BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post20 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:The BKWSU reported in one of its promotions that the SML was only "licensed", not given, to the BKWSU. In another of its internal briefings that any "corporate", i.e. paying, enquiry went through the OLA. I am left guessing that was part of the deal. I have never seen the paperwork. My guess the BKWSU India will continue pretty much doing it the same as long as it puts bums on seats and gives them access to business leaders. For me it was always a weird one ... why would the business of God's Knowledge need to "license" intellectual property product!?! Is not the God of the Brahma Kumaris the Ocean of Unlimited Knowledge, cure all etc? If you do find out more, please documented it back here.

Wow! That will caused some rumblings ... Sister Usha in Madhuban will be left twiddling her thumbs. But my guess is they will do their usual mangling of the material, call it another name and carry on.

I agree about the licensing thing; strange. Mind you there has been a lot of stuff in the States about copyrighting the BK name its the same fear driven system. The guys running the show do not actually believe that Baba will make everything come right, so they are using the most cruddy lokik systems to try to maintain their control.

I did a training in the SML many years ago soon after it came out ... I never really liked it. It smelt too much of repackaged, half-baked lokik management behavioural training to me. It never had spirituality as its essence, so I feel kinda vindicated that its crashed and burned ...


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Jul 2008

hope1 wrote:But my guess is they will do their usual mangling of the material, call it another name and carry on.

I did ask Ed Wondoloski from Peace Village (who was one of the top SML facilitator/trainer in the USA) why Brian withdrew the license to the BKWSU and he said he had no idea.

Ed did, as you said, repackage the thing under a new name.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Jul 2008

hope1 wrote:Wow! That will caused some rumblings ... Sister Usha in Madhuban will be left twiddling her thumbs. But my guess is they will do their usual mangling of the material, call it another name and carry on.

What connection does Usha have with SML? She is a contemporary of Dr. Nirmala; they were friends before meeting Lehkraj Kirpalani.

Last I knew she was still based in Bombay. Is she in Madhuban now?
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Jul 2008

Do you both mean Usha the Yagya wife of Ramesh Shah the trustee and accountant?

Ed Wondoloski gets a big name title as the President of "Living Values: An Educational Program Inc." in Haines Falls, NY as well as Professor of Management, Bentley College (a private business school with fees of $30,000 per year), "Self Managing Leadership Director" and, it seems, an expert on the spiritual meaning of Harry Potter.

With programmes such as "LVE Training for the Tourism Industry, Business Schools and Health Professionals" and "MIND (Management Institute for National Development) LVE Program for Administrators" its looks like I have fallen asleep and lost track of all their acronyms.

Please do not allow me to interrupt the flow of this topic, and joel and bkti-pit's discussion, but its funny ... looking at the biographies of the Living Values, Inc there are all these super high ranking Brahma Kumari followers forgetting to mention their affiliation and the MO behind it all.

So, if the Values in Healthcare people have to throw a "bung" back at the old girl's foundation ... what about these guys? Is it the same deal? (May be we are closer to discover where Janki Kripalani gets her private funds from?).
Living Values, Inc. wrote:Living Values an Educational Program, Inc. 2005-2006 Board of Directors Biographies

Mari Chin - OTR/L

As a School Occupational Therapist, Mari evaluates, provides therapy and specially designed instructions to special need students. She actively participates in IEP (Individual Educational Program) meeting, SIT (School Intervention Team) works closely with school staff and families.

Ms. Chin was a Home Health Occupational Therapist at Visiting Nurse Services for 22 years. She has been a Seattle Public School Therapist since October 1998. She has served 8 different schools within the District. She is a Trainer of Living Values and has brought new awareness and activities to Viewlands Elementary School in Seattle School District .

(BK) Elizabeth Haddad

BS in Business and Finance and MS in Computer Information Systems from Boston University. She has held training and education positions in industry, and was also an instructor of Math and Computer Science at Johnson and Wales University in Rhode Island. She is a mother who shifted from math and science to values education, positive thinking and meditation. Her vision is that everyone in the world, especially children, should feel that this world is their home, and they have the right to feel safe and happy here.

Chithra Lakshmanan-M.A.

Founder of JACK & JILL Preschool and Childcare Davis , CA : 1978-2002. She implemented LVEP as part of the school culture. She has served in many leadership capacities for American Association of University Women, (AAUW), Davis chapter and commissioned by the Yolo County Children & Families Commission (PROP 10) to conduct LVEP training courses in Yolo County as well as at their yearly conference. She has also provided LVEP training in India :

Chithra Lakshmanan does LVEP workshops in schools in Chennai, Nagercoil, Kerala, Banglore, ( South India ). Among her awards are: Registry of 'WHO"S WHO' among Asian Americans' and Yolo County Humanitarian Award in 2002.

