Pachamama Alliance endorse End of World Cult?

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Pachamama Alliance endorse End of World Cult?

Post20 Apr 2012

    The Pachamama Alliance is a reputable NPO which hopes to "inspire and galvanize the human family to generate a critical mass of conscious commitment to a thriving, just and sustainable way of life on Earth".

    The Brahma Kumaris believe they are going to inspire a nuclear holocaust and the End of the World which destroys the world and kills all of humanity except them.
Why on earth are the Pachamama Alliance getting into bed with the Brahma Kumaris ... have they been duped or is there a covert BK mole inside their organization? Are the BKs trying to target indigenous peoples in the Amazon, or is it just more BK Greenwash ... another service front?

The website says they have developed a new workshop called "Awakening the Dreamer Workshop" .. an opportunity to engage members of the public in the most urgent and necessary questions of this age. Is this going to be the BKs' new big service programme and a replacement for "Self Management Leadership"?

If so it is interesting to observe how they are working now. Co-opting another organization's credibility or intellectual property is not new, allowing non-BKs to develop service programmes for BK centers is; and it is against wholly contradictory to Shrimat. What is going on here?

One thing for sure, I bet the Pachamama Alliance have been lied to about what the BKs really believe.

Any workshop that "takes people from confusion, despair or denial into hope and committed action in just 4 hours" sounds like snake oil to me ... I suppose the BKs are using it to stuck in an initiation to their meditation at the end of all the talk and that is what it is all about.
A Partnership: Brahma Kumaris and Pachamama

The Pachamama Alliance is delighted to be in partnership with the Brahma Kumaris. Both organizations are working toward a new future in which spiritual fulfillment, environmental sustainability and social justice are cornerstones.
The combined reach of these two global networks is staggering, with teams of committed volunteers in 112 countries covering more than 90% of the world’s population.

New Workshop

Together we have created the Awakening the Dreamer Workshop, an opportunity to engage members of the public in the most urgent and necessary questions of this age:
    Where Are We? – looking at the environmental, social and spiritual condition of the human family
    How Did We Get Here? – finding the root causes of our modern malaise
    What is Possible Now? – examining the alternative scenarios for our future
    Where Do We Go From Here? – finding a role to play in creating the future
This workshop will take people from confusion, despair or denial into hope and committed action in just 4 hours. The experience is based on the proven Awakening the Dreamer Changing the Dreamer Symposium developed by The Pachamama Alliance. By adding insight and materials from the Brahma Kumaris, we have co-created a 4-hour workshop that can be delivered in BK centers around the world.

The workshop combines powerful video elements, thought-provoking interactive exercises and meditation to inspire participants to take a stand for an entirely future and to begin to see themselves with a role to play in creating that future.

This workshop will be available to volunteers in every center worldwide, and training will be made available to support the center teams in promoting and presenting the workshop. There will also be advice and some support available for those wishing to translate the workshop into their own languages. We aim to make it as simple and joyful as possible for Brahma Kumaris volunteers to share this workshop in their own local communities.

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