BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

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BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post22 May 2011

The Brahma Kumaris Management Board has ruled that BK centres are not to show a dramatised version of the movement's history which lifts the lid on the false history they have peddled to outsiders and academics for decades.

A group of sincere Brahma Kumari followers, dedicated to seeking the truth, have worked to present a more truthful version of the religion's early days, and raise pertinent questions in a light hearted manner.

In the tradition of political censors and historical revisionists the world over, the Brahma Kumari elite (CMG) has responded by "banning it" from worldwide distribution ... even though only 5 out of those 19 censor had actually seen the show ... underlining the truism, "Those who do not learn from history, are condemned to repeat it" (and in the case of the Brahma Kumaris, every 5,000 Years).

However, it is understood to be being shown at a special international media meeting of 40 BKs, from June 24 to 26 2011, at the Brahma Kumari retreat called Peace Village in New York State, USA ... unless it is banned beforehand.


The Avinashi Social Club wrote:Well dearest Sisters and Brothers, earlier this year Sister Sally asked for ideas from us, to help celebrate the 10th birthday of the Centre for Spiritual Learning in Leura.

The Avinashi Social Club was chosen.

The Avinashi Social Club is a show of 10 short films, celebrating the Karachi years, from the recorded experiences of people who were there. The actors in the story are our dear Dadi Prakashmani, 6 old + gold, Oz BKs from Melbourne, 3 Indian Sisters, and a storyteller linking the short films into context.

The Avinashi Social Club is made by Australians, so it is funny, touching, surprising, respectful ... and not at all reverential.


... is to entertain the family with the wonderful tale of the early days, as well as share the Avinashi Gyan Yagya beliefs ... so very different from now. Film and performance is a great way to experience the feelings of the time, and the show draws on original documents from the British Library, interviews, and our BK publications to do this.

The show also seeks to encourage our Dadis to share the real tale of Shiva’s arrival on earth, the years of God Brahma and the understandings of those great years, the sudden presence of Piyu in the 1950s, and more ...


Three young Indian Sisters, two from Africa, and Dhartibahen from Melbourne, touchingly share the experiences of young Dadis. Niall plays Sir Allah Bux, the Moslem Chief Minister of Sindh, who does his best to manage the politics of the day in the exchanges between Om Mandali and the Panchayat who oppose the group. Sir Allah’s words are from government records.

Michael Westlake is Sadhu Vaswani, a forceful Sindhi spiritual leader who is strongly opposed to Om Mandli, and leads a demonstration of hundreds against it, with guns in hand. Tamasin plays an imagined Sindhi TV hostess of the day, and she interviews the Sadhu. Also in the same colorful role, she shares with us a visit to Om Niwas: a lively report from the Karachi Gazette.

Chris Connelly plays a garrolous Englishman, recording his positive, and rather eccentric, impressions of the Mandli, also from a Karachi paper. Carmen very movingly shares an experience of Om Radhe, and Tamasin plays the young Om Radhe herself, as if at 'Meet the Press', facing intense questioning from the media, and strongly putting her views.

Om Radhe (Mama) is forthright about the Om Mandli/Brahma Kumaris beliefs and attitudes of the day, as indeed she is in her writing. And then Robin links the films together as the storyteller.


Well, the show is seen as controversial by some of the family. The thing is though, that the God story has been heavily tinkered with in BK books from East and West, on the BK website, in talks and the 7 Day Course. The BK family is confused by this, and wondering why the true story has not been given to us. (Most of The Avinashi Social Club is drawn from British Library archival documents, which are also available online).

85 BKs came to see the show at Leura’s birthday. Our Board / CMG sent out a form later, asking for responses. More than twice the audience number sent in very positive responses, than negative. But the Board / CMG members ruled that BK centres not show it ... though interestingly only 5 out of those 19 members actually saw the show.


... we understand that the Yagya history, or rather God’s story, how to best inform the world and the international family about it after so long, will be deeply considered at a BK international media meeting of 40 BKs from June 24-26 2011, at Peace Village, New York.

And The Avinashi Social Club has been invited to be there.

We do hope the meeting will be a giant step towards illuminating this once-in-a-kalpa tale which has been hidden for so long ...

Om Shanti


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post23 May 2011

cannot wait to see it!!
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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post24 May 2011

Nice earrings and eyeliner ...

And when did Lekhraj Kirpalani take to wearing kohl? No wonder the Panchayat freaked out.

You know, it really was an insane period but I bet it was fun for them. Just not thing to give over your mind, body and wealth to.


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post27 May 2011

The Avinashi Social Club wrote:The show also seeks to encourage our Dadis to share the real tale of Shiva’s arrival on earth, the years of God Brahma and the understandings of those great years, the sudden presence of Piyu in the 1950s, and more ...

It will be interesting to see what the Dadis will have to say but I doubt we will ever get the whole truth from them.
So far all the evidence indicates that Shiva's arrival on earth never happened.


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post06 Jun 2011

The Avinashi Social Club: Trailer by Robin Ramsey

"Meet the Brahma Kumaris! The ripping yarn of the early days in Karachi! The end of the world ... the beginning of the world"!

Coming soon...

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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post02 Jul 2011

Would love to see it! Unfortunately the video does not exist any more :-(. That leaves me on Youtube with the Buena Vista Social Club :-)
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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2011

I think this says a lot ... was it done voluntarily or encouraged after the showing at the Peace Village?
Sorry, "The Avinashi Social Club: Trailer" was deleted at 5:19:35 Fri Jul 1, 2011.

We have no more information about it on our mainframe or elsewhere.


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2011

The Avinashi Social Club 1
by Robin Ramsay
India's Brahma Kumaris: is it the spiciest religion around?