(BK) Gayatri Naraine

Representative to the ALIVE international board.

Anne Rarich - M.Ed.

President of Learning Exchange, a consulting, coaching and facilitation services company specializing in Leadership Development. Anne serves as the President for Living Values: An Educational Program, Inc. She was nominee of Working Woman Magazine for the "Woman of the Year" and has been inducted into the Boston YWCA Academy of Women Achievers. She is a co-author of a book that was heralded as one of the top ten business books of 1993 by Industry Week and has been inducted into Who's Who in America since 1998. She has served on several local and state educational boards and has facilitated LVEP both in U.S. and in Bermuda . She is an education advocate.

(BK) Kathleen A. Shea, Ph.D.

President of IAM, Inc., a consulting and professional services firm, Dr. Shea serves as Florida Coordinator for Living Values: An Educational Program, Inc. She has been a Living Values volunteer since its pilot phase in 1997. She holds a doctorate in Higher Education from the University of Miami , and has held university teaching, research, and administrative positions. Dr. Shea has consulted with school districts across the USA on issues of educational equity and leadership development. She currently provides program management, assessment and evaluation services to organizations in the public, private and nonprofit sectors.

(BK) Diane Tillman

A Licensed Educational Psychologist, Diane serves on the LVEP, Inc. and the Association for Living Values Education International (ALIVE) boards. She coordinates content and training for ALIVE, and is the primary author of the Living Values Educational Program's books.

(BK) Edward M. Wondoloski, CPA

An educator for 42 years, former President of Living Values Inc., Professor Emeritus in Management at Bentley Business University and a CPA by training. He is involved in interdisciplinary active education providing individuals with professional and personal learning experiences. He supports the cooperative development of community-based programs that have a multiplicity of stakeholders including the nonprofit, for-profit and educational communities.

Co-author of an Educational Kinesiology workshop and workbook entitled "Switched on Management". He has facilitated workshops and provided lectures in United States, Canada, Caribbean Islands, China, England, India, and Mexico and Africa.
BKWSU wrote:Who is our “he who shall not be named” that we do battle with? How do we co-exist in the dual worlds of the Muggles and the Wizards? Harry Potter faced his fears successfully. How well are we doing in that camp? How do we respond when we lose the use of our Magic wands? Harry was the owner, navigator and helmsperson of his boat, and how well do each of us handle our own boat? There are a number of occasions when our three warriors demonstrate their ability to truly live their values. We will have an opportunity to reflect on how we are living our core values, and increase our capacity to live them well and to work with the magic of powerful thoughts in our lives. Come join us for an insightful and fun experience as we relive the adventures of Harry Potter from our own perspectives and life experiences.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post22 Jul 2008

Yup, usual yukti of no mentioning the connection at this gig too ... which is quite funny given the title of the conference, "Going Public with Spirituality in Work and Higher Education."
Going Public with Spirituality in Work and Higher Education. wrote:43. Dr. Edward Wondoloski / Irene Miller
"Self Managing Leadership: New Paths to Mastery"
T8:30-10:30AM RM905-09

Self Managing Leadership is a practical course in applied spirituality presented within many organizations experiencing change, including multinational companies, colleges, nonprofits, etc. Deeper levels are tapped where the real power to deal with change as transformative opportunity becomes available and useful in real life situations. The Self Managing Leadership model and its foundation in practical spirituality will be presented, along with learnings from Self Managing Leadership courses given within a large corporation. Participants will walk away with at least one tool to personally take more responsibility for your state of mind, emotions, choices, communications and relationships, as well as your overall quality of life.

Edward M. Wondoloski, Professor Emeritus, Bentley College and President of Living Values Educational Program Inc. As an entrepreneur, Ed offers workshops providing opportunities to learn the art of self management, develop personal skills and explore the common spiritual values essential to restore harmony within ourselves and our world. Email: ewondo@earthlink.net

Irene M. Miller, MA, Clinical Psychology - Faculty Search Consultant, MIT. Irene teaches Raja Yoga meditation and has a psychotherapy and mediation practice focusing on empowerment issues. Extensive experience in assessment, training, work-related counseling and strategic staffing for high tech, biotech, scientific, financial services and information technology companies. Email: imm@MIT.EDU


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post23 Jul 2008

BK Ed Wondoloski is retired professor from Bentley. He never made a penny from SML or his involvement in Living Values.

Elizabeth Haddad and Kathleen (Katy) Shea from the Living Values USA team are also BKs.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post24 Jul 2008

I think Hope is not referring to Usha who is Ramesh's Wife but another Sister who had climbed up The Ladder becasue of successful SML courses being conducted in India ...

