Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes out

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Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes out

Post10 Jun 2013

Children die needlessly for the want of a 50c treatment ... Brahma Kumaris' luxury Godlywood studio
Old news but with a new spin ... BK Shivani's 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' TV was ceased from being broadcast because of costs confirming what we suspected ...
    That it was a paid for advert on behalf of the BKWSU rather than a real TV show, and certainly staged by the BKs. Shivani and her husband's business must have done very nicely out of it.
The questions arising are ...
    How much did it cost to make?
    How much did it cost to broadcast?

    And wouldn't the BKs have been better, and gain more global respect, spending the money on saving children's lives, or uplifting humanity, rather than making fake "info-tainment" advertising themselves?
Meanwhile ... the Brahma Kumaris have just spent another $80,000 on a video mixing desk alone (not the price of the actual luxury, air conditioned Godlywood studio in the Thar desert which much be worth millions) ... Brahmakumaris Godlywood Studios Installs First HARMAN Studer Vista 1 Digital Mixing Console in India.

In India over 200,000 Indian infant children will die needlessly from dehydration caused by diarrhea despite the availability of simple, highly effective and affordable treatments costing $0.50. For the cost of that mixing desk and ancillaries to make more adverts, the BKs could have saved all of them.

    Godly service ... really? (Don't worry, BK Shivani addicts can still *buy* DVDs from the BKs global shops).
Children die needlessly for the want of a 50c treatment ... Brahma Kumaris' luxury Godlywood studio
ANNOUNCEMENT: 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' programmes to cease broadcasting on Zee, Aastha and STAR Plus TV

Since 2007 the well known 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' programmes have been broadcasting daily on Aastha International TV. The popularity of the shows were such that additional broadcasting on STAR Plus TV was introduced in 2010 and on Zee TV in 2011.

So much service has been done through this media over the years, which has spread throughout the Western world. These TV programmes have not only contributed to changing public opinion about the BKs, especially amongst the Indian community, but in many countries Brahmins have been born.

After 5 years of this service on TV outside of India, the time has come for it to stop due to increasing broadcasting costs on these channels:
    * The programmes have already ceased on Zee TV.
    * At the end of August 2012, the programmes will stop on Aastha International TV.
    * At the end of September 2012, the programmes will stop on STAR Plus TV.
The break in broadcasting on these channels will provide an opportunity to review the options available to us with other channels not yet explored, including ones to serve the Western audiences.

'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' programmes still available online and on DVD

For anyone enquiring about the shows, please advise them to visit the official 'Awakening with Brahma Kumaris' website where a number of the series can be viewed on demand for free:

In addition, DVDs of some of the series can be purchased online through our publications outlets.

Many thanks for your understanding and support,

In Baba's Yaad,

The RCs
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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post10 Jun 2013

ex-l wrote:That it was a paid for advert on behalf of the BKWSU rather than a real TV show, and certainly staged by the BKs. Shivani and her husband's business must have done very nicely out of it.

Yes, it is tailor made programme to lure innocent public.

Indian channels sell their non-prime slots to these type of programmes as adverts because they get more money in comparison to 10-20 seconds of advert. Generally programmes like promoting Lal-Kitab, astrology, ayurvedic medicines, some gurus like Nirmal Baba, Ramdev Baba are telecasted.

For the sake of any controversies, they show a disclaimer before the show stating that, "the channel is not responsible for the views presented in the shows".
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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post10 Jun 2013

When BKs launched their TV channel "Peace of Mind", it was only telecasted by Reliance Big TV and all the BK centres were booking Reliance Big TV set-top boxes. The MOU between Reliance and BK have benefited both business groups.

BK is just a business group who invents new methods to accumulate money.

If they wanted to benefit the people why did they gave signal transmitting rights to only one service provider, why did not they make it FTA channel like other religious channel ????


Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post12 Jun 2013

I am sorry to criticize this, but it is really very cheap way of presenting things. The matter if that no matter what picture you will put on the place of the BK, it will have the same effect. It will be most appropriate to put a picture of rockets e.g. is and addressing the government. Officially, it carries the responsibility of the welfare of people.
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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post12 Jun 2013

And your God does not have any responsibility for the welfare of his children? Does he not feel any love and compassion for them?

I thought the BK God was called 'The Lord of the Poor". Why then is he spending more money on a mixing desk and air conditioning units for his luxury advertising department ... and spending even more money chasing after the rich all the time ... than would save the lives of 200,000 innocent infant children dying for the want of a 50c treatment?
    Think about it ... which would be the *better* advertisement?

    The BKs curing infant mortality in India, or the BKs making yet another crappy, exaggerated, self-promoting advert?
(And why, one might ask is "God" building an advertising department in a desert where he needs to pay for air conditioning in the first place!?! Why not just put it somewhere cooler?)

Littleo, you've been given your choice or your task if you want to contribute here ... please don't ignore it. This response of yours is just even more evidence of the smallness of your heart.


Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post12 Jun 2013

My god is only a soul, he has no connection with the bodies whatsoever.
Think about it ... which would be the *better* advertisement?

If it is advertisement, such act is not help, but of self-proclaiming.
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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post12 Jun 2013

Perhaps you don't understand the English idiom of "better advertisement". It's not purely literal. Or perhaps you do and you are just twisting it, which is it?

Being Godly would be the best advertisement for Godly people ... the BKs cannot see the wood for the trees.

Just make sure you understand this ...
ex-l wrote:Littleo, you've been given your choice or your task if you want to contribute here ... please don't ignore it.

Does "God", or even the god the BKs/PBKs, really care about making artless self-promotionary videos than saving the lives of infants who could be saved for 50c?

I would say the BKs actions speak clearly ... the DVDs are for sale at your local 'Inner Space' shop.


Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post12 Jun 2013

If you have an income you can donate and save children. Or if you have some money saved. Or even if you have to starve today, don't eat, don't buy bread, but donate these money. It will be worthwhile, otherwise your bread will be bitter. You eat happily when you can save children with these money. This is more realistic. You think BK is rich, they should donate. Or you think they should donate because God is with them. No, even if you are poor and God is not with you, you can still donate.
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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post13 Jun 2013

littleo wrote:If you have an income you can donate and save children ...

And what has that got to do with BKism, PBKism or what the values are talking about?

No answer required.

As a rule, the Brahma Kumaris don't do charity. What they mean by "service" and "servicing humanity" is self-promotion ... consequently, they spend their money on Their god says these children are like scorpions or snakes, or are worth nothing more than flies which live and then die quickly. The BKs says the source of their suffering is their own bad karma in their last life and so if someone does not give them the 50c to live, then it is their own fault.

Look at the size of these 'possibly' leather chairs (and that fat gut sitting on one) in their private, air-conditioned preview studio ... and tell me what is really going on? There's a shot of BK "beachball" Mohini getting out of a luxury Toyota in the video and she has become even bigger ... sideways not up and down!
This studio is glass-covered structure with 25,000square feet of constructed area. The hi-tech facilities includes 3 shooting and recording studios covering ground and 1st floor and post production facilities like editing and mixing etc are on 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor.


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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post13 Jun 2013

And how many "celebrations" and inaugurations do they really need to spend money on?

Do they really prove god? They've just got too much money and cannot stop spending it.

Inauguration-of-Brahmakumaris-Godlywood-Studio1.jpg (66.78 KiB) Viewed 30242 times


Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post13 Jun 2013

And what has that got to do with BKism, PBKism or what the values are talking about?

It has to do with your concern being false. If you were concerned about the children you would do something, but you are using them for contrast.


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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post13 Jun 2013

littleo wrote:If you have an income you can donate and save children.

Sorry littlO. I am not picking on you, but your writings attract my attention to respond.

Can/Should BKs and PBKs also make an income and donate? OR
Should they donate the money which they did not make (ancestor property/money earned by family members) and then do not attempt to make any income and serve only BK leaders?

