Brahma Kumaris in Chile Charging $1,000 a Course

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Brahma Kumaris in Chile Charging $1,000 a Course

Post08 Aug 2011

BK in Chile has created a "School of Raja Yoga", the course will have 50 people for 5 months, attracting more followers and getting more contacts to the lobby of the sect.

BK is charging a minimum of 500,000 Chilean pesos, slightly more than 1 thousand U.S. dollars (if there are 50 people doing the "course") = 25,000,000 pesos, about 55 thousand U.S. dollars of profit.

Angelica Fanjul Hermosilla is the "director" of the "school" in Chile. The address on the page is the "main center" in Santiago de Chile.

Does anyone know if in other countries are charging a fixed fee for the course of Raja Yoga?


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Re: Nueva Escuela de Raja Yoga Chile

Post09 Aug 2011

Well there goes the non profit status.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris in Chile charging 500,000 Pesos

Post09 Aug 2011

Apart from the "Super BKs" they fly in from all over the world to "con"-vince the neophytes, the usual suspects of Mike George, Neville Hodgkinson, Gayantri Naraine etc, I suppose all the teachers are unpaid ... or is the BK sect leader in Chile 'on the books'?

At $1,000 a course, the followers of the "Lord of the Poor", as they call their god spirit are clearly aiming upmarket yet again.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris in Chile Charging $1,000 a Course

Post09 Aug 2011

Where is the price list?

Found it, translated with google ...
"In Raja Yoga School the contribution will be $ 500,000 for the five months, which will be used exclusively to pay costs and costs associated with: the course materials, two retreats (the first two nights and the second of five nights), flight ticket of pro-investors guests (six of them, the course of Raja Yoga only cancel half of the tickets, and canceled two full ticket).
C o n t r i b or c i o n e s

Brahma Kumaris not charge for its activities, it is argued voluntary contributions that people make which collaborate to extend the activities of community service. So same, none of the teachers receive payment for their classes. In Raja Yoga School of the contribution will be $ 500,000 for the five months, which will be used exclusively to pay costs and costs associated with: the course materials, two retreats (the first two nights and the second of five nights), flight ticket of pro-investors guests (six of them, the course of Raja Yoga only cancel half of the tickets, and canceled two full ticket).

A l u g r

Activities will take place at the national headquarters of Brahma Kumaris located at Av Pocuro 2841, Providencia.

P e r c e a s o d d m i s i o n

Since there is limited capacity, the course will feature a selection phase of the participants, who must complete an admission where state reasons for which they are interested two in participating in this course.

Entry form at the following blog or website:
if you have any questions, do it the following e-mail:
escuela.rajayoga @
or at the following numbers:
Rodrigo Silva: 7 495.6468
Patricia Villarroel: 9 313.1620
general phone: 209.4429
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Re: Brahma Kumaris in Chile Charging $1,000 a Course

Post10 Aug 2011

So, all the English speaking BK elite have their airfares and expenses paid for by the students ... why do they need English speakers? Are there no good local teachers, or is it just better for business to fly someone in from far away?

Who wants to take a bet that the BK Oxford Leaderships guys try and slip in a business meeting or two on the side to make it 'worth their while' going and take advantage of the free flight?
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Re: Brahma Kumaris in Chile Charging $1,000 a Course

Post10 Aug 2011

ex-l wrote:Who wants to take a bet that the BK Oxford Leaderships guys try and slip in a business meeting or two on the side to make it 'worth their while' going and take advantage of the free flight?

Ah ... speak of the devil! Mike George just happens to be publishing a new book to be released in Spanish it seems at the time of his paid flight visit to Chile, called The 7 Myths of Love.

Business as usual ...

Better translation to follow when time allows.
Raja Yoga SCHOOL

Training school and Reflection

With over 75 years of experience and work in the world and in Chile 25 years deexperiencia, Brahma Kumaris first developed in elpais a training school for men and women over 18year, led by international professors and teachers. The cursotendrá a duration of five months from August to December 2011. Based on the principles of the philosophy of Raja Yoga - developed by the Brahma Kumaris in 1936 - during the course attendees will experience a journey of learning, self-knowledge and personal transformation develop innate potential and to share with teachers, yogis and teachers who have traveled long this process. For the type of course and goals of its organizers, son limitados quotas. For more information and applications from or

What is the course?