I remember in one of those heavily inspired seva attempts of mine. I suggested SML teaser to a large VC community in the US ... I remember the Senior Sister telling me that in India corporates paid a lot of money to the BKs for conducting SML courses ... and its okay to tell your VC friends that they could contribute if they get benefit from SML ...

Well, well its all about Money, isnt it ... ?

So much so they would also encourage Motel owner matajis to take cash collections from the Motel to Baba's bhandara box without their husband's knowledge ...

So much for Pure Money.

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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post24 Jul 2008

yogi108 wrote:I think Hope is not referring to Usha who is Ramesh's Wife but another Sister who had climbed up The Ladder becasue of successful SML courses being conducted in India ...

Sorry for the late response, yes, yogi108 is quite right. She is a Abu based Sister in her early 40s who took on the SML course giving for India and coordinated it. Always looked incredibly smug ...
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post27 Jul 2008

I wanted to understand Karma and discovered that the BKs had a downloadable 'Informative Talk' about it.

It was $10.25. I could not, or would not, afford it ... that was my karma. This is theirs. I am sure that there is a perfectly good reason for doing so and not providing free access to The Knowledge.
BK_karma.jpg (30.7 KiB) Viewed 19018 times

Title: Understanding Karma
Author : Brahma Kumaris
Narrator : Sister Jayanti
Length : 55 minutes (Unabridged)

Download Price : $10.25
Format : Downloadable MP3
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post28 Jul 2008

There's money in them thar Murlis yet ... and I wonder if not some incentive for any BK acedemic wanting to combine grant seeking with a bit of service ... Fostering Sprituality in late modernity: Brahma Kumaris in the UK
The Arts and Humanities Research Council wrote:Amount awarded: £40,596
Award Holder Name: Dr Eleanor Nesbitt
Institution: University of Warwick
Date Awarded: 03/05/2001

I have been wondering about this whole tilt towards business we have been reading about, e.g. management leadership courses, values in healthcare consultancies offered for a 20% commission back to the Yugya ... etc. Who know what else they are up to?

I mean, you spend 50 years building up a religious business that rakes in multi-millions a year on the basis of others free labour and their donations to a God we do not even know how and when was incorporated into your teachings ... and then, quietly, you start hiving off fiefdoms or paying consultancies to your favoured BKs, allowing some to take donations for their own self or to pay for their own mortgages without actually discussing it, allowing every one in on the deal equally or having some protocol by which such favors are appointed. Then you start winding back on the actual religion that founded it all, Destruction etc ...

How does that sound to others? Is it ethical? Why did they not just start an honest mutual aid society? Alleviating poverty? Whose poverty?
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post28 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:There's money in them thar Murlis yet ... and I wonder if not some incentive for any BK acedemic wanting to combine grant seeking with a bit of service ... Fostering Sprituality in late modernity: Brahma Kumaris in the UK

The Arts and Humanities Research Council wrote:Amount awarded: £40,596
Award Holder Name: Dr Eleanor Nesbitt
Institution: University of Warwick
Date Awarded: 03/05/2001

I have been wondering about this whole tilt towards business we have been reading about, e.g. management leadership courses, values in healthcare consultancies offered for a 20% commission back to the Yugya ... etc. Who know what else they are up to?

I mean, you spend 50 years building up a religious business that rakes in multi-millions a year on the basis of others free labour and their donations to a God we do not even know how and when was incorporated into your teachings ... and then, quietly, you start hiving off fiefdoms or paying consultancies to your favoured BKs, allowing some to take donations for their own self or to pay for their own mortgages without actually discussing it, allowing every one in on the deal equally or having some protocol by which such favors are appointed. Then you start winding back on the actual religion that founded it all, Destruction etc ...

How does that sound to others? Is it ethical? Why did they not just start an honest mutual aid society? Alleviating poverty? Whose poverty?
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post08 Oct 2008

The Brahma Kumaris (BKWSU) take money off yet another government. So much for their claims of financial purity and only accepting money from individuals that had "benefited" from the practise.

I must presume that their Supreme Highnesses and Knower of the 3 Aspects of Time are now capable of deciding who is benefit from their service in advance. of them doing!?! Volunteer Small Equipment Grants (VSEG) 2007 Successful Organisations - Victoria, Australia.

I propose a new marketing logo:

    The Brahma Kumaris; we give you our heavenly visions .. you give us your earthly money.
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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post13 Oct 2008

You have a very sharp tongue ex-l;).


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post06 Nov 2008

From the Sakar Murli of November 4th 2008:
The Father comes and makes you pure from impure and takes everyone into liberation and liberation-in-life. This is very clear in the pictures. This is why Baba is emphasizing that you should give them to everyone so that they can take them and study them.

Give them, not sell them.


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Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

Post06 Nov 2008

But where do you get them from??

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