BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post20 Feb 2010

Karnataka govt allows mining in 14 blocks

Bangalore, Feb 20 (PTI) The Karnataka government today decided to allow mining in 14 blocks, including those in Bellary, Shimoga and Mysore, subject to certain conditions.

Mining in these blocks would be allowed if it is for value addition and creation of jobs, and if it is approved by the forest and environment departments, central government and high-level committee of the state, Home Minister V S Acharya told reporters after a cabinet meeting.

The decision is in tune with the state's mining policy, he added.

The government also gave the green signal to four charitable organisations to acquire agricultural land as per powers vested in it by the exemptions in the Karnataka Land Reforms Act.

These include more than six acres for Brahmakumaris, who are setting up a university in Belgaum district.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post15 May 2010

Enterprise and New Age
Years ago, when talking about religious or spiritual movements linked to business organizations like the thought in Opus Dei and the Freemasons. And some more. Perhaps also to the Jews, but I think that there’s an ethnic rather than religious or spiritual. Do not go judging the truth or otherwise of the belief that these groups have a strong presence in Western companies, I am merely pointing out what he believed public opinion.

Today the range is open. And surprisingly we find that New Age groups or Orientalist rooted strongly in the business , to the highest levels, even in companies that are considered the heart of our current system, financial institutions. I think it was to be behind so much literature on self-management, but some just like to find in the Sunday supplement of The World in a couple of weeks ago. In, and following an interview with Mario Conde, is an approximation to such organizations. The New Age Oriental fashion is very trendy I would say, when we talk about theories of management, from business lobbies, etc.

Go ahead two points. The first that I do not think is really something new. In my humble opinion, these movements are not something that the other heirs of the old masonry, aggiornados as it could not be less than the century XXI , and open to much broader social, accepting unreservedly Eastern influence. And the second is that Mario Conde today, it is far less important or symbolic head of that stream, but its image is undoubtedly the best known among the general public (take your Blog to cite).

The fact is that in speaking of the World Foundation Ananta, make clear that their mission on its website:
    Ananta Foundation was established in 2004 to disseminate in the world of enterprise values of brotherhood and harmony which will enable us, in the company, live in greater conformity with our own humanity. I think that is one of the catalysts of this change. The driving public high finance professionals as relevant corporate banking executive of Banc Sabadell Joaquin Tamames, and Marcos Fernández Fermoselle known entrepreneur. Also participates in their conferences Antonio Garrigues Walker, head of a major Canadian law firms. The truth is that shooting, throwing the relationship may be the most interesting.

On a second level, we can see the closeness between the Foundation and Brahma Kumaris, a spiritual organization of Indian origin. On the financial front is clearly a good tune with Triodos Bank, one of the so-called ethical banks. Somehow, it has created a microcosm, a group where people will be finalized and organizations with common interests, far away to the stereotype we had in mind when talking about business think tanks.

Fundación Ananta, Brahma Kumaris, Lucis Trust


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post12 Jul 2010


We are online as well as offline interactive marketing specialists, focused on results, driven by metrics. We offer complete online marketing and Sales Incentive plans for our Lakshya Sales Distributors and marketing solution to our clients as well as our Partners, which include anything that may offer a positive ROI (Return on Investment).

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We at Lakshya Level Marketing Pvt. Ltd. declare that the Rewards Programme is designed to boost or promote our sales through referral basis i.e. Customer to Customer basis for purchase of any products or for Booking of any product from us, we shall reward you for next 12th months with rewards point Any Customer refering new customers directly, shall be eligible for extra rewards for next 12 months.

Please note we don't accept any deposits or Investments from any of our customers, we only sell products and we accept all money towards sale of products only.

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If any body misguides the new customer with false or glorified claims and assurances, please report to Lakshya India customer care for prompt action.

Lakshya Level Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

People complain about it read comments like

I, D.Sudhakar alongwith 7 other persons paid Rs.70, 000 in May, 2009. So far I have not received any payout from Lakshya. I have paid through your consultant Mr. Rajasekhar, Tirupati. We are going to lodge a complaint with the Police for not receiving ev en out investment of Rs.70, 000. If I do not receive out investment within 15 days I will approach appropriate authorities for justice.

True or false? Lets check it out! also http://racyindia.com/


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post12 Jul 2010

has per the information i have regarding naresh mundra, he has joined lakshya level marketing as mananger marketing man with dharmendra kothari, and he spread the market in orissa bhopal, rajasthan, he was basically from orrisa and was in illegal iron query and kicked by naxels in oriisa came mumbai on the torned cloths, after giving sufficent bakaras from those areas to dharamendra he has become gready and asked for partner ship share in lakshya to dharamendra, once he refused to give the share, naresh to show his power he caught ine person from orrisa ccb and filled case on lakshya, once dharamendra agreed to give the share and he has invested 500 crores in leverpool as become director there after getting his financial share.

it is the main brain child of naresh cheat the public saying the court as seged the bank accounts, if you see there bank accounts they have left very few money to the tune of 10 to 12 lakhs only, balance money was siffned of by both the cheaters. now draging the case for 6 months they still trying that once the case is closed they will give the money. they are waiting for natural death of the compony, so that people will forget by this time.. and they can cheat the public.

in bangalore mane culprits are one Mr appajjaya so called god man from brahmakumari made 2crores, and still cheating pepole in the name of racy India.com also, Dr mahadev another bramhakumari with married person child less aged about 60 years cheated the public to the tune 8crores, and made around 2 crores, Rajendran big theaf cheated to the tune of 35 crores made 8 crores cheated the public, in the month of dec 2009 vijay bhosale was caught in bangalore public made him nacked for 3 days and they could not recover the money stole the gold watch and other items and sent back.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post13 Jul 2010

Is this some kind of PONZI scheme?

