Aslam, Secretary, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind; Ven. R. Sumiththananda Thero, Bhikku-in-Charge, Maha Bodhi Society of India; Shri Vrajendra Nandan Das, Vice President, ISKCON and Rev. E. Issac Malekar, Head Priest (Rabbi), Judah Hyam Synagogue. All the leaders called for harmony amongst different communities and reiterated that all religions stand for peace and non violence.


NK (Release ID :99546)/quote]


The President said the all India, all faith campaign aimed at creating a violence-free society was opportune and appropriate. Non-violence and peace is a primary teaching of our civilization. No religion preaches violence. Every religion speaks of love, compassion and service. India is a five thousand old civilization where Lord Buddha and Bhagwan Mahavira preached non-violence. India has always accommodated all faiths, beliefs, religious practices and customs. A country which cannot protect and honour its mothers, Sisters and daughters cannot consider itself civilized. Inter religious and communal violence is insanity manifested and we must urgently bring sanity back into our midst/

https://www.dropbox.com/s/0wrdbeeerwm6t ... rogram.doc
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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post24 Sep 2013

The president speaks as an educated man with a deep understanding of history. Those who can be exploited by religion for violent or political ends are usually not so broadly educated.

Seeing the guests, it seems that it was not so much “All India Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Awareness Campaign” as “All Delhi Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Awareness Campaign” - and I would guess those who were invited were those who were most visible - so the BK PR efforts pay off as they are now visible enough seated alongside representatives of established mainstream religions. hmmm, I thought they were not a religion but a university?
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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post24 Sep 2013

The president speaks as an educated man with a deep understanding of history. Those who can be exploited by religion for violent or political ends are usually not so broadly educated.

Seeing the guests, it seems that it was not so much “All India Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Awareness Campaign” as “All Delhi Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Awareness Campaign” - and I would guess those who were invited were those who were a)most obvious invitees (Muslim, Buddhist, jew, Christian) or b) publicly visible (ISKON, BKWSU) It seems the BK PR efforts pay off as they are now in public awareness enough to be invited and seated alongside representatives of established mainstream religions.

Hmmm, I thought they were not a religion, but a university.
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Re: BKWSU evangelism: power seeking & interfaith deception

Post24 Sep 2013

The president speaks as an educated man with a deep understanding of history. Those who can be exploited by religion for violent or political ends are usually not so broadly educated.

Seeing the guests, it seems that it was not so much “All India Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Awareness Campaign” as “All Delhi Ahimsa Parmo Dharma Awareness Campaign” - and I would guess those who were invited were those who were a)most obvious invitees (Muslim, Buddhist, jew, Christian) or b) publicly visible (ISKON, BKWSU) It seems the BK PR efforts pay off as they are now in public awareness enough to be invited and seated alongside representatives of established mainstream religions.

Hmmm, I thought BKs said of themselves they were not a religion, but a university?

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