The philosophy of Raja Yoga starts from the premise that living beings human beings have great potential, essentially beings full of virtues, inborn greatness. However, the pace of life, sense lapérdida and other factors have led to the progresivaperdida connection to the essence of the soul, leaving its expression unámbito limitado. Cada human being is a creator of your life, having the power to elegirqué and how to think, feel and act. This is what is known as self-sovereignty, the power of being who builds and runs his own school of Raja Yoga vida. La Chile - which begins in August and December 2011 extiendehasta - a space that promotes the greatness eldesarrollo human beings, sharing AND METHODS teachings to help people understand what (and cómoreconectarse with) resources and innate qualities to chelae people incorporate them into your life.

Purpose of Course:

• Facilitate and assist in the transformation process laspersonas so that they can recognize their potential, to reconnect to a state of self-sovereignty and apply aprendidoen their lives.
• Facilitate and assist the participants in the School subúsqueda sense, to recognize, reconnect and explore internal supotencial in harmony with a changing world ydesafiante.
• To guide and accompany the process of transformation losparticipantes have decided to undertake with us. We do Through the delivery of knowledge and tools, but overall, guiding the decision and will of each and lasparticipantes to change.

Who is this course for?

The course is aimed at anyone looking to go beyond suslímites, challenge beliefs and explore their potential interior.A all men and women seeking answers to preguntasesenciales and seek re-find the meaning of their acciones.A those who believe that life can be more than queobtienen daily, with a look of life together, solidarity yrespetuosa.

Course Structure

Raja Yoga School is a school for 5 months of training, where students are guaranteed a paradigm shift in susmentes, actions and results. In this first school of Raja Yoga enchilada three lines of work come together:

• The profound philosophy of Raja Yoga (trans.: how to be a soberanode your self)
• Application of spiritual wisdom in practical life.
• Master of the transformation process

Learning Style

Human beings learn in different ways. The course design in parallel buscacombinar philosophy, practice and experience, which we conceive Porl dynamic processes of learning, leisure YBAs on the experiences of each uno.También study groups will be created among students paraprofundizar content and personal learning. Finally we have the privilege of sharing with Brahma Kumaris ProfesoresInternacionales Seniors invited especialmentepara the course who will give lectures to students dela School.

Course Length

Raja Yoga School will run for five months comenzandoen August to December 2011. In January 2012 unaceremonia of cierre.Durante made the whole process of the course, activities will be díasde week and Saturday, a day's work in larger


Raja Yoga School has a team of international nacionalese teachers with extensive experience in the process of change ypráctica of Raja Yoga.

Facilitating Teachers of the School

Caroline Ward

Caroline is an Australian living in Chile, which has trabajadoalrededor the world as a coach, guide and consultant with individuals, organizations Groupsand interested in going beyond the change to work withthe power of transformation. During 10 years in consultancy "AboutPeople" (about people), Caroline was a pioneer in applying the power andthe introspection and spiritual wisdom in the art latransformación negocios. Author world of The Four Faces of Women a book that grew out of conversations and explorations 15 years of with thousands of women around the management of the mind, thought leadership, overcoming the ego and anger, meditation. Very popular in the corporate world, her talks are broadcast frequently by TV channels like Sanskar and Retreat Center Jargran. Directora 'Om Shanti North Campus Centers of the India Brahma Kumaris, a 30-acre campus - 120,000 square meters - located on the outskirts of Delhi countryside. head coordinator of the National Department of Administrative Services of the RajYoga Education & Research Foundation, a Brahma Kumaris organization. Deputy Director of the magazine "Purity", the organization's monthly publication focused on asuntossocio-spiritual.

Ken O'Donnell

Director for South America of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. Author, Consultant and Director of Organizational Values ​​in Brazil InstitutoViviendo. Self-Management Program and Creator of Life Calidadde has been installed in more than 29 países. Ken O'Donnell works with individuals, teams, public figures yejecutivos to meet the challenges of working in a complex world, keeping a sense of calm and sensitivity to conlleva. Autor desafíosque sustainable development of over ten books published in several languages ​​overdevelopment personal, organizational and liderazgo.Ken has given lectures and courses on five continents on: Conflict Management, Stress Management, Quality, Value in folklore work, the Chaos Theory, among others.