Well, whether it is a financial investment or not, you can always relate how the BKWSU does operate in a "religious" PONZI manner. You invest your money to them, and in your next lifetime you get to be in a royal place full of golds and diamonds. So that you continue to invest and give your money, they will have you think that there are weekly pay-outs in the form of cheap tolis, Sunday breakfast, Blessing cards, and drishtis to make you feel and think that your investment is working everyday for you and your future. Just like rest of people who got scammed with this PONZI scheme tactics, you will never get your money back, and they have used and enjoyed your money while they are alive.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Sep 2010

Big business has started in India. A circular has been spread to all BK families in India to encourage them to buy things via the brand new BK webshop: http://BK.infibeam.com/

The new business is started by Karuna Bhai. It seems that the "spiritual borders" have fully collapsed. I won't be surprised if the next step is a BK-dating website :-).
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Sep 2010

Amazing ... it sells anything to anyone including food etc. It is just a branding exercise over some other online retailer. They must be thinking, "oh, we have a 1,000,000 followers. Let's add 2 or 3% of all their consumer spending, on top of their donations, to our coffers".

The big question is, is the commission from this going into his private pocket or the BKWSU?

That Karuna Shetty really does seem to be the stinkiest **** in the BK bowl ... a moral garbage can.

Does no else remember the Maryadas (principle) against doing business with other BKs?
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Sep 2010

OMG :( how low can they go?


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post23 Sep 2010

The new business is started by Karuna Bhai. It seems that the "spiritual borders" have fully collapsed. I won't be surprised if the next step is a BK-dating website :-).

They are offering discounts too ... :D. Where is GOD ... ? Nischaybuddi at least ...
It seems that the "spiritual borders" have fully collapsed

Do they realize about the people given life to the organisation and now nowhere ... ?

See, 'Just Friends' at the BKWSU Shop. I am interested to know that are the new BKs encouraged to read this book if they are selling it through their website ...?
Just Friends Book Description

About the Book:

    He knows everything about her, right from her favourite books to her favourite bra.
    She knows everything about him, right from his favourite soccer club to his favourite x rated websites.
    He will complete her English homework, even at three in the night.
    She will arrange an Armani suit for him, even if it calls for flirting with ugly guys.
    He has her picture in his wallet.
    She has his number on speed dial.
    They talk to each other all the time.
    They talk about each other when they do not talk to each other.
    They discuss everything from periods to playstation.
    They have tasted alcohol and then thrown up ... together.
    They have bunked countless tuitions ... together.
    They cant live without each other.
    They do not love each other.
    They are JUST FRIENDS ...


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post26 Sep 2010

Non profit organization? All those BKs running the money making, do they need permission from Janki or anyone?
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post30 Sep 2010

I took a quick look at that website and was quite amazed to see them selling a book named "Retire Rich Invest Rs 40 A Day"

About the Book :

Looking forward to be financially free? Or worried about retirement? Wondering if you can retire early? Curious if you can maintain your lifestyle in retirement? Retirement can easily be the years of Golden Sunset " and it is easy to do it! In Retire Rich at Rs 40/- a day, the author- P V Subramanyam tells you why you need to plan for retirement even if you are 25 years away from retirement, the options available and how to make retirement a time it is truly meant to be " a time for rest.

Quite funny/sad for a end-of-the-world-will-take-place-in-2-to-3-years-cult....

I´m looking forward to the BK-dating site ;-)
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post30 Sep 2010

Now I had a second look at that BK shopping website. They are selling movies...MOVIES! Really??? :shock: :shock:
Didn´t they teach through Murlis that movies are bad? Guiding towards hell? Shame on them... pathetic hippocrites!!!

How about a BK webseite selling worn jewellery... ;)


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post30 Sep 2010

gumbowumbo wrote:
Quite funny/sad for a end-of-the-world-will-take-place-in-2-to-3-years-cult....

it is neither funny nor sad, it is clear lie, the deception, the trick to hook naive people in to their organisation, and claiming richest in the world...

it is traumatic to the people who given their lives for the organisation, BELIEVING that it is gods work and god has come to re-establish the new world...and now it is only the matter of 2-3 years...
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post30 Sep 2010

http://BK.infibeam.com/Apparel/i-Avoid- ... id=Black-L

Foe BK´s: Avoid thinking, stay in Yoga or avoid waking up, stay in Gyan.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

it is neither funny nor sad

well, might be so in your world and I definitely respect your opinion, in my world it´s still a tragicomedy ;)
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