Brahma Kumari Flirty Fishing? BKs land property & legal case

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Brahma Kumari Flirty Fishing? BKs land property & legal case

Post20 Oct 2012

A typical case of Brahma Kumari "flirty Fishing" lands the BKs another free property but also drags them in a court case involving the 79 year old founder of a Billion Pound business empire. By no means the first court case involving the BKWSU and property issues.

From The Times of India, 20 October 2012. Raheja versus Raheja: Son says Father swayed by Brahma Kumari by Swati Deshpande

A family dispute relating to the 110,000,000,000 Rupee (11,000 crore - £1,260,100,000) G L Raheja group, Mumbai's oldest construction giant, has turned even more sour. Sandeep, the scion of the construction giant, has accused his Father, Gopal Raheja, 79, filing a lawsuit against him including objections "to his intention to marry a Brahma Kumari half his age".

BK Chandrika and 79 year old Gopal Raheja in BKWSU Controversay

Sandeep said Gopal was pursuing "his designs to please a certain lady ... Chandrika, a Brahmakumari half his age". Describing it as, "a conspiracy with outsiders for their benefits ... at whose behest this entire charade was being orchestrated", the Father apparently became upset when the son objected to his "getting married to a Brahma Kumari".

The Father claims the connection with the Brahma Kumari was "for spiritual guidance" and that the BK Sister went back to Mount Abu, a famous honeymoon location and site of the BK headquarters, a year ago.

The Raheja company is amongst the biggest private owners of land in Mumbai and possess properties in many other parts of India.
"As time passed my Father even scorned me and my wife. We bore it stoically ... Around that time he began visiting the Brahma Kumari for spiritual pursuits presumably. In 2009, he confided in me that he was getting very fond of her. On seeing my consternation, he assured me that he had no intention to marry her.

I realized however that he was making daily calls to her and visited her at her Bandra house, even gave her a house as a gratuitous licence and one phone discarded by him revealed a very personal connection between the two through an SMS she sent him," Sandeep's reply said.

Sandeep said his Father and he lived in the same building for 18 years till he abruptly left in December 2011 "for his ignoble reasons of pursuing his predilection". Gopal had a surgery last year and around that time, Sandeep said, he got a shock when his Father said that he intended to marry the Brahma Kumari. "I objected, saying the family will be ridiculed if he were to marry a woman younger than his youngest daughter."

The Brahma Kumaris Media & PR machine was fast to respond and published the following statement:
Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj wrote:Clarification: ‘Report based on affidavit’ Oct 21, 2012

The news report, "Raheja versus Raheja: Son says Father swayed by Brahma Kumari", contains serious allegations concerning one of our teachers which I would like to refute. The claim that Gopal Raheja planned to "marry a Brahma Kumari half his age" is completely untrue. It is also untrue that Mr Raheja donated a house either to the Sister or to the organization. The relationship between the Sister, who has in any case lived in Mt Abu during the past one year, and Mr Raheja was always entirely proper, as one between a person giving spiritual guidance and another receiving it. It seems that the Sister's name and the Brahma Kumaris' work have been dragged into a family dispute for commercial reasons.

- Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj, Brahmakumaris Media & Public Relations Services (Mumbai)

The use of young women's feminine charm and sexuality for the sake of so called "service" is something which has been raised on more than one occasion even within the cult, going back as far as the 1980s. Gopal Raheja is not the first rich, elderly businessman to be courted by the BKs and given special VIP one to one attention, and he will not be the last.

Although actual sex is rare ... but not unknown ... the Brahma Kumaris often flirt ambiguously in areas which could be easily misconstrued by the target of their interest. They have also been criticized for specifically targeting the rich, powerful and famous and affording them special attention. In one occasion, BK leader Janki Kripalani once was recorded as saying to Mother Teresa of Calcutta that her role was to serve the poor, whereas it was Kripalani's role to serve the rich. A service which apparently seems to pay good dividends to a religion whose income comes from the property and donations it has amassed whilst predicting the imminent End of the World.