Mike George

Born in Scotland. Raja Yoga has been practiced for over 30 años. Teacher, author and international consultant who inspires the leaders of change, encourage the development of equipment and autogestion. Comunica with warmth, wisdom and conviction that comes from twenty years of experience in management development, through the last quarter of the world. Durante Mike George has traveled elmundo, training and advising policies and Organizations whose staff. His positive vision for the future and their passion for life hanmotivado thousands of people. He developed a style of teaching capacitacióny totally flexible, quickly aroused the urge to learn suaudiencia.

Headquartered in London, has designed development programs and policies for management of companies in Europe, America and Asia for companies such as General Motors (Australia), Royal Bank (Scotland), Allianz (Singapore) and Dupont Pharma (Canada) , Rank Xerox, Hilton Hotels, among others. Mike has written several books and the final which will be released in Spanish visit to Chile is called The 7 Myths of Love. Además, Mike is the Chief Editor of the Journal Retreat. It aparecidofrecuentemente television and radio and has published numerous articles around the world.

Gayatri Naraine

Born in Guyana and lives in New York since 1978. Raja Practice Yogahace 35. Biographical data of Gayatri Naraine sóloacerca are always working. This is the power of who she is and that is what ellaquiere reach. Wherever there is a new project, a planned horizonteno that opens, a recent discovery catalyzed enaction ... if you look closely behind Gayatri find. It alguienentregado 100% to transform the world into a place of dignity yarmonía for all. For over 30 years, has directed the office at the United Nations deBrahma Kumaris, fearlessly articulating lanecesidad to incorporate spiritual values ​​and principles in búsquedade solutions for global issues of inequality and discrimination, and care planning, politics and government. In addition to moving the agendade spirituality in UN diálogosinnovadores Gayatri has prompted leaders of all worlds, asking them to respond wing question: What is the Call of the Time?. His current responsibilities working with youth to support them in finding and collective vocesindividuales about living and choosing a future that not only ellosquieren create and inherit. She has written abundantesdeclaraciones principles and is the author of several books that explore laespiritualidad, silence and science. And with all this, you should look muybien to find his name. For Gayatri Naraine, the chelates is the vision and work motivation is what matters.

Visiting Teachers

María Contreras

Chile, has lived in England since 1979. Raja Yoga by Masdar studied 10 años.Como leadership coach, working with Telefonica Movistar, HeinekenEspaña, and American Express has innovated new techniques for self-development coaching música.Integrando somatic movement with the best of the psychology of motivation, tools and wisdom of spirituality with dance, song and fun juegointeractivo.María Contreras creates environments that capture the human esenciadel for positive development and learning travésde physical intelligence.

Gilles Drouillat

French. Over 15 years practicing Raja Yoga. Elarte cooking has developed by being aware of how food nutrenel not only body but also the alma.Ha been invited to cook at an event which brought together leaders from around the world dedistintas, in order that dialogue puedamantener rhythm, beauty and depth that will allow the grupopueda navigate new areas of consciencia.Ha given talks and lectures and has trained teams in distintaspartes the world, exploring with them new ways to serve and live.


Brahma Kumaris not charge for the activities is voluntary sostienecon that people make the cualescolaboran to extend the activities of service comunidad.Así it, none of the teachers receive payment for their clasesEn Raja Yoga School of contribution will be $ 500,000 per loscinco months, which will be used exclusively to pay the costs ygastos associated with: the course materials, two retreats (the first dosnoches and the second of five nights), flight ticket to profesoresinvitados (six of them Raja Yoga during mitadde only cancel the tickets, and in two completely cancel the ticket).


Activities are held at the National Headquarters Av Brahma Pocuro Kumarisubicada 2841, Providencia.


Since there is limited capacity, the course will have a de-selection phase of the participants, who must fill out a form where deadmisión express the reasons why they are interested in ​​participating in this course.

Entry form at the following blog or website:, If you have any questions, do it the following: e-mail: or the following numbers: Rodrigo Silva: 7 495 6468 Patricia Villarroel: 9 313 1620
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Re: Brahma Kumaris in Chile Charging $1,000 a Course

Post10 Aug 2011

I got to know Mike George a little bit. He doesn't believe in The Cycle and does 7-7.30 Yoga everyday, gets his own Murlis never goes to class ... too important (haha) ... doesn't really like women (hahaha) ... but smart and charming guy. Not easy to get to know, but a nice bloke really. I hope he makes as much as he can out of those fools.

Actually did not mean that but could not edit my post!!

I think it's wrong they are making money this way, it's a bit cynical.

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