How much have you donated personally? No need to answer.
Please pause a minute and ask your self.
And if you did: How much % of that wealth you have donated?
By percentage wise, for what purpose have you donated?

Was it for your religious/spiritual leader's luxury purpose? OR
Your own luxury purpose? OR
For saving lives of poor who could not afford .50 Cent to save life?
littleo wrote:You eat happily when you can save children with these money. This is more realistic.

But BKs/BKWSU does not believe in this concept of saving children. I have proof. I am the proof.

I gave this option to MFBK and the BK leaders via mediators (I am back into my story). I proposed MFBK/his leaders that instead of we donating to them, I would like to donate it for Orphan children OR for caring neglected or helpless elderly people. I even went further and offered to pool some extra money by working extra hard that I would some how arrange for its maintenance expenses as well. They simply ignored and have not responded back.
littleo wrote: You think BK is rich, they should donate. Or you think they should donate because God is with them.
No, even if you are poor and God is not with you, you can still donate.

I think BKWSU is rich. And they think God is with them.

But why God is telling them to build luxuries for themselves?
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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post13 Jun 2013

The Indian "aspirational" classes are wanting to be mini-maharajahs, seen as "successful". Materialism proves worth in that caste-based paradigm.

They fall for the cult of celebrity, both within the org and outside it. And these days that's linked with modern media, glitz, schlock, gossip. (Anyone remember that TV personality of yore BK Shivani?). Many people fall for it, not just BKs - its cool to be in movies and media, its uncool to be a tinker or carpenter.

Part of being rich AND cool is to be "spiritual" with it. They admire such people and want to be admired. Its all ego desire (to be acknowledged, be right, be assured you are on the right path etc).

Personally, I think Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are more spiritual - or, if you prefer - moral.

Warren Buffett is probably the world's 3rd richest person, worth multi-billions, but still lives in the same 3 bedroom suburban house he's owned for decades and has given at least 38 Billion to Bill Gates's foundation, and aims to give away over 99% of his wealth.
Warren Buffet - I don't have a problem with guilt about money. The way I see it is that my money represents an enormous number of claim checks on society. It's like I have these little pieces of paper that I can turn into consumption.

If I wanted to, I could hire 10,000 people to do nothing but paint my picture (!) every day for the rest of my life. And the GDP would go up. But the utility of the product would be zilch, and I would be keeping those 10,000 people from doing AIDS research, or teaching, or nursing.

And I am going to give virtually all of those claim checks to charity when my wife and I die.


Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post13 Jun 2013

Dear BK_Victim,

You are not picking at me. Your questions seem very reasonable to me and I don't think there is the need to be embarassed to ask them.

I have not donated anything, but I have received financial support by both BKs and PBKs. You may say this way they like to buy me and this it is possible.

I think spirituality should not be related to material matters. Where money are involved matters become too serious. You can have it confirmed by others here that generally BKs are advised not to go into personal give and take amongst themselves.

I think your case is such where you have all reasons to complain.
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Re: Awakening with Brahma Kumaris ends BK Godlywood splashes

Post13 Jun 2013

Pink Panther wrote:Warren Buffett is probably the world's 3rd richest person, worth multi-billions, but still lives in the same 3 bedroom suburban house he's owned for decades and has given at least 38 Billion to Bill Gates's foundation, and aims to give away over 99% of his wealth.

Yes, it is classic example of charity !!
    Brahmakumaris, as a charitable trust, has nothing to do with charity; it is doing charity only for Dadis, Dadas and Didis.

    Brahmakumaris, as a religious institution, is just promoting Brahmakumaris for gaining more and more donations.
They set up their centres only in big cities not in villages whereas the maximum population of India lives in villages and their maximum BK Sisters are from rural background.
    Brahmakumaris lack main ideology of spirituality - "SADA JEEVAN UCHH VICHAAR" (which means SIMPLE LIVING AND HIGH THINKING).

True sprituality has to do nothing with mass publicity , it is only required to increase their customer base thus increasing their income.

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