The comments of the readers of The Times of India make it clear that more and more people in India are seeing through the facade of Brahma Kumarism.
Babush (Jamshedpur, Tata Nagar) wrote:one thing is true.... the brahmakumaris are there where ever they know there is money.... Whatever amount of money they have it is not enough for them.... you can say they need money for charity.... fine.... very good... and here for this brahmakumari she finds an old man with mota maal.... other things are secondary....
Manohar (Hyderabad) wrote:Without the ever pouring money, the Brahma Kumaris are nothing.
John (Mumbai) wrote:Brahmkumaris are known to be white clad whores. Majority of the male members have divorced their wives and run around the white saree bearing young girls
K. Mohanan (Bhopal) wrote:It seems that the Brahmakumari, who is younger than his youngest daughter, wants to make the 79 old man a Brahmakumar thereby taking all assets owned by him leaving nothing for the son.
CDRNET1965 (Chennai) wrote:Brahma Kumari can be very dangerous. They can brainwash these rich old men. This coupled with some holy entertainment can become a heady mix for these starving filthy rich old men.
Akmal (India) wrote:But where will Bhramkumaris spend all the looted money, because if they do so they will be caught! Ego is the biggest problem of today and since centuries, we are all ommenting in ego without knowing the truth. I also suffer from ego.
nagesh (Kaup) wrote:brahmakumari must hv thought 'old is gold'
Arjun (India) wrote:These brahmakumari's deliberately target older men almost the same age as their dads for their amorous pursuits. They are brainwashed to believe that they are Saraswati incarnate and that they should indulge in brahma-saraswati rituals to attain moksha.
farroukh irani (Mumbai) wrote:Brahma Kumaris are cheats and thieves in grab of religion, peaceful living and cleansing oneself lead life of loot and plunder. For eg. the BSES Hospital at Andheri (West) opp. station is looting poor people by charging them extorbitant bills and is indulging in extortion racket when it is a BMC hospital built for giving free service to poor. But actually Bramma Kumaris in name of social service is fleecing poor people. Once visit to this hospital will reveal the true face of Brahmi Kumaris and their Yognis.
dhirendra (mumbai) wrote:Its a ploy by the Brahmakumaris to entice the old man, get married to him and usurp his wealth. Nice to to legally extort money. Religion is the root cause of many problems in this country because anything goes in the name of religion.
Logic Induction induction (India) wrote:The Brahma Kumari's are a very subvertive phenomenon in India. Mixing extreme religion, sex, indoctrination and crime !
Praveen (Chennai) wrote:These Brahma Kumari's are terrorists. They should be banned.
RAJA HINDUSTANI (MUMBAI) wrote:Whether Brahmakumaris or any other such sects are initially telling that we will teach u spirutiality but ONCE THEY KNOW THAT THE PERSON IS WEALTHY, they will attact them physically and blackmail lateron. All this is going on every where in every religion, BK are no exception. BK knows that at the age of 79 GOPAL will not be able to do anything but will die and she can claim thousands of Crores property. Good business by BKs. They have tried it on me but being having my own strong willpower & moral values i am saved.
jaygundum (edomonton) wrote:what what and what. i know brahmakumaris make you surrender all your wealth to them and they like sit in luxury. brahmakumaris are as corrupt as congress party. Advance Party run by virendra dev is far more clean and never ask any one to put money in.
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Re: Brahma Kumari Flirty Fishing: BKs land property & court

Post21 Oct 2012

Here we go again ... another family conflict made worse by the BKWSU, another property controversy, another wealthy VIP target. I am glad it is starting to get press now and The Times of India is stopping being the BKWSU mouthpiece. It has the BKWSU we all know and love written all over it.