'the avinashi social club' is the ripping tale of the BK's wild karachi years ...plenty of curry in the dish: gods, feisty young girls, predictions, visions. : and the end of the world...with.. a new one promised... just around the corner!



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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2011

Introducing...The golly-gosh history of the Brahma Kumaris: the light on the hill for all true believers...
The Avinashi Social Club: Trailer
by Robin Ramsay
2 days ago 2 days: Fri, Jul 1, 2011 6:05pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2011

Thank you Jann! Dank je wel. I do enjoy. Although it is a pity: "Sorry, comments have been disabled by the owner of this video."


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post03 Jul 2011

ex-l wrote:I think this says a lot ... was it done voluntarily or encouraged after the showing at the Peace Village?

Why would it be deleted, what is wrong with it?
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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post04 Jul 2011

May not be a suspicious deletion, it probably just a repost. The settings have been changed so that we cannot embed it. It, and the first episode, are available online here:


It seems entirely affectionate and in the tradition of the 'made for the family' humorous dramas Western BKs have always made for their once or twice a year parties.

Robin has included some good research in a way that BKs would find it very hard to reject. It is very gentle and not contentious at all ... I don't think it quite gets to the truth, and I think in places in misses it by quite a mark, but I guess there is only so far they can go. Personally, I would have preferred an in depth documentary but, let's be honest, the audience for such a think would be incredibly small for the effort it would take.

Non-BKs might not get some of the humor. Tamasin Ramsay's portrayal of the Sindi anchorwoman (perhaps modelled a little on the woman that does the BK Shivani programmes?) must have had the BKs rolling in the aisles and should do. It is very good and points to an underlying issue in the whole BK thing ... the vanity, self-importance and silliness of those people, meaning the old Sindhis, that permeates their religion.

I wonder if it was her portrayal of Om Radhe around the 1 hour mark that led to the film being banned? Her worlds are 100% true to the publications ... I think the Brahma Kumaris should really be very grateful for the polish the Western BKs put on their religion. If I have a problem with the portrayal, it is that the virtues, intelligent and talents of the Westerners make the reality look much better than it was.

Sindhi is actually a wonderful culture, history and, of course, above all ... business. One can only imagine how exciting the whole Om Mandli thing was what with governments, the British, and riots getting involved, the trances and mediumship etc and how it traumatised and impressed upon their minds but honestly, in real world terms for the rest of us, how important was it all really?

I guess that is why "the truth of it all" is not that important either. It is now an Sindiwork product for the leaders to market around India and worldwide as they have always done, and for their downstream to set up local cornershops "in every street" selling ... Little old ladies selling a polished religion, the most successful network marketing since the Avon ladies sold nail polishing cosmetics.

And it nice to know we are still serving the BKs and to see our pictures blown up to full size in their video (... will we get our credit Robin, and who will play ex-l when the sequel?)!


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post04 Jul 2011

I wonder if The Avineshi Social Club is still banned in Australian centres? I guess they don't see the film as "very gentle and not contentious at all" like ex-l. Artistic people are not always easy to control. Top down control is central to the BK organisation. Is the BK Australia board introducing Sharia Law for the Arts?


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post04 Jul 2011

What it says to me is that BK started with a group of abused girls, who became madly in love with Lekhraj, who called them his angels, his idols. Well, a girl who has been abused for long will fall in love with anyone who is finally nice to them, a simple thing as "you are special" can do the trick. That makes Lekhraj a person which they now call a "LOVERBOY"!

Being in India, you throw some God in the game or make yourself the incarnation of God and off you go. You can see that the teachings are based on hate for any relationships and world rejective, and as they say it is not to be interpreted like that, then why are they doing that. Murli is full of it, everyday, and it is getting worse! It really is far from spiritual, it is sectarian. And the great escape for anyone who had a bad relationship with parents or lovers, and gays who cannot handle that on their own.

Getting the new BK attitude they cause sorrow to lokik family and relationships while Murli says not to cause sorrow, and so it is said that relationships cause sorrow and people create their own sorrow, and when they do, you better forget your friends and family. If you tell a young girl she is fat, over and over again, she will become anorexic and mite even die. If you tell someone over and over again that love is a sin, they will not be able to even tough or be toughed by an other person anymore, eat their food, sit next to them etc. When you hear every day that your body is dirty, the world is hell and your life is invaluable ... My God, do all of you know how psychology works? It can be so subtile you don't even know that it happens. All that combined with a low protein diet and some lac of sleep, people are ready to belief anything and you forget what really makes you happy.

Now this is from a Western point of view. Indians are never to be taken serious as long as they marry young nine year old girls to dogs with the belief that it will ward off an evil spirit.

All, so called Indian and other Godman, screw up. Proof is all over the media. BKs screw up, all the time and keep doing that because they are just humans like the rest of us and not the special chosen ones, although they make you belief you are, as in the loverboy attitude, bringing you up and throwing you down constantly.

In this time, 2011, a religion can in my opinion not be based on teachings from a man who pity abused, frustrated, woman who are willing to ban all worldly relationships because then he would take care of them. Where else could one go in does times in India. And now 2011, telling others to do the same. With courses about subjects they do not know about or even control themselves. Maybe a very warmhearted but smart person this Lekhraj, he saw the woman as an easy target to start a new business, the business of being a cultleader. From his past as a follower of the Vaishnavite Vallabhacharya sect he knew exactly how to do it.


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Re: BK Leadership Bans Truthseekers within the BKWSU

Post04 Jul 2011

Also comments on The Avinashi Social club - the movie on http://brahmakumarisforum.net/phpbb3/vi ... f=10&t=265

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