Reading between the lines, what can we pull out of, e.g. the Sister being removed to Mount Abu? That to me suggests she was getting to close and was pulled back for "purifying" and re-training under the watch eyes of the Dadis, perhaps?

The 79 old man having just had surgery and claiming his family were neglecting him ... sounds the BKs targeting someone in their vulnerability and then meddling in family affairs. Old men often say stuff like that but it could be common for such a rich VIP to be allotted a personal BK, just like the BKs targeted Robin Gibb in the West. I can just imagine her sitting their listen to him whilst giving "spiritual advice" ... completely unqualified to be offering such counselling.

It even made me think the BK hospitals have an additional purpose now ... get in the old, rich and sick and get out their cheque books, properties and Wills! How convenient ... the BKWSU will be chasing hearses soon. I mean, in the lokik world there is a kind of woman who chases rich, old men. Why do we presume they change that much just because they becoming a BK? They don't ... they just put all the same worldly "womanly instincts" to the service of the Yugya and have it take care of their welfare. They started by living off a rich old man (Lekhraj Kirpalani) and they seem to have continued since.

I must say I am impressed by some of the commentators ... "Brahma Kumaris are cheats and thieves in grab of religion ... known to be white clad whores." Wow ... it looks like I am no longer needed and can retire now! One of them made me laugh, "brahmakumari must have thought 'old is gold". Someone obviously knows their BK quotes.

The Brahma Kumaris have up until now, through skilful and persistent PR, avoid the title of being a cult and engaging in "love bombing" and "flirty fishing". Whereas it is still true that actually sex is very, very rare and "unofficial", I think the likes of this example goes to prove they do engage in very similar grey areas and exploit individuals situations for their own benefit. They should not so do and they should stop playing at being counsellors and meddling in families' businesses.

I was trying to think of a sound track for this post and thought about offering bags of popcorn and playing Old Fashioned Circus Music ... or what about Nora Jones getting all smootchie and romantic with Here We Go Again ... even a "Sex Pistols" number by the same title ... but then I thought, why not something fun and happy, like OK Go's "Here It Goes Again" ...
Just when you think you're in control,
just when you think you've got a hold,
just when you get on a roll,
here it goes, here it goes, here it goes again.
Oh, here it goes again.
I should have known, should have known,
should have known again,
but here it goes again.
Oh, here it goes again.


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Re: Brahma Kumari Flirty Fishing? BKs land property & legal

Post23 Oct 2012

Clarification: ‘Report based on affidavit’

The news report, "Raheja versus Raheja: Son says Father swayed by Brahma Kumari", contains serious allegations concerning one of our teachers which I would like to refute. The claim that Gopal Raheja planned to "marry a Brahma Kumari half his age" is completely untrue. It is also untrue that Mr Raheja donated a house either to the Sister or to the organization. The relationship between the Sister, who has in any case lived in Mt Abu during the past one year, and Mr Raheja was always entirely proper, as one between a person giving spiritual guidance and another receiving it. It seems that the Sister's name and the Brahma Kumaris' work have been dragged into a family dispute for commercial reasons.Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj | Brahmakumaris Media & Public Relations Services (Mumbai)

Reporter's reply:

The report was based only on the contents of an affidavit submitted in the Bombay high court in the legal case between Gopal Raheja and his son, Sandeep. TOI refrained from naming the particular Sister although she was named in the court documents. Raheja Sr, too, has been quoted, where he makes it clear that the connection with the Brahma Kumari was only for spiritual guidance and that she went back to Mt Abu last year itself.

The news was about a legal battle being fought between members of a prominent city family and there was no intention of hurting the sentiments of Brahma Kumaris in general or of any individual in particular. We are aware of the organization's social & charitable work and its bearing on larger public good.

http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes ... -affidavit


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Re: Brahma Kumari Flirty Fishing? BKs land property & legal

Post26 Oct 2012

I patiently wait for the day when these evil souls come to face the D day . I wish it happens soon when this organisation is busted completely in front of this